Forum - Questions & Answers

Click the Subject/Question to see replies.  Use the search box in the menu bar to search by keywords.

Cigna medicare advantage 1Dec 28th, 2022 - hkdiedrich
Multiple Procedure Codes 1Dec 13th, 2022 - Endocenter
Billing multiple Spine xray 2Dec 5th, 2022 - ALRheum
61154 - burr hole with 61210 Drain - billing issue 1Nov 28th, 2022 - enb414
Billing specific codes only to specific insurance companies 3Nov 9th, 2022 - Goose
Billing codes 45381, 45382,45385, and 45390 2Oct 28th, 2022 - Endocenter
CCM BILLING for hospice Pt. 1Oct 21st, 2022 - nia
Billing using the provider who rendered the service 1Oct 8th, 2022 - Aleecorso
Breast reconstruction CPT codes 1Sep 16th, 2022 - Ellie
Esophagectomy with prophy Thoracic Duct Ligation 1Sep 1st, 2022 - aolsen7777
EGD with biopsy and botox injection 1Aug 27th, 2022 - Mabel
Adjacent Tissue Transfer with 2 surgeons 2Aug 25th, 2022 - Fancy94
Acdf 1Aug 24th, 2022 - nurseliz
Penile Adhesions 1Aug 2nd, 2022 - Aimie
Icd 10 code 2Jul 26th, 2022 - Endocenter
2008 Diagnosis Code? 1Jun 27th, 2022 - ArtMonk1981
43264 and 43275 1Jun 27th, 2022 - Endocenter
Claims issues 1Jun 16th, 2022 - billing81
Cerner/Soarian User Manual? 1Jun 14th, 2022 - GinaV
Medicare Colonoscopy 1May 31st, 2022 - Endocenter
Medial Nerve Block L3,L4 and L5 1May 27th, 2022 - sharris
billing amounts 1May 22nd, 2022 - nia
Ccm billing 1May 22nd, 2022 - nia
TCM billing 1May 15th, 2022 - nia
Ccm billing 2May 12th, 2022 - nia
Ccm billing 3Apr 26th, 2022 - nia
Ccm billing 2Apr 25th, 2022 - nia
TCM readmissions 2Apr 23rd, 2022 - Ellen M
Ccm billing 1Apr 17th, 2022 - nia
Billing/Claims for 4 providers 3Apr 14th, 2022 - billing81
Claim Billing question 1Apr 6th, 2022 - Nettie1113
Ercp codes 1Mar 16th, 2022 - Endocenter
maximum limit on units claimed 2Mar 8th, 2022 - nia
Anesthesia for Colonoscopy/ EGD 1Feb 24th, 2022 - Endocenter
Emergency department 99282 what is included 1Feb 18th, 2022 - MFC
G0500 1Feb 18th, 2022 - surgicalcoder65
Can someone tell me what the cpt code is for Bilateral segmental tubal excision and ligation by endoscopy? 1Feb 15th, 2022 - CCShaw
99441—99443 1Jan 14th, 2022 - yd
Parastomal Hernia Repair w/Colostomy Closure 2Jan 10th, 2022 - KHill
Bowel wall thickening 2Jan 10th, 2022 - Endocenter
Drainage Catheter Flush 1Dec 30th, 2021 - surgicalcoder65
Portal Hypertensive Gastro-duoenopathy? 2Dec 27th, 2021 - Endocenter
Completion Thyroidectomy or Lobectomy 2Dec 14th, 2021 - surgicalcoder65
Can 67904 and 67908 be billed together (bundled)? 1Nov 30th, 2021 - ectdocs
Two adjustment codes 3Nov 17th, 2021 - phil.jen
Reduction Ascending Aortoplasty 1Oct 29th, 2021 - Christine1229
Geico Denying Modifier 59 & 25. Why? 1Sep 29th, 2021 - DDoug
EKG and Spirometry with E&M same DOS 1Sep 29th, 2021 - sbt
OTC or RX management in MDM 1Sep 17th, 2021 - sharris
Coding an E/M in place of a minor procedure that will not be paid 1Sep 16th, 2021 - sschwartz
Medicare Part A billing for CPT 27447 1Jul 1st, 2021 - Boss Lady
Chiropractic Billing 4Jul 1st, 2021 - GCGchiro
integmentary biopsy 1Jun 18th, 2021 - Sunny_day3
ER/Hospitalist Professional Visits 3Jun 4th, 2021 - Dawna
GA GY necessary on therapies not covered by Medicare? 1May 25th, 2021 - TammyC
97140 or 97124 and What Modifier? 3May 19th, 2021 - Anj
Hello Everyone 1Apr 9th, 2021 - evopryseo
chiropractic body region question 1Mar 15th, 2021 - GregoryH
biopsy of a perianal lesion/malignancy. 1Mar 10th, 2021 - btalley
Cardiothoracic Coders 3Feb 8th, 2021 - rdinaso
water massage table 1Jan 27th, 2021 - KayC
Code G8730 rejection 1Jan 20th, 2021 - LEEs
Combination Codes 1Jan 7th, 2021 - BeckyR
Insurance Rejections For Medical Necessity - Can 2nd insurance be billed? 1Dec 29th, 2020 - sharris
If you know a procedure will be denied as cosmetic can an E/M be charged instead? 1Dec 1st, 2020 - sschwartz
Elongated Toenails 2Nov 23rd, 2020 - sharris
Does National CPT Tracking exist? 1Nov 12th, 2020 - ShawnV
Bought out an Existing Practice 1Nov 5th, 2020 - SBerg
Nail Debridement vs Nail Trimming 1Nov 5th, 2020 - sharris
AT modifier use for spinal manipulation services 2Nov 2nd, 2020 - JBrooks
GA modifier 1Sep 30th, 2020 - ACC
97110, 97530, 97012 1Sep 24th, 2020 - ChiroCasey
Manipulation Therapy & Habilitative/Rehabilitative Services 1Sep 22nd, 2020 - Coding&Thriving
99204 1Sep 18th, 2020 - smattiko
G-Codes 1Sep 8th, 2020 - MKramer
posterlateral fusion with inpatient stay 1Sep 4th, 2020 - Rambis
G0481 1Sep 3rd, 2020 - EXECD
Two modifiers 1Aug 21st, 2020 - sunshine1991
peer to peer 1Aug 13th, 2020 - trixiecane
Open Thoracotomy 1Jul 13th, 2020 - rhblevins
99201, 99211 coding 3Jul 8th, 2020 - Coder132
cpt 77002 professional componet with cpt 20610, who charges? 3Jul 2nd, 2020 - sschwartz
ICD 10 code for displacement of cholecystostomy tube 1May 15th, 2020 - Susan
ICD 10 PCS code need for repair of skin of left elbow 2May 15th, 2020 - Susan
Cigna R24 Omnibus Reimbursement Policy - EXCEEDS LIMIT 1Apr 21st, 2020 - keith
covid 19 1Apr 2nd, 2020 - anitac
Fracture treatment and xrays 1Mar 26th, 2020 - rdinaso
Billing with an "add on" code 1Mar 19th, 2020 - pattioconnor
Hospital Discharge Code 99239 2Mar 13th, 2020 - abbyakinleye
LV Septal Pacing 1Feb 7th, 2020 - sharris
Medicare denying claims, reason CO-45 1Jan 29th, 2020 - phil.jen
CPT 99213 w/ 98941, 97110 or 97140 for Aetna 2Jan 22nd, 2020 - phil.jen
Billing patients/attorney with no insurance 3Jan 21st, 2020 - bells221
coding question 5Jan 13th, 2020 - nate0922
Cpt codes 99473 and 99474 2Jan 2nd, 2020 - Krogers
Medicare denied the claim 3Dec 13th, 2019 - NAHAR, SHAMSU
CPT code for Interosseous Bioplasty 1Dec 12th, 2019 - rdinaso
medicaid primary claim denied due to timely fling 1Dec 12th, 2019 - NAHAR, SHAMSU
codes 27310 2Dec 10th, 2019 - maryN.
Gastroenterology question on codes 3Dec 9th, 2019 - trixiecane
Gastroenterology question on codes 1Dec 9th, 2019 - trixiecane
J1071 Code 1Nov 15th, 2019 - Alicia
Code for Escharotic treatment? 1Nov 12th, 2019 - Amanda_Marie
CPT 96405 2Nov 12th, 2019 - npott1
Extirpation of matter from the Pulmonary Artery 1Nov 1st, 2019 - stomach1
Blue cross Blue shield denies office visits/E& M visits. 2Oct 15th, 2019 - gowri.tina
Consultations 1Oct 15th, 2019 - MaureenK
HCPCS Code for a Strassburg Sock 1Oct 10th, 2019 - lhaas01
CPT 82948 1Sep 18th, 2019 - NAHAR, SHAMSU
hospital codes 1Sep 17th, 2019 - nate0922
CPT code 97760 1Sep 17th, 2019 - RedKat
Both COPD and Bronchiectasis? 1Sep 16th, 2019 - JackKline
CPT 93925 1Aug 20th, 2019 - stomach1
Code for physical activity counseling 1Aug 9th, 2019 - Corley
CPT 29799 1Jul 30th, 2019 - RedKat
Physician ESRD Capitation Billing 1Jul 11th, 2019 - anitac
CPT 99441 1Jul 9th, 2019 - abbyakinleye
UNNA boot application 1Jul 3rd, 2019 - cmarsh
CPT Code for Repositioning of endothelial keratoplasty 1Jun 12th, 2019 - yml3768
CPT for Long Term Acute Care Hospital 1Jun 11th, 2019 - nwettach
51701 1Jun 10th, 2019 - AMat
UnitedHealthcare to Discontinue Coverage of Consultations 2May 28th, 2019 - msimmons11
MDM in Table B 1May 17th, 2019 - damills
Level 3 & Level 4 Hospital Consults 3May 15th, 2019 - nate0922
Bone Stimulator Billable Amount 1May 8th, 2019 - pattybth
Podiatry - CPT codes 99222 & 99223 4May 1st, 2019 - daystarjj
Coding for respiratory tract infections and other conditions during pregnancy 1Apr 25th, 2019 - Paramesh
Medicare Annual Wellness Visit in the Nursing Home Setting 1Apr 22nd, 2019 - staracres
96372 Billing 1Apr 18th, 2019 - dlstoner512
Appropriate Modifier for 83615 @ 2 Units for CMS? 1Apr 11th, 2019 - RNokes
43249 with 43236 2Apr 2nd, 2019 - AMat
Synagis Injection 1Mar 28th, 2019 - Hgorby
nurse practitioner/hospital charges 1Mar 19th, 2019 - anitac
Gi 1Mar 14th, 2019 - AMat
Codes effective 4/12019 1Mar 12th, 2019 - Haley33TK
Diagnostic Angiograms prior to Intervention 1Feb 28th, 2019 - Jodi
P59.9 (Neonatal jaundice) 1Feb 27th, 2019 - olerip
Brand new to ENT and I have a question 2Feb 17th, 2019 - rdinaso
nephrology capitation codes 1Feb 11th, 2019 - anitac
27369 subsequent visit. 1Feb 8th, 2019 - StevenH
20610 & 27369 on the same day 2Feb 8th, 2019 - ranawaheed321
MRI without contrast on Monday followed by an MRI with contrast on Tuesday. 1Jan 25th, 2019 - rdinaso
PCS code 1Jan 18th, 2019 - Csara19
Neo coding 1Jan 17th, 2019 - Telle
Critical Care vs. Split Shared Services 0Jan 15th, 2019 - Andrea58
leuprolide acetate Lupron/Eligard J1950 versus J9217 1Jan 14th, 2019 - bets14687
Hospitalist and specialist billing E/M on same day 1Dec 11th, 2018 - rdinaso
93351 in office Stress Echo billing question 1Dec 6th, 2018 - JL81
Ordering and obtaining precert/prior auth for Motility Studies @ the hospital 1Dec 5th, 2018 - Denise J
Attempted ERCP 1Nov 16th, 2018 - Emmi
Z code 1Nov 16th, 2018 - rdinaso
Cannabis oil as an alternative medicine 2Oct 31st, 2018 - Kirsti090
Chopart Amputation Revision 1Oct 30th, 2018 - Hgorby
J0171 - Epinephrine Epi Pen - Help please 1Oct 19th, 2018 - Mand0984
CPT code for nephrology capitation billing to arkansas Medicaid 1Oct 17th, 2018 - anitac
Outcome Assessment Tools 1Sep 14th, 2018 - DrEd
NHP-RI CPT 64450-XS denied as non coverd 1Sep 11th, 2018 - austin
Diabetic Foot Care 1Aug 28th, 2018 - alleegator13
Hiv - 2 1Aug 21st, 2018 - Jstew
MDM credit in Table B 2Aug 17th, 2018 - damills
Grouping of mutually exclusive CPt4 in IR DRG 1Aug 17th, 2018 - Hhiba
Denial in question 1Aug 15th, 2018 - alleegator13
Incident To Billing 1Aug 14th, 2018 - dlstoner512
Reimbursement Question for J2785 - Injection, regadenoson, 0.1 mg 1Aug 13th, 2018 - Jaywalkz
CPT 61510 and 61518- multiple tumors 1Aug 12th, 2018 - LBAROGIANIS
ICD-10 - Help 1Aug 7th, 2018 - precod
Repair Code vs Flap Code 1Aug 2nd, 2018 - sharris
Dexcom G5 CPT 1Jul 13th, 2018 - precod
I need codes for private lab tests to report to Medicare and AARP 1Jun 28th, 2018 - maryaloftus
Rewording prior question on CPT 93000 1Jun 27th, 2018 - sschwartz
Aetna denial on E/M codes 2Jun 27th, 2018 - gowri.tina
Pouchoscopy with dilation of anus with biopsy? 3Jun 25th, 2018 - mlh2000ku
VP tie off 1Jun 22nd, 2018 - lizzg
Axillary artery cutdown 1Jun 20th, 2018 - dll
Mesh removal in office 1Jun 13th, 2018 - Nikkibear
Initial patient eval with medical services 1Jun 12th, 2018 - Andrea58
CPT code for Colon hydrotherapy 1Jun 7th, 2018 - daltonl
ERCP Coding 1May 31st, 2018 - Roxanne W
Office visit with Provider and Nurse Only lab, same DOS 1May 30th, 2018 - sschwartz
DERMATOLOGY - Muscle, myocutaneous, or fasciocutaneous flap; CPT 15733 1May 30th, 2018 - gowri.tina
Ecg/ekg 1May 24th, 2018 - sschwartz
Telehealth 3May 24th, 2018 - CoderRich
Not accepting insurance company at one site but not others? 2May 19th, 2018 - cbchun
Arkansas Medicaid capitation CPT code 1May 16th, 2018 - anitac
ORIF radial head AND neck 1May 11th, 2018 - carsil864
Opertative Report 1May 8th, 2018 - stepyg
Umbilical cord clamp removal 1May 3rd, 2018 - Latisha
CPT code for dialysis physician capitation charge 1May 3rd, 2018 - anitac
Leison removal and repair 1Apr 27th, 2018 - sharris
Medicare Services Denied 1Apr 26th, 2018 - alleegator13
Coding 2Apr 23rd, 2018 - tswelch
Diabetic visits 1Apr 17th, 2018 - alleegator13
Injections and modifiers 1Apr 17th, 2018 - alleegator13
Repairs after lesion removal Under 1cm and .5cm and under 1Apr 12th, 2018 - sharris
20551 1Mar 29th, 2018 - Ortho
Dura Repair 1Mar 29th, 2018 - lizzg
BCBS improper use of modifier denial 2Mar 28th, 2018 - lisacaroltex
Prompt Pay Discount Policy 1Mar 28th, 2018 - Roxanne W
Sinus Tract 1Mar 27th, 2018 - Ortho
Undermining - Simple - Intermediate - Complex 1Mar 27th, 2018 - sharris
Modifier for 44005 and 36556? 1Mar 22nd, 2018 - LizetR
GI Anesthesia 1Mar 20th, 2018 - Roxanne W
Genetic BRCA Counseling 1Mar 15th, 2018 - sharris
Psychiatrist that performs physicals during same session 1Mar 5th, 2018 - BHaney
hospital inpaitent services 1Feb 26th, 2018 - anitac
billing for nurse practitioner/hospital codes 1Feb 26th, 2018 - anitac
Help! 1Feb 22nd, 2018 - rdinaso
ABN protocol 1Feb 20th, 2018 - alleegator13
AWV at SNF 1Feb 14th, 2018 - m.payson
SNF discharges 1Feb 14th, 2018 - m.payson
Anesthesiologist Billing for E/M visits 1Feb 6th, 2018 - kjenk
Post op Rechecks/new trama 2Jan 31st, 2018 - alleegator13
99496- billable if patient passes during 30 day period 1Jan 30th, 2018 - smilsdo
gangilon cysts 1Jan 29th, 2018 - alleegator13
Inclusive denials 1Jan 27th, 2018 - bsrinivasarao777
Inclusive denials 1Jan 27th, 2018 - bsrinivasarao777
Diagnosis Overweight 1Jan 24th, 2018 - rphelps
Anesthesia billing for gastroenterology 1Jan 24th, 2018 - rphelps
Hereditary cancer testing ICD10 codes 1Jan 22nd, 2018 - DCM
Lower extremity angioplasty with thrombolysis infusion. 1Jan 17th, 2018 - kwesner
Seizures 1Jan 17th, 2018 - Kwatson
Modifier 25 with New patient visit codes and procedure on same day 1Jan 16th, 2018 - daystarjj
CPT 94664 1Jan 10th, 2018 - KarS
6 month repeat colonoscopy 1Jan 3rd, 2018 - halifax gastro
vaccine admin billing 2Dec 18th, 2017 - Maha
Procedure code 99222 1Dec 14th, 2017 - sghant01
code rejection 1Dec 8th, 2017 - docterry
Modifier for the Medicare AWV screening questions 2Dec 5th, 2017 - ltingley
Bone Marrow Aspiration/Biopsy 1Dec 5th, 2017 - CODER218
Substance-Use Disorders tx 1Nov 28th, 2017 - tahneeluvisi
Harmonic Scapel 1Nov 21st, 2017 - Streeter
Pathology billing 1Nov 15th, 2017 - npott1
Physical Exam for Military (specifically Feet) 1Nov 7th, 2017 - alleegator13
Diagnosis Code 1Nov 1st, 2017 - rdinaso
Use of Ophthalmology CPT Codes 1Nov 1st, 2017 - MM
Phlebectomy Procedure 2Oct 30th, 2017 - shoppe
Skull Based Coding Help 1Oct 27th, 2017 - rdinaso
Coding for CKD stage and Kidney transplant 1Oct 26th, 2017 - ssingh17
CONSENT forms 1Oct 25th, 2017 - alleegator13
Subsequent Inpatient Visits 2Oct 24th, 2017 - Smichael
Surgery coding 1Oct 24th, 2017 - Streeter
E&M with CPT 20610 4Oct 20th, 2017 - sschwartz
CPT Code for Transcatheter Balloon Angioplasty of all four pulmonary veins 1Oct 16th, 2017 - jmoon
E/M on the same day AFTER a 0 day global procedure 1Oct 16th, 2017 - rdinaso
Pterional Craniotomy Resection of Clinoidal Meningioma 1Oct 13th, 2017 - rdinaso
Genital Warts 1Oct 5th, 2017 - Thernandez@cdhd
10060 vs 20005 1Sep 22nd, 2017 - sschwartz
Billable units for physical therapy 1Sep 21st, 2017 - Ruwi
Correct coding concerns 1Sep 20th, 2017 - cmgmr
Unit of Measure Guidelines 1Sep 18th, 2017 - dlstoner512
Equinus 1Sep 15th, 2017 - sschwartz
flu vaccine 1Sep 15th, 2017 - ciaperek
Annual Physicals 1Sep 13th, 2017 - sschwartz
Mesial Temporal Lobe Epilespy 1Sep 1st, 2017 - jmoon
Z79.4, Z79.84 or something else 1Aug 28th, 2017 - dsmith
2016 December
CPT® Clarification 1Dec 30th, 2016 - abbyakinleye
Glaucoma Suspect and Ocular Hypertension 1Dec 30th, 2016 - yml3768
modifiers 57 and 47 1Dec 30th, 2016 - Bones0321
CPT® check my answer 1Dec 30th, 2016 - Bones0321
Refunds to the insurance 1Dec 29th, 2016 - Jsimon1956
CPT® code for RCT  1Dec 28th, 2016 - ronic
Ear Lavage 1Dec 28th, 2016 - amfinley
99214 on Tuesday 66821 yag on Wednesday Blue Cross 1Dec 27th, 2016 - cwilcox54
COding 1Dec 27th, 2016 - Staci
How to track metrics for medical practice? 2Dec 27th, 2016 - adamsmith0123
Modifier 25 1Dec 26th, 2016 - pjl4wvu
Treatment of plantar warts with Intralesional Candida Antigen 2Dec 23rd, 2016 - colesen
Attempted Removal of Foreign Body 1Dec 23rd, 2016 - Prindt
Advance tissue Rearrangement 1Dec 22nd, 2016 - Stinkyharris
CPT® 90738 1Dec 22nd, 2016 - Mand0984
Hospice visit in hospital 1Dec 22nd, 2016 - raj2001md
Immigration physicals 3Dec 21st, 2016 - sschwartz
suboxone tratment cost in facility  1Dec 21st, 2016 - Madvan
Need codes: for neurosurgeon and eye surgeon 1Dec 21st, 2016 - LBAROGIANIS
Surgery 1Dec 21st, 2016 - donna73006
SNF billing frequency 1Dec 20th, 2016 - abdulzbeinghuman
CPT® code 1Dec 19th, 2016 - CODER218
L4/5 laminectomy 3Dec 16th, 2016 - coder1987
OV Billing w/CPT® 94200 1Dec 15th, 2016 - Webb0825
Newborn exposed to HIV 2Dec 15th, 2016 - cwmallette
When does the global start for a major surger 1Dec 15th, 2016 - cporter1965
dxcode 1Dec 14th, 2016 - dottie56
Global Days for Simple repairs 5Dec 14th, 2016 - lisakay1957
Using Modifier 25 with a new patient annual 1Dec 13th, 2016 - Malkey
doubt in elements of hpi 1Dec 11th, 2016 - bhavani1977
26 Modifier/Radiology 1Dec 10th, 2016 - dpav39
Billing for Pediatric Patients 1Dec 7th, 2016 - bspainhour
45385 and 45388 on same polyp 1Dec 7th, 2016 - sjenkins
CPT® l3204 1Dec 7th, 2016 - SIVAPRIYA
New Physiscian working not credentialed 1Dec 6th, 2016 - rphelps
RN Services 1Dec 6th, 2016 - sstuhrenberg
CPT® code 1Dec 5th, 2016 - wjones
Help with Diagnosis Code 1Dec 5th, 2016 - carmenb
Lab eval in nursing faciltiy 1Dec 5th, 2016 - csmith
Home Visits with Injection 1Dec 2nd, 2016 - crichmond
Provider Based entity-99211 1Dec 2nd, 2016 - chuzanna
Guidelines to bill for CPT® 97002 1Dec 1st, 2016 - MALVAREZP
73552 x-ray code 1Dec 1st, 2016 - jhoppe15
2016 November
99220 1Nov 30th, 2016 - PeggyN
Are two E/M's payable on same day by same provider? 7Nov 30th, 2016 - jason
z51.5 1Nov 29th, 2016 - MimosaMary
Billing guidelines for CPT® 29806 and 29820 together 1Nov 29th, 2016 - sharmistha2610
Echocardiograms 2Nov 29th, 2016 - PattyB15
Icd 10 code for mrsa 1Nov 28th, 2016 - Srolivarez
New patient without an exam 2Nov 28th, 2016 - dwhite90
macra 1Nov 28th, 2016 - johnpaul4691
2 E/M the same day. 1Nov 23rd, 2016 - carmen
Diagnoses coding 1Nov 22nd, 2016 - sylviamccaw
Medicare Hospital Discharge 99238 and Nursing Facility Admit on the Same Day 0Nov 22nd, 2016 - cdabaibeh
Punch excision? 3Nov 22nd, 2016 - npott1
i need icd 10 code for elevated d dimer 1Nov 22nd, 2016 - lava
CPT® k0902 2Nov 21st, 2016 - SIVAPRIYA
CPT® k0902 1Nov 21st, 2016 - SIVAPRIYA
Billing a physical and cerumen removal same day 0Nov 18th, 2016 - dr00689
Diagnosis Pointer limit 1Nov 18th, 2016 - ttrent
Foreign Body Removal 0Nov 18th, 2016 - cmgmr
NU Modifier 7Nov 17th, 2016 - SIVAPRIYA
Timeframe for Colonoscopy Procedures 1Nov 17th, 2016 - OAMLIPT
upper arm AV fistula bleed 0Nov 16th, 2016 - vascular101
New patient without an exam 1Nov 16th, 2016 - dwhite90
31647Therapeutic aspiration-31646 0Nov 16th, 2016 - patmill
CPT®, modifier, and ICD-10-CM Codes 1Nov 15th, 2016 - jmcnew0004
Denial 1Nov 15th, 2016 - SCA50139
Adjacent tissue Rearrangement - Size limitation 1Nov 15th, 2016 - Stinkyharris
Help with CPT® Adjacent tissue transfer 0Nov 15th, 2016 - jburchett
Drug use 0Nov 15th, 2016 - rphelps
Hepatitis C testing 0Nov 15th, 2016 - rphelps
EMR Vaccine Administering Documentation Requirements 0Nov 15th, 2016 - amtartaglione
CPT® Code for Incision & Drainage of Venous Stasis Ulcer 1Nov 15th, 2016 - akima12
Training Session 13-- stops giving new screens after screen 11 0Nov 14th, 2016 - LisaJo
An adolescent seen by pedestrian for panic disorder anxiety icd . Pt had a previous incident of concussion. .please help how to codeThank you 0Nov 14th, 2016 - varas
charges for discontinuing 5fu cad pumps  0Nov 14th, 2016 - sher2360
lesion removal 0Nov 14th, 2016 - suzanneloeb
CPT® code for excision of dermoid cyst from forehead that has penetrated into the skull 2Nov 11th, 2016 - jmoon
ICD10 for post ablation syndrome 1Nov 10th, 2016 - bjones2301
Aortic arch angiography, right common carotid and vertebral  0Nov 10th, 2016 - sdesire
Continuous Glucose Monitoring coding/billing confusion 2Nov 10th, 2016 - cmgmr
open ivc filter removal 0Nov 10th, 2016 - ellis3350
Billing 0Nov 8th, 2016 - Aaliyan
Remark code 252 1Nov 8th, 2016 - shay2326
Modifiers 54 and 79 together 2Nov 8th, 2016 - yml3768
Using pt codes in the urgent care setting 0Nov 7th, 2016 - lisakay1957
96116 1Nov 1st, 2016 - gatorcoder2
2016 October
technical and professional coponents  1Oct 29th, 2016 - kathydavis
2016 CPT® code 0Oct 29th, 2016 - pstuffel1
correct code for CVC 0Oct 28th, 2016 - rjwilliams
CPT® code 95951 - billing units 2Oct 28th, 2016 - kmfoss
97802 0Oct 27th, 2016 - billings123
procedure code 11201 0Oct 27th, 2016 - kdaddario
Does 93567 require a documentation for catheter position with a LHC 0Oct 27th, 2016 - carolynncoates
Drug testing 0Oct 27th, 2016 - marieg
Colonoscopy 3Oct 27th, 2016 - DOCLV1982
Flex Sig/Hemorrhoid Ligation 2Oct 26th, 2016 - Hgpc1007
Shave Removals 0Oct 26th, 2016 - athib05
IVIg 90283 0Oct 25th, 2016 - rchines
Meniscal repair bundled with menisectomy? 0Oct 24th, 2016 - sportystar101
No mass excised 0Oct 24th, 2016 - jgoar
chiropractic 0Oct 24th, 2016 - BROCK
J0885 procrit 0Oct 21st, 2016 - Seantaylor
Billing echocardiogram so with leased equipment 0Oct 21st, 2016 - romanscott
Diagnosis code to support cautery of non-bleeding ulcer 0Oct 20th, 2016 - LJJohnson
Patellar fracture 0Oct 20th, 2016 - Lion21
Global Visit Days after a cath 1Oct 20th, 2016 - chemosuresh
What does interpretation and supervision mean? 0Oct 19th, 2016 - lisagbishop
RVUs with modifiers 0Oct 19th, 2016 - LisaM130
64636 - Pain Management Billing Issue 1Oct 19th, 2016 - benohelvin
Clarification_Guidelines 1Oct 19th, 2016 - precod
VP shunt coding 0Oct 18th, 2016 - jdistaso
Are Makena Injections included in the OB global package? 3Oct 18th, 2016 - sschwartz
Anesthesia for screening colonoscopies 0Oct 18th, 2016 - rphelps
do you code an injection code with medication code? 1Oct 18th, 2016 - alroth
repeat colonoscopy 0Oct 18th, 2016 - rphelps
Diagnosis Codes for G0446 1Oct 18th, 2016 - krmm00
Medicare denials for benign lesions 0Oct 17th, 2016 - jswhit
Newborn 0Oct 17th, 2016 - cmiller
Can a person have Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes at the same time? 0Oct 14th, 2016 - gloriajaye
Time to perform facet block injections 0Oct 13th, 2016 - rguitreau
Coding  0Oct 13th, 2016 - kylie
Help with Coding this.... 1Oct 12th, 2016 - eeyore9606
cardiology s/p cabg coding 0Oct 12th, 2016 - mvieira
Patellofemoral instability 2Oct 12th, 2016 - Lion21
Multiple Lipomas 0Oct 12th, 2016 - rjburkett
Vital signs 0Oct 12th, 2016 - nonadianne
AAA Screening 0Oct 12th, 2016 - cmgmr
Ob fist initial visit billing guidelines 2Oct 11th, 2016 - johnja16
Biopsy 0Oct 11th, 2016 - rphelps
coding inpatient procedures for surgeon 0Oct 11th, 2016 - lindaG
ICD-10 PCS code for the application of a wound vac during surgery 0Oct 10th, 2016 - cmowry
anoplasty without stricture 0Oct 10th, 2016 - lkrupka
Flexible sigmoidoscopy 0Oct 10th, 2016 - rphelps
inclusive 0Oct 10th, 2016 - karthikcbo
modifer 59 vs 91  1Oct 10th, 2016 - riccik3
LPN case managers 0Oct 9th, 2016 - Sharper2
86580 0Oct 8th, 2016 - SapithaBalu
OTAF Payment 0Oct 7th, 2016 - karthikcbo
Percutaneous screw reduction and fixation left 2-column acetabular fracture 0Oct 7th, 2016 - bmeech
stress echo coding 0Oct 6th, 2016 - aimdogg
Change in diagnosis code m54.12 (radiculopathy, cervical region) 1Oct 6th, 2016 - MALVAREZP
Laparoscopic fenestration of liver cyst 1Oct 6th, 2016 - AuditU
ICD10 findings in op  0Oct 6th, 2016 - ymf
Additional Training 0Oct 5th, 2016 - jacki1117
63685 MUE is 1x 0Oct 5th, 2016 - bmeech
96118 0Oct 5th, 2016 - carolself01
Neurosurgery and general surgery co surgeon 1Oct 4th, 2016 - jdistaso
Nursing facility care with prolonged visit 0Oct 3rd, 2016 - karthikcbo
CPT® l3202 2Oct 3rd, 2016 - SIVAPRIYA
right colectomy with end ileostomy 4Oct 3rd, 2016 - cydhurley
Reversal colostomy 1Oct 3rd, 2016 - mzbrooks110
I10 0Oct 3rd, 2016 - nonadianne
2016 September
CPT® code 92975 0Sep 30th, 2016 - Prs
Can we bill g0438 and g0101 same day for aetna? 0Sep 30th, 2016 - MEENAD
38525 and 38900 1Sep 30th, 2016 - NCJ8603
11721 0Sep 29th, 2016 - med8
puncture wound 0Sep 28th, 2016 - svandale
Modifier 25 usage 5Sep 28th, 2016 - kgabel
Medicare and Xolair 0Sep 28th, 2016 - sboon321
Usage of Anthesia CPT® and Modifier codes 0Sep 27th, 2016 - Drmarshall03
Debridement of the patellar tendon 0Sep 27th, 2016 - MimosaMary
Billing nurse visit with injection 2Sep 27th, 2016 - Jhiggins11
incidental codes 0Sep 27th, 2016 - denagarner718
respiratory 0Sep 26th, 2016 - marlene1
excision of gradulation tissue vaginal 0Sep 26th, 2016 - Sunshine74
Anal Pap Smear(Male) 0Sep 26th, 2016 - agrazulis
Central Venous Catheter 0Sep 26th, 2016 - bksander
58661 58662 1Sep 26th, 2016 - jpeterma
Bactrim DS 800 mg-160 mg tablet  0Sep 24th, 2016 - msimmons11
Flu Vaccine 0Sep 22nd, 2016 - Agarcia73
2 procedures 1 with global f/u 1Sep 22nd, 2016 - deanna
FMT Oral Capsules 0Sep 22nd, 2016 - cbrownin
billing for a hospital visit the day after discharge is written 0Sep 22nd, 2016 - jmschuma
icd 10 code Abrasion 0Sep 22nd, 2016 - npopoli
collecting culture 1Sep 21st, 2016 - jsawle
billing 0Sep 20th, 2016 - rleszyk
help with external cause code 0Sep 20th, 2016 - ens5
Modifier 25 1Sep 20th, 2016 - kgabel
how to bill the administration only of lupron medication patient supplied 0Sep 19th, 2016 - Jocoder1
endoscopy 0Sep 19th, 2016 - rphelps
spinal fusion surgery 0Sep 16th, 2016 - jmoon
Billing question 1Sep 16th, 2016 - cdampier
Iridotomy/iridectomy by laser surgery  0Sep 16th, 2016 - Min
abscess 0Sep 16th, 2016 - JenR7
can you use CPT® code 10180 for Drainage of Intraabdominal abscess and evacuation of hematoma for a post surgical case 0Sep 16th, 2016 - triplejr
Attestation: Teaching PHysician/Fellow 1Sep 15th, 2016 - MissDecember
Coding help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2Sep 15th, 2016 - LBAROGIANIS
accounting 0Sep 14th, 2016 - shanniboo78
accounting 0Sep 14th, 2016 - shanniboo78
billing 1Sep 14th, 2016 - lisark22
Diagnostic catheterization 0Sep 14th, 2016 - carolynncoates
Clia waived 0Sep 14th, 2016 - Reagan
Re-current Retinal Detatchment 0Sep 14th, 2016 - mcoa
Billing 0Sep 13th, 2016 - dlewis
cci edit 0Sep 13th, 2016 - jolalexand1
Co-pay and co-insurance 1Sep 12th, 2016 - MALVAREZP
ICD-10-PCS: Coding repairs of wounds following simple skin excisions BGRAVES122 posted Sept 9, 2016 I 0Sep 10th, 2016 - BGRAVES122
ICD-10-PCS: Coding repairs of wounds following simple skin excisions 0Sep 9th, 2016 - BGRAVES122
Multiple surgery denial by Medicare 3Sep 9th, 2016 - jswhit
Laser lithotripsy 0Sep 9th, 2016 - cmiller
how do i code or bill an established pt came for first initial preventive visit, pls help. 0Sep 8th, 2016 - charisse68
billing e&m code & out pt sx same day 0Sep 8th, 2016 - katden277
Office visit only 0Sep 8th, 2016 - MissDecember
Kappa and Lambda ISH stains 0Sep 8th, 2016 - kaydoc620
G0444 and G0439 0Sep 8th, 2016 - cantlon
icd 10 code 0Sep 8th, 2016 - kathybl
$100 fee 1Sep 6th, 2016 - draefski
ultrasound with an office visit 3Sep 6th, 2016 - MissDecember
new smoking cessation code 0Sep 6th, 2016 - rleszyk
multiple polypectomy 4Sep 6th, 2016 - Hgpc1007
Medical billing and coding 0Sep 5th, 2016 - Jennie
office visit and minor surgical procedure 0Sep 2nd, 2016 - MissDecember
Medicare as Secondary Payer 0Sep 2nd, 2016 - donnaulmer
Medicare as a  0Sep 2nd, 2016 - donnaulmer
Infusion question 0Sep 2nd, 2016 - LININJIM
Which system/body area is NOT part of the general multi-specialty exam? 1Sep 1st, 2016 - lisakay1957
syncope during pregnancy 0Sep 1st, 2016 - ljordan1491
Orthopaedics 0Sep 1st, 2016 - Greend
Male Pap Smear 0Sep 1st, 2016 - agrazulis
G0477 1Sep 1st, 2016 - dmwightman1
2016 August
Bravo 1Aug 31st, 2016 - OAMLIPT
96127 & 99177 0Aug 30th, 2016 - Cat1
medical necessity 1Aug 30th, 2016 - mbrigham
Medicare's payments for physical therapy after $1900 or 15 treatments. 0Aug 29th, 2016 - Margarethe
removal of ear wax using code 69200 1Aug 29th, 2016 - andrewsdiane
Claims process 0Aug 27th, 2016 - draefski
Claims Process 0Aug 27th, 2016 - draefski
CPT® code 0Aug 26th, 2016 - baiyar
Can 99239 be billed with 99497? 2Aug 26th, 2016 - abbyakinleye
90700 - age limit 0Aug 26th, 2016 - jackson2012
gyn Coding 0Aug 25th, 2016 - jmoon
allergy testing 1Aug 25th, 2016 - Kfrye
Quad & retinaculum repair 0Aug 25th, 2016 - CT1450
Coding a similiar diagnosis code 1Aug 25th, 2016 - codemeup
CPT® code for balloon dilation of subglottic stenosis 0Aug 25th, 2016 - CN52
can a new patient be billed as established 2Aug 25th, 2016 - jmschuma
Hepatectomy 1Aug 25th, 2016 - holmeskm
question for editor Auditing 0Aug 24th, 2016 - ladyt
Lipoma removal 1Aug 24th, 2016 - sfisher
code being denied  2Aug 24th, 2016 - analis09
Billing for Physician Assistants 1Aug 24th, 2016 - Mand0984
Diagnosis for Rhogam injections 2Aug 23rd, 2016 - bjones2301
Resection of prolapse and resection of rectum with repair. 0Aug 23rd, 2016 - Streeter
consults done in observation 3Aug 23rd, 2016 - GPPC
partial vulvectomy CPT® 56620 0Aug 22nd, 2016 - lewisp123
Diabetic Weight Check & TB Test Reads 0Aug 22nd, 2016 - amtartaglione
Excision of suprapubic lipoma 0Aug 19th, 2016 - cmiller
Stress test coding/billing 0Aug 19th, 2016 - roger7778
Z09 Encounter for follow-up when treatment is Completed 0Aug 19th, 2016 - amtartaglione
Chemistry codes 0Aug 18th, 2016 - Krogers917
Chemistry codes 0Aug 18th, 2016 - Krogers917
o/p coding 0Aug 18th, 2016 - carmen1260
58555 0Aug 18th, 2016 - simon111
58555 Hysteroscopy 1Aug 18th, 2016 - simon111
Coding question 1Aug 18th, 2016 - codemeup
Rhogam injections 2Aug 18th, 2016 - sschwartz
Post Op Office Visit 0Aug 18th, 2016 - PrePeds
Marcaine 0.25% 0Aug 18th, 2016 - lemmik58
Out of network balance billing in florida 0Aug 18th, 2016 - LBAROGIANIS
coding excision/removal of adhesion and ankylosis TMJ 0Aug 17th, 2016 - Mdwoodley
Nurse visits 1Aug 17th, 2016 - kdebaker
on call surgeon that is not in network, but facility is 1Aug 17th, 2016 - vochrisq
how to code accident 0Aug 17th, 2016 - Jb2356
Preventative diagnosis 0Aug 16th, 2016 - lacyhedges
billing 0Aug 16th, 2016 - jcastillo
94664 & 99211 Coded Together 0Aug 16th, 2016 - cbrownin
CPT® 11721 in assisted living facilities 0Aug 16th, 2016 - dieudonneMC
Billing for therapy at a different office 1Aug 15th, 2016 - hartfordbiller
Foreign body removal from soft tissue 0Aug 15th, 2016 - cmgmr
"S" Codes 1Aug 15th, 2016 - CAROLK
minor surgery with identified risk factors 0Aug 15th, 2016 - charrte
CPT® training 0Aug 14th, 2016 - carmajo
HCC Coding 0Aug 13th, 2016 - MMattice
alcohol intoxication and withdrawal same visit 0Aug 13th, 2016 - ens5
pcp biling annual physical exams same day as well woman exams 0Aug 12th, 2016 - KPittman
MDM Credit for New problem vs. Established 0Aug 12th, 2016 - damills
New York State Medicaid Billing 0Aug 11th, 2016 - victorgirardi
Multiple procedure codes 0Aug 11th, 2016 - DrDrury
colonoscopy 1Aug 11th, 2016 - CAROLK
Removal Foley Catheter 3Aug 10th, 2016 - blanche22
Same date of service visit by different providers within same group 1Aug 10th, 2016 - GREENPIPER
Sick with Well Visit 1Aug 10th, 2016 - jabernal
office visit prior to screening colonoscopy 0Aug 10th, 2016 - miawalker
Advice on Coding Chemotherapy Infusions 0Aug 10th, 2016 - yinfon
rhc/nursing home 0Aug 9th, 2016 - tsalinas
Exercise Physiologist Billing 0Aug 9th, 2016 - InsightBHC
Emergency Room Visit 99283 w/Toradol Injection Administered 0Aug 9th, 2016 - amtartaglione
Medicare Wellness denial G0439 0Aug 9th, 2016 - churt31024
Tcm 0Aug 9th, 2016 - MEENAD
Advance care planning  0Aug 8th, 2016 - jberg02
80327 0Aug 7th, 2016 - sillalynne
certification for home health visit commercial 0Aug 7th, 2016 - nfriedman
what is the icd 10 code for MDS/MPN 0Aug 6th, 2016 - r042693
what is the ICD10 code for mixed phenotype acute leukemia 0Aug 6th, 2016 - r042693
CPT® 99051 0Aug 5th, 2016 - svandale
How to better prepare for the legal / ethical / policy / regulation related questions on the HCS-D exam 0Aug 5th, 2016 - dlwn83
Infusaid pump installed 1Aug 5th, 2016 - Henrey
Non covered services 4Aug 5th, 2016 - annieb
Urgent Care Center - Fee Schedule 0Aug 5th, 2016 - ranawaheed321
How do I code this? Extramedullary vs intramedullary 0Aug 5th, 2016 - LBAROGIANIS
Question for pilonidal cyst excision.  0Aug 5th, 2016 - angelinezhu
Vaccines for Traveling out of the Country 0Aug 5th, 2016 - bmcneil1972
ECG's 0Aug 4th, 2016 - Lizjay
signature 1Aug 4th, 2016 - rphelps
Billing for Medically Necessary Contact Lenses 0Aug 3rd, 2016 - TIMKY2
Urgent care practice vs 99051 0Aug 3rd, 2016 - svandale
CPT® code 0Aug 2nd, 2016 - jadoogie
Nuclear test coding 2Aug 2nd, 2016 - adanilova85
CPT® Code 0Aug 2nd, 2016 - surgerydoc
Advance Care Planning 99497 & 99498 0Aug 2nd, 2016 - cbrownin
CPT® code for anesthesia 0Aug 1st, 2016 - winter44
ICD 10 codes for observation stay: Z04 vs Z43 0Aug 1st, 2016 - ens5
hospitalist coding 0Aug 1st, 2016 - ladyt
Stress Testing questions 0Aug 1st, 2016 - cmgmr
CPT® Code help 1Aug 1st, 2016 - Debith
Lice Removal Treatment 1Aug 1st, 2016 - RedKat
Medicare non payment for drug screens 4Aug 1st, 2016 - betsykern
fluoroscein/icg imaging and injection during intestinal procedures 0Aug 1st, 2016 - ccrider
Modifer 22 documentation 2Aug 1st, 2016 - Victoria01
GI specialty office, patient seen with in 3 years but new problem 1Aug 1st, 2016 - mbrigham
ICD-10 Chapter 16-Conditions Originating in the Perinatal Period 0Aug 1st, 2016 - slpdianee
2016 July
Billing 90715 0Jul 29th, 2016 - gel1029
E&M Services/UDS/Modifier -25 1Jul 29th, 2016 - campbella
Neurosurgery coding 0Jul 29th, 2016 - LBAROGIANIS
I-10 documentation 0Jul 29th, 2016 - Victoria01
Ablation and Injection Coding 0Jul 29th, 2016 - OAMLIPT
Codes G0480 - G0483 0Jul 28th, 2016 - dareid
Additional workups 0Jul 28th, 2016 - pramodpillai
Admit/DC same day - Inpt - Medicare 4Jul 28th, 2016 - Mand0984
Well visit and preop on same day? 0Jul 27th, 2016 - nikkie
Stress Tests 0Jul 27th, 2016 - Bekky
diagnosis denial 0Jul 27th, 2016 - lholbert77
Colon polyps 2Jul 27th, 2016 - rphelps
any ideas for laparoscopy coding? 2Jul 27th, 2016 - gorski
what icd 10 codes does Medicare allow for CPT® 93000 ecg 0Jul 26th, 2016 - cdabaibeh
84480 0Jul 25th, 2016 - sillalynne
NCCI Edits 0Jul 25th, 2016 - cdelappe
What will be necessary to get back into coding? 1Jul 24th, 2016 - AshtonHer83
another z question 0Jul 24th, 2016 - CORY1010
z codes 0Jul 24th, 2016 - CORY1010
ventriculo-peritoneal shunt placement 0Jul 24th, 2016 - jofraha
Modifer 1Jul 22nd, 2016 - Shaunabri99
Can GY Modifier be used on Part D drugs given in office ? 0Jul 22nd, 2016 - lisa2007
OB Visits outside of Global Package  0Jul 22nd, 2016 - PWARE
Getting Paid for Office Visits and injections 2Jul 22nd, 2016 - DEBBJACKSON
Colon polyps 0Jul 22nd, 2016 - rphelps
Admission note done at office visit 1Jul 22nd, 2016 - cmgmr
Proper Repair Coding 0Jul 21st, 2016 - Aruzicka
CPT® code 90720 0Jul 21st, 2016 - otter21
Coding for a pediatric International travel exam 0Jul 21st, 2016 - qcallahan
office visit prior to screening colonoscopy 1Jul 21st, 2016 - miawalker
can a pap smear codes Q0091 & P300 billed together?  0Jul 19th, 2016 - agmg
50 vs 59 modifier 1Jul 19th, 2016 - jarhodes
Np, pa, crna 0Jul 18th, 2016 - Coleeny
how do i code a saphenous venous Doppler for vein harvesting for dialysis graft? 0Jul 16th, 2016 - mddavid1
daily limit for skin biopsies CPT® 11100 & 11101? 1Jul 16th, 2016 - jswhit
COPD and Asthma 0Jul 15th, 2016 - jazanko
Nebulizer treatment 0Jul 15th, 2016 - churt31024
Code Help 0Jul 15th, 2016 - cd.wilkins
radiological services 1Jul 15th, 2016 - jenny4272
drug screening CPT® code g0479 0Jul 14th, 2016 - trhdmay
bmt coding  0Jul 14th, 2016 - asmith431
icd-10-cm code otitis media 0Jul 13th, 2016 - ghw3rd
Behavioral Health 0Jul 13th, 2016 - ladyt
Modifier 25 on both Office Visit and Preventative Visit same day as Immunization 2Jul 13th, 2016 - zavalag
Evacuation subdural hematoma w/drainage pump 0Jul 13th, 2016 - rdinaso
Pathology 0Jul 11th, 2016 - rphelps
Coding practice scenarios 1Jul 9th, 2016 - lsuewilliams
Doctor's note needed by patient 0Jul 8th, 2016 - sschwartz
SNF Discharge Summary 0Jul 8th, 2016 - nonadianne
open fx of iliac wing 0Jul 8th, 2016 - mjones
Left 3-4 lumbar micro endodiskectomy with c-arm control  0Jul 7th, 2016 - beauty417
Need An ICD-10-PCS Proficient Coder 1Jul 7th, 2016 - Bobbi9698
OV Surgery billing before and after actual procedure 20Jul 7th, 2016 - G1974728
Diagnosis coding for bilateral ear lavage 0Jul 7th, 2016 - amfinley
Synovial cyst excision lumbar spine 0Jul 7th, 2016 - rdinaso
Native kidney biopsy 1Jul 6th, 2016 - dorisj19
Jackson-Pratt and a Frozen Abdomen 0Jul 6th, 2016 - DiCamille
base coding for stents 1Jul 6th, 2016 - GPPC
Same day Physician/Nurse Practitioner Services 0Jul 6th, 2016 - cmgmr
modifer 59 and 91 same date of service (lab billing)  0Jul 5th, 2016 - lharris26
CPT® Code Guidlines 1Jul 5th, 2016 - vernonr
procedure 96401 0Jul 5th, 2016 - kiranprasad.kasy
COPD and asthma 0Jul 5th, 2016 - jazanko
E/M and Emergency Visit on same day 0Jul 3rd, 2016 - cshaw623
Psych Testing for Bariatric Surgery 2Jul 1st, 2016 - TIMKY2
Neurology Exam 0Jul 1st, 2016 - kmaher
2016 June
Laparoscopy tubal ligation 0Jun 30th, 2016 - marianela
Speaking with family about patient 1Jun 29th, 2016 - emeraldmed
Coding Tendons 0Jun 28th, 2016 - LRuiz
botox injections in trapezius muscle  0Jun 28th, 2016 - angelinezhu
what is the correct medicare code for drug screens 1Jun 28th, 2016 - landrepont
Physician Visits 0Jun 28th, 2016 - Basketj
Venipucture 1Jun 27th, 2016 - abenet
10060 global help please 7Jun 27th, 2016 - TerryC
OBGYN Coding for annual physical 1Jun 27th, 2016 - frannie1369
independent lab billing question 0Jun 27th, 2016 - lharris26
question on secondary closure code 0Jun 24th, 2016 - mjones
ICD10 code 2Jun 23rd, 2016 - MALVAREZP
Code for abnormal cbc 1Jun 23rd, 2016 - carmenb
optiwave refractive analysis or "ORA" 0Jun 23rd, 2016 - jodibilling
Hip Replacement Surgery 0Jun 23rd, 2016 - Greend
Bilateral FB removal from ears 0Jun 23rd, 2016 - carmenb
Billing Q codes to SNF 0Jun 22nd, 2016 - erin.1000
atrial fibrillation ablations  8Jun 22nd, 2016 - GPPC
CPT® code 75978 0Jun 22nd, 2016 - Marlene
Code for Pregnancy Test  2Jun 21st, 2016 - bjones2301
Multi-layer compression system 0Jun 21st, 2016 - vascular101
Reader code 87999 0Jun 21st, 2016 - jkelley
51720 nurse billing 0Jun 21st, 2016 - janegriffiths
Webinar past ? 2Jun 21st, 2016 - Jeffrey
11042 Help please 3Jun 20th, 2016 - TerryC
Insurance billing 1Jun 20th, 2016 - thriverite
billing CPT® 36140 and 75716 0Jun 20th, 2016 - Manasha65
96372  1Jun 20th, 2016 - keva.collier
Legal Signatures on Medical Documentation 1Jun 17th, 2016 - proucken
G0480  2Jun 17th, 2016 - cmgmr
99070 Reimbursment 2Jun 17th, 2016 - max.wilson
Coding Multiple ED visits 0Jun 16th, 2016 - stepsanchez
E/M training 0Jun 14th, 2016 - osherry68
64405 2Jun 14th, 2016 - scantie1
Treatment Center entrance exam/form 0Jun 14th, 2016 - bspainhour
JW Modifier, billing patient for wastage 1Jun 14th, 2016 - dlstoner512
Excision of a cyst 0Jun 13th, 2016 - jkelley
R63.4 for newborns 0Jun 10th, 2016 - steelema
code for accessioning lab specimens 0Jun 10th, 2016 - lharris26
Reference Guide 0Jun 10th, 2016 - lcornuet
posting Medicaid remits 1Jun 9th, 2016 - carolynC
Need a code 1Jun 9th, 2016 -
gait and station 0Jun 9th, 2016 - cisaac
CPT® code 0Jun 9th, 2016 - ajohns25
Psycharist coding 0Jun 9th, 2016 - Cocciolillol
Wrist xray 0Jun 8th, 2016 - carmenb
mobile phlebotomy 0Jun 8th, 2016 - nowmedicalbilling
Angiomax - Bivalirudin 2Jun 8th, 2016 - ginger.plemmons
Unilateral in the CPT® book 2Jun 8th, 2016 - autumnray
Subsequent Codes used for Discharge 0Jun 8th, 2016 - janeanderson
97602 0Jun 8th, 2016 - brownlee47
Injections 1Jun 6th, 2016 - npry
Labwork follow up 0Jun 6th, 2016 - kaphilli2003
R45.6 0Jun 6th, 2016 - Sftbllmom00
Office Visit Billing 0Jun 5th, 2016 - bagbyjohn
Codes for Colonoscopy with positive FOBT & history of Internal hemorrhoids 0Jun 5th, 2016 - gsherriff
coding shave biopsy with other procedures 0Jun 3rd, 2016 - cmgmr
CPT® code 90670 1Jun 3rd, 2016 - levysantos
Skilled Nursing Home Visit 0Jun 2nd, 2016 - nonadianne
What is the modifier I need on 99202 when combined with 98941? 0Jun 2nd, 2016 - HealthyBack
bypass 0Jun 2nd, 2016 - doreilly
CPT® 36592 0Jun 2nd, 2016 - bartonn
JW modifier now mandatory 0Jun 1st, 2016 - bets14687
ICD 10 code for fracture with joint replacement 0Jun 1st, 2016 - hanwelt
2016 May
Provider goes to school 0May 31st, 2016 - birdie625
CPT® 99496  2May 31st, 2016 - Ssurve
Incident to billing by time 0May 31st, 2016 - slackcoder
Facet Blocks and Lumbar Epidural Steroid injection 1May 31st, 2016 - April21
CPT® Coding Confusion  0May 30th, 2016 - mserrheath
TC Modifier 0May 30th, 2016 - slangevin
Billing for anesthesia drugs and supplies in the office setting 0May 27th, 2016 - lindseyclark
Coding 0May 27th, 2016 - MommieB
STEP (serial transverse enteroplasty) procedure 0May 27th, 2016 - psaamy210
CPT® code for thalium viability study 1May 26th, 2016 - Valmccurdy88
Advance Care Planning, CPT® 99497, 99498 0May 26th, 2016 - ewilliams224
What do you do to de-ciper chemistry codes 0May 25th, 2016 - Karen
Consultin Physician the same as Referring Physician 1May 25th, 2016 - vernonr
Vats 1May 25th, 2016 - ginger.plemmons
Denial for codes being incidental 0May 25th, 2016 - lnnnlsn
Spermatic Lipoma 0May 25th, 2016 - emwood
Infusion Billing to Medicare 0May 25th, 2016 - harry.mikelsons
Which 7th letter would I use 0May 24th, 2016 - nonadianne
diagnostic laparoscopy , ablation and resection of endometriosis , ovarian cystectomy with lysis of adhesions  1May 24th, 2016 - md1954
cerumen removal 0May 24th, 2016 - cocohranl1
Intubabtion- elective, non emergent 0May 24th, 2016 - ah1981
B12 inj 1May 24th, 2016 - tld
51999?  0May 24th, 2016 - ebrearley
Inpatient PPS diagnosis 2017 exclusions 0May 23rd, 2016 - nmaguire
Billing Location 0May 20th, 2016 - sschwartz
medical biller and coder 0May 20th, 2016 - woodard79
20936, 20930, 22845 0May 19th, 2016 - Hatherkreynolds1
Abpm 0May 17th, 2016 - tconte
payer reimbursement for code 85060 0May 17th, 2016 - boysfan1
tendinosis&tendinitis shoulder 1May 17th, 2016 - valerie
63650 denied  0May 17th, 2016 - selvakumar
Rocephin injection 1May 16th, 2016 - rphelps
31240 0May 16th, 2016 - JUDY29968
E/M and DEXA (or EKG) on the same day 1May 16th, 2016 - jmschuma
how do i get an updated super bill for a pulmonologist 0May 16th, 2016 - jmfranco
annual wellness and office visit 0May 14th, 2016 - churt31024
oncoplastic  0May 13th, 2016 - ashley24
63081, 22551, 22552, 22851 and 22845 3May 13th, 2016 - angelinezhu
Breast Surgery Coding 5May 13th, 2016 - jdistaso
Breast Surgery Coding 0May 12th, 2016 - jdistaso
post-op radiology 0May 12th, 2016 - kari
billing 2May 12th, 2016 - theresa103
Malignant hypercalcemia 2May 12th, 2016 - jazanko
Documentation requirements to code 45520? 0May 12th, 2016 - lisa2007
observation adm/disch 3 days in a row 0May 12th, 2016 - ericheson
Hernia repair 0May 12th, 2016 - gunavathi.sriramulu
22585 billed with primary code 22551 2May 11th, 2016 - atlspinebilling
Ascorbic Acid in IV's 0May 11th, 2016 - sillalynne
Cerumen removal 1May 11th, 2016 - chus02
Non-reducible ventral hernia 1May 11th, 2016 - cgpina70
Non-reducible ventral hernia 0May 11th, 2016 - cgpina70
Ventral Hernia with mesh 2May 11th, 2016 - cgpina70
coding of 64450 3May 11th, 2016 - sgassett
SA modifier 0May 11th, 2016 - Prasannak
Empire Bluecard Billing 0May 10th, 2016 - cmartell
47562 and 47999 0May 10th, 2016 - revathi
Proper way to code Bilateral knee X-ray 0May 9th, 2016 - Homer77
55520 Excision of lesion of spermatic cord 0May 9th, 2016 - emwood
Billing anesthesia modifying factors 0May 9th, 2016 - Lupriano58
can you code 45380 with 43239 modifier 51 if one is a facility charge and one is a physicians charge 3May 9th, 2016 - vernonr
chemical codes 0May 7th, 2016 - jsh0731
What is the Modifier for a PreOp Office Visit? 2May 6th, 2016 - faiw2001
Billing consistently  0May 6th, 2016 - Kworley
modifier 52 or 53 1May 6th, 2016 - Pakalis
Procedure code 77057 and g0202 1May 5th, 2016 - vgonzalez8
icd 10  0May 5th, 2016 - vishnupriya.vysyaraju
code for parastomal hernia 1May 4th, 2016 - Ritikasinha1
CPT® 92567 0May 4th, 2016 - nkrajewski
abd ultrasound 2May 4th, 2016 - miawalker
77080 and 77085 medically not necessary 0May 4th, 2016 - vincy
CPT® G0431 Denied 3May 4th, 2016 - selvakumar
Mirena removal 0May 3rd, 2016 - Staceyl1228
CPT® for Kocherization manuever for the Duodenum 0May 2nd, 2016 - tnapora
COSC exam--Help! 1May 2nd, 2016 - orthopod
2016 April
CPT® 64484 / Denied 3Apr 30th, 2016 - selvakumar
CPT® 64405 denied 0Apr 30th, 2016 - selvakumar
can you bill an EKG only without an office visit but not use nurse level 0Apr 29th, 2016 - Jocoder1
how to bill a home visit 0Apr 29th, 2016 - Jocoder1
Medical Director of SNF 0Apr 29th, 2016 - Cfm123456
Smoking Cessation and Obesity Counseling 0Apr 29th, 2016 - cmarx
Nursing Home Visit 0Apr 29th, 2016 - nonadianne
99306 0Apr 29th, 2016 - vgarcia7842
how to bill G0477 1Apr 29th, 2016 - nkhan26
Cardiology-heart failure 1Apr 29th, 2016 - DPATTON
Icd-10 pcs 2Apr 29th, 2016 - susanthomas
Denied for Incidental  1Apr 28th, 2016 - ent330w
Medicare Secondary Payment Insurance Type 3Apr 28th, 2016 - taradalyn1
Nuclear Stress Tests 0Apr 27th, 2016 - neilpicu
uos claim denial 0Apr 27th, 2016 - vernonr
can 58670 and 58660 be billed together  0Apr 27th, 2016 - md1954
CCI edits 2Apr 27th, 2016 - Prasannak
PT INR Home Testing 1Apr 26th, 2016 - loreebar
ODD Question 2Apr 26th, 2016 - rphelps
G0477 is being rejected and denied 6Apr 26th, 2016 - taradalyn1
Anesthesia billing 0Apr 26th, 2016 - rphelps
will medical insurance cover for labs before annual? 1Apr 25th, 2016 - pigaPLLC1
Bronchoscopy 0Apr 22nd, 2016 - PRATIXA
office visit level 1 for injections 0Apr 22nd, 2016 - churt31024
how do i code the procedure for this nose ring removal 0Apr 22nd, 2016 - churt31024
29897 vs 29898 0Apr 22nd, 2016 - Greend
CPT® code for frozen d&C with tah./bso frozen section of ovarian mass 1Apr 21st, 2016 - md1954
How to code 4Apr 21st, 2016 - churt31024
Prostate Screening  0Apr 21st, 2016 - cantlon
Need help to find out CPT® code for Excision, subcutaneous mass 4Apr 21st, 2016 - Roseena11
Gestational Diabetes 1Apr 20th, 2016 - Triumfant6
Neuropsychological Testing (96118) 0Apr 20th, 2016 - hope31874
Cardiac Catheterizations 1Apr 20th, 2016 - glosdj
Billing Issues with 36415 and G0471 1Apr 20th, 2016 - bgray
Routine vs. Medical Visit 0Apr 19th, 2016 - dianawalp
B20 denial 4Apr 19th, 2016 - palumanu15
CPT® for Cotton Osteotomy with Evans osteotomy calcaneous 0Apr 19th, 2016 - cwebster
OB laceration 0Apr 19th, 2016 - cervin
Need help with denial 1Apr 19th, 2016 - afgbilling
Glenn Procedure 0Apr 18th, 2016 - rdinaso
Vacuum drainage collection unit 0Apr 18th, 2016 - Gokiburi
ob/gyn 0Apr 18th, 2016 - sferguson6
Pulmonary Endarterectomy 0Apr 18th, 2016 - rdinaso
CPT® Code 0Apr 17th, 2016 - christinahay
Colonoscopy vs. Sigmoidoscopy 2Apr 15th, 2016 - rdinaso
E/M level coding challenge 0Apr 15th, 2016 - dianawalp
Pediatric flu vaccination-anybody got anything? 0Apr 14th, 2016 - DebA209
How to code I&D Cutaneous abscess  1Apr 14th, 2016 - churt31024
Modifier 0Apr 14th, 2016 - alincoln
modifier 0Apr 14th, 2016 - lmiller1243
Transition Care Managment 0Apr 14th, 2016 - dpoplin
Toenail trimming 0Apr 14th, 2016 - hafiz03
Coding eye surgery 0Apr 14th, 2016 - mcoa
15374 description. Gastro surgery 1Apr 14th, 2016 - joans
distal femur fractures 0Apr 14th, 2016 - pcantlin
CPT® code 90645 1Apr 13th, 2016 - SXBRYANT
Billing for Nurse Visit for Weight Check 0Apr 13th, 2016 - cmgmr
Premature rupture of Membranes 0Apr 13th, 2016 - Lucy1956
unbundled service 1Apr 13th, 2016 - gyocumdpm
Cortisol Stimulation Test 0Apr 12th, 2016 - bspainhour
Cortisol Stimulation Test 0Apr 12th, 2016 - bspainhour
New patient visits 8Apr 11th, 2016 - dbtaylor
medicaid charge for vision screening 12 year old 0Apr 11th, 2016 - jkpeds
Fetal Demise 0Apr 11th, 2016 - DSANDERS
Billing Dermatology codes together 2Apr 11th, 2016 - msnyder56
MDM points 1Apr 9th, 2016 - sdcohen4
hepatic function panel 1Apr 9th, 2016 - HAMBYLYNN
Regarding E&M servive? 0Apr 9th, 2016 - skumara
Schirmer Test (ophthalmic mucous membrane) CPT® Code 95060 0Apr 8th, 2016 - dianawalp
Reimbursement guidelines for NGS Medicare Part - B; CPT® code G0008 & 90686 3Apr 8th, 2016 - medhari15
Fl Medicaid no fee schedule for CPT® 22856 0Apr 8th, 2016 - LBAROGIANIS
Code 93458 & 92928  0Apr 8th, 2016 - Tony1366
Schirmer Test CPT® code 95060 (Ophthalmic mucous membrane tests) 0Apr 7th, 2016 - dianawalp
Scodi 0Apr 7th, 2016 - dianawalp
Lacrimal plug and E/M code billed - some paid some denied 2Apr 7th, 2016 - dianawalp
Bundling of E/M and injection 0Apr 7th, 2016 - phodges
billing with two insurances 1Apr 7th, 2016 - dgirardi
Correct billing of dx code 4Apr 7th, 2016 - BONE
Chronic Care Management 0Apr 6th, 2016 - slackcoder
how to get insurance payers to pay on a 90901 0Apr 6th, 2016 - maggie.caudell1
What are the CPT® codes for estradiol and progesterone creams? 0Apr 6th, 2016 - Selmarashid
CPT® code 0Apr 6th, 2016 - cjlight
Correct billing of dx code 0Apr 6th, 2016 - BONE
Excision of neck mass 0Apr 6th, 2016 - ravip3366
Detailed vs EPF examination  1Apr 6th, 2016 - Sivakrishna
Fee Schedule - CO45 1Apr 5th, 2016 - PacSpine
Bundling issue 1Apr 5th, 2016 - JudithaB
Dr. is Medical Director for Hospice 1Apr 5th, 2016 - amfinley
Correct billing of dx code 2Apr 5th, 2016 - BONE
Bundling Codes 52281 & 52224 0Apr 5th, 2016 - medhari15
CPT® codes for 2016 0Apr 5th, 2016 - spriddy48
Free practice coding tests  0Apr 4th, 2016 - Sueloriwilliams
Need coding suggestion on CPT® 59400,59160 0Apr 4th, 2016 - bsrinivasarao777
Artiss 0Apr 1st, 2016 - Stinkyharris
69200 vs 69210 1Apr 1st, 2016 - bgrocks
2016 March
Spirometry 1Mar 31st, 2016 - VJackson
Medicare Modifier 4Mar 31st, 2016 - Lori1124
Pt with at home chemo  0Mar 31st, 2016 - akrise05
CPT® code 99211 0Mar 31st, 2016 - coder98
ECW - Attach an EOB 1Mar 30th, 2016 - Chirath
Modifier 25 1Mar 30th, 2016 - donnaulmer
debridement of sacral decubitus ulcer encluding bone. 1Mar 28th, 2016 - Gwohler
LHC W Coronaries and v-gram 0Mar 25th, 2016 - jattjee
Need a CPT® code for an opening wedge osteotomy, first metatarsal 1Mar 25th, 2016 - daystarjj
question 0Mar 25th, 2016 - prathibha
Home Health ICD-10 coding only 3Mar 25th, 2016 - vmirabella
1995 Exam 0Mar 25th, 2016 - Malkey
Aortogram with runoff 0Mar 23rd, 2016 - ShariSch
Duoneb 4Mar 23rd, 2016 - TerryC
opthalmology/ Tarsorrhaphy 0Mar 23rd, 2016 - joans
New v. Established- Nurse practitioner 0Mar 23rd, 2016 -
retro ultrasound 0Mar 23rd, 2016 - ciaperek
CPT® code 99315 - Need a valid Place of service 1Mar 22nd, 2016 - Jayavelu
arthroscopy Tomcat  0Mar 22nd, 2016 - erevenue
Cardiology Training 1Mar 20th, 2016 - Dkllhrd
62252 1Mar 17th, 2016 - Dlburgess
Hip uni 2-3 views 6Mar 17th, 2016 - jackson2012
Unbundled Lab Code 1Mar 15th, 2016 - sillalynne
Medicare ICD 10 denial 2Mar 15th, 2016 - afgbilling
CPT® needed for Neobladder conversion 0Mar 15th, 2016 - kstark
Heavy Lifting - icd 10 Code? 4Mar 15th, 2016 - hendmom
bundled or not bundled 2Mar 15th, 2016 -
Definition of "Medical Direction" by a Physician 0Mar 14th, 2016 - youngblood
E-Prescribing 0Mar 11th, 2016 -
92941 or 92928 0Mar 10th, 2016 - anuraggreets
J pouch ileoanal anastomosis for dilation of stricture 0Mar 9th, 2016 - jburchett
Medicaid Preventive Visit Denials 0Mar 9th, 2016 - medhari15
add on procedure code 1Mar 9th, 2016 - medhari15
Add on procedure code 0Mar 9th, 2016 - medhari15
COde 1170F 0Mar 8th, 2016 -
Sacral Nerve Stimulation 2Mar 7th, 2016 - rphelps
Iliotibial band syndrome  0Mar 7th, 2016 - pochranek
OMT Coding 0Mar 7th, 2016 - missrau
FQHC Billing 0Mar 2nd, 2016 - nschorr
Flu vaccine CPT 0Mar 2nd, 2016 - jmschuma
What am I doing wrong? 4Mar 2nd, 2016 - ewilliams224
Colon screening 2Mar 1st, 2016 - rphelps
2016 February
Comparison Exams 0Feb 29th, 2016 - cdodson
bilateral hip xray 0Feb 29th, 2016 - Syssor
Influenza A coding 0Feb 27th, 2016 - BethSaurwein
time based billing  1Feb 26th, 2016 - alg618
Fluorescein Dye Strips 0Feb 25th, 2016 - srohlmeier
diagnostic bronchoscopy with more extensive thoracic procedures 2Feb 25th, 2016 - joans
Blood Draw During Infusion 0Feb 25th, 2016 - sforestano
How do we get the E&M code paid when billed with a 94760 code?  1Feb 25th, 2016 - JULIA7014
Wound Cultures 0Feb 25th, 2016 - lharris26
Insertion of a port 0Feb 25th, 2016 - rphelps
Ekg 93000 and a spirometry 94010 on the same date of service 0Feb 25th, 2016 - vcrachy
Left Heart Catheterization with Selective Coronary Angiography 0Feb 23rd, 2016 - hiamy
Asc 0Feb 22nd, 2016 - rphelps
Student 6Feb 19th, 2016 - pmontoya
Urgent! Need help 3Feb 19th, 2016 - LBAROGIANIS
Gyn office billing annual wellness visit 1Feb 18th, 2016 - nannawillow
J9263 3Feb 18th, 2016 - NYUseaport1
Missed delivery charge posting 1Feb 17th, 2016 - jrussell2060
Surgical Wound 2Feb 16th, 2016 - tinklenl
Medicare TCM codes 1Feb 16th, 2016 - ltingley
25608 vs 25609 1Feb 12th, 2016 - chrishonkala
Can we bill 99233 twice on same day  4Feb 12th, 2016 - bsrinivasarao777
help 2Feb 11th, 2016 - jerseygirl
HCPCS  0Feb 11th, 2016 - rphelps
CCS-P exam  0Feb 11th, 2016 - yml3768
Complication of delivery code 1Feb 10th, 2016 - alpjeffrey
laproscopic Essure removal with removal fallopian tubes with cornual section 1Feb 10th, 2016 - jerseygirl
h&e stain papanicolaou stain 0Feb 10th, 2016 - lharris26
modifier help Please 7Feb 10th, 2016 - TerryC
How would you code this OP note? 3Feb 10th, 2016 - alg618
diff between modifier-24 & 25 2Feb 9th, 2016 - RRAJHARAMANAATHA
Question on CPT® code 99219 5Feb 9th, 2016 - cmc2012
ICD-10 Code 0Feb 9th, 2016 - CJKNIGHT
dexamethasone injection 1Feb 8th, 2016 - gmiller01
Guarantor 2Feb 8th, 2016 - ewilliams224
billing an office with a joint injection 1Feb 8th, 2016 - bhiggsnickelson
cytology CPT® code 88106 0Feb 8th, 2016 - lharris26
Bill for no show to surgery 0Feb 5th, 2016 -
Weight Management 2Feb 5th, 2016 - MissDecember
Left Heart Catheterization with Selective Coronary Angiography- help 0Feb 5th, 2016 - hiamy
Unsure of modifier 1Feb 4th, 2016 - cmgmr
92014/92004  2Feb 4th, 2016 - yml3768
Advanced Care Planning 1Feb 3rd, 2016 - blanche22
Pre-op labs 0Feb 3rd, 2016 - rphelps
new patient help please 1Feb 3rd, 2016 - TerryC
ICD 10 code Z71.3 as primary DX 0Feb 3rd, 2016 - Roseena11
billable or inclusive 3Feb 3rd, 2016 - bsrinivasarao777
Speech therapy code 0Feb 2nd, 2016 - asherbilling
Rapid Hep C testing 0Feb 2nd, 2016 - sherry7
29280 : reg 1Feb 2nd, 2016 - jackson2012
Extended Recovery vs. Observation 0Feb 2nd, 2016 - jacobc
Correct billing of dx code 0Feb 2nd, 2016 - BONE
reg 69210 2Feb 2nd, 2016 - jackson2012
'History of' vs active dx 1Feb 1st, 2016 - andersm4
2016 January
Modifier 26 (Interpretation) DOS and POS 2Jan 29th, 2016 - lkoolsone
Help, please! E&M coding question 1Jan 29th, 2016 - cmc2012
Advanced Care Planning 1Jan 27th, 2016 - jmschuma
Physical exam 2Jan 27th, 2016 - sschwartz
correct modifier 1Jan 26th, 2016 - BONE
Updated TCM DOS 3Jan 26th, 2016 - mnpowell
biopsies 1Jan 25th, 2016 - Sha12
Diagnosis Question 0Jan 22nd, 2016 - carmenb
Excision of fabella 1Jan 22nd, 2016 - CarolynJ
Confused!!! 1Jan 21st, 2016 - nonadianne
11060 and 99212 coding together what modifier to pay both? 1Jan 21st, 2016 - svenboa2
CPT® 98925-98929 Osteopathic Treatment 0Jan 21st, 2016 - ewilliams224
G0477 / g0478 0Jan 21st, 2016 - taradalyn1
Anesthesia - CRNA's 2Jan 21st, 2016 - ladyt
Transitional care code questions 3Jan 21st, 2016 - smilsdo
CPT® G0434 ua tox 3Jan 20th, 2016 - sschwartz
New UDS codes? 0Jan 20th, 2016 - taradalyn1
Chronic left total knee arthroplasty infection  0Jan 19th, 2016 - Karik80
observation patient going to surgery 4Jan 19th, 2016 -
Right lower lobe consolidation with trichoderma species 2Jan 18th, 2016 - Karik80
Locum Tenens 0Jan 18th, 2016 - rphelps
correct Procedure code 1Jan 18th, 2016 - BONE
ICD-10 Diagnosis for Remote Monitoring 2Jan 18th, 2016 - pfilson
2016 colon polyp ablation not by hot bx forceps or snare  0Jan 18th, 2016 - mw0234
Infectious Disease sequencing of codes 0Jan 17th, 2016 - Karik80
Correct Procedure code  1Jan 15th, 2016 - BONE
G8802 1Jan 15th, 2016 - YolandaValent2
cpt#G8802 0Jan 15th, 2016 - YolandaValent2
Pilonidal Cyst 1Jan 15th, 2016 - donnaulmer
H & P for nephrology 1Jan 14th, 2016 - anitac
A9500 0Jan 14th, 2016 - stomach1
Plaquenil examination 0Jan 13th, 2016 - jeansu
99497  0Jan 13th, 2016 - mary77
Interphalangeal Joint Reduction 0Jan 12th, 2016 - carmenb
tips for nebulizer teaching 0Jan 12th, 2016 - shobaram
69209 0Jan 12th, 2016 - TerryC
Postpartum complications 0Jan 11th, 2016 - alpjeffrey
screening labs help please! 1Jan 8th, 2016 - TerryC
Modifer 80 and GC Profee coding 0Jan 8th, 2016 - aolsen
Correct DX code 2Jan 7th, 2016 - BONE
Correct DX Code  0Jan 6th, 2016 - BONE
New patient or follow up? 1Jan 6th, 2016 - cmgmr
Anesthesia record 1Jan 5th, 2016 - CJKNIGHT
Anesthesia Billing 3Jan 5th, 2016 - CJKNIGHT
S0199 1Jan 5th, 2016 - TerryC
Need software suggestions 0Jan 4th, 2016 - LBAROGIANIS
School Project 1Jan 1st, 2016 - eperez89
2015 December
Advance Care Planning seminar 0Dec 30th, 2015 - damills
comparison x-ray billing 0Dec 29th, 2015 - jhoppe15
Respirator fit/use test 1Dec 29th, 2015 - bigdog40
Modifier PD 0Dec 29th, 2015 -
Moore balance brace 0Dec 28th, 2015 - tteardrops
ICD-10 for follow-up to monitor and manage a closed surgical wound such as a myocutaneous flap 0Dec 28th, 2015 - gmhow
LTC coding 0Dec 28th, 2015 - wonderwomanWNRC
Bundle 0Dec 28th, 2015 - ltriana86
CPT: 76362 - Crosswalk code 0Dec 28th, 2015 - medhari15
Z01.419 0Dec 24th, 2015 - gorski
School project 4Dec 24th, 2015 - eperez89
Post Op Visit 1Dec 24th, 2015 - RhondaS
NY Medicaid - Reimbursement for CPT® code 94003 2Dec 23rd, 2015 - Jayavelu
Procedure code 13160 1Dec 22nd, 2015 - BONE
Z-codes 3Dec 21st, 2015 - gorski
Billing for Smoking Cessation Counseling 0Dec 20th, 2015 - emd889
J2001 1Dec 19th, 2015 - msimmons11
Uhb 0Dec 19th, 2015 - Sherry42
Uhb 1Dec 19th, 2015 - Sherry42
coding 69631 with 20926 1Dec 18th, 2015 - bjorgensen
Axogen nerve graft to lingual nerve- Need ICD-10 PCS code for procedure 4Dec 17th, 2015 - codinqueen
84402 and 84403 0Dec 17th, 2015 - happycoder
Repeat question regarding ICD10 for subsequent Depo Provera injections 1Dec 17th, 2015 - sschwartz
? Nail bed repair 2Dec 17th, 2015 - carmenb
icd10 code 3Dec 16th, 2015 - GCAINC
Bone Density Test Dx 3Dec 16th, 2015 - abbysmom2000
2016 Final Rule on DOS for TCM 2Dec 14th, 2015 - damills
yearly medicare high risk paps 0Dec 14th, 2015 - downriverins
Removing an embedded TE valve 0Dec 11th, 2015 - nelcym
? hemorrhage control CPT 0Dec 10th, 2015 - ens5
Injury due to dog bite 1Dec 10th, 2015 - rashobi
76700-59/93978 0Dec 10th, 2015 - CDI
Dilaudid 1Dec 10th, 2015 - hshortsleeve
76536/93880 together 0Dec 10th, 2015 - CDI
Billing Patients 4Dec 10th, 2015 - ewilliams224
Ortho - CPT® code 27244 0Dec 10th, 2015 - Victoria001
Wc 1Dec 10th, 2015 - ltriana86
Billing Joint Injections 0Dec 9th, 2015 - LRuiz
Medicare denied 81002 with OV 4Dec 9th, 2015 - padi1coder
Infected Recurrent Preauricular sinus 0Dec 9th, 2015 - jrussell
order of codes on claim 1Dec 9th, 2015 - LBreunig
Can this be reported as 11730? 2Dec 8th, 2015 - carmenb
hospital coverage 2Dec 8th, 2015 - paula52
Texas health steps 0Dec 8th, 2015 - veefrias
Correctly using aftercare codes in Icd-10 0Dec 8th, 2015 - alg618
CPT® for total elbow arthroplasty revision - bushing only 0Dec 8th, 2015 - dredd2929
Shape endoscopy 0Dec 8th, 2015 - rphelps
Replacement of Cath 0Dec 7th, 2015 - Ksheets1
Hypertension secondary to? 1Dec 7th, 2015 - nonadianne
Medicaid Well Woman Exam 1Dec 7th, 2015 - chaney123
Hip Fracture 0Dec 7th, 2015 - Victoria001
Glucometer and test strips, new modifier? 0Dec 7th, 2015 - taradalyn1
Absence of pulse 0Dec 4th, 2015 - carmenb
ICD10 for subsequent or repeat injectable contraceptive 0Dec 4th, 2015 - sschwartz
ICD10 for repeat encounter for injectable contraception 0Dec 4th, 2015 - sschwartz
How long is a physician's order valid? 0Dec 4th, 2015 - jmschuma
ICD-10 Help - ACOM Aneurysm 1Dec 4th, 2015 - tjoossens
I10 coding help; I'm confused 0Dec 4th, 2015 - nonadianne
Recommended Billing and Coding Certification Programs.  0Dec 4th, 2015 -
CPT® code 0Dec 4th, 2015 - Tvelez
viewing discussion posts 4Dec 4th, 2015 - dolhajd
viewing posts 1Dec 4th, 2015 - dolhajd
How long is a physician's order valid? 0Dec 3rd, 2015 - jmschuma
multi specialty office visit billing for same group  3Dec 3rd, 2015 - elliscc1
ICD -10 coding 2Dec 3rd, 2015 - vascular101
Claim adjustments 3Dec 3rd, 2015 - bspainhour
removal granulation tissue vaginal cuff 0Dec 3rd, 2015 - dmw610
78/79 Modifiers 0Dec 2nd, 2015 - kcrossley
What is the correct code to use for Dermatoheliosis? 0Dec 2nd, 2015 - jdthomas
charging for drugs administered after the post operative recovery time 0Dec 2nd, 2015 -
Getting denials for Medicare Flu & shot admin 6Dec 2nd, 2015 - pdhardy
CPT® 73565 0Dec 2nd, 2015 - pmfrey
CPT® code 82962  0Dec 2nd, 2015 - Suzannepulido
2015 November
CPT® 93015 0Nov 30th, 2015 - wenonaf
Medicare denial remarks 2Nov 30th, 2015 - alpjeffrey
Glucometer/test strip modifier 0Nov 30th, 2015 - taradalyn1
CPT® Code Confusion for Ileostomy Reversal 0Nov 30th, 2015 - CLM1976
Sinus CPT® coding 0Nov 28th, 2015 - hholty
Coding Percutaneous Transluminal Angioplasty 0Nov 28th, 2015 - wright1
CPT® code 88341 0Nov 27th, 2015 - lharris26
Abdominoplasty 1Nov 26th, 2015 - Victoria001
Reimbursement for intrapulmonary percussive ventilation procedure 0Nov 26th, 2015 - amoore7661
Please Help CPT® for Exostectomy 0Nov 25th, 2015 - cvanbrakle
how to code for and infected tka with an I&D and poly exchange 0Nov 25th, 2015 - nbohn
Rebilling 0Nov 25th, 2015 - MuhammadSabil
Mental health services rendered in POS -23 1Nov 25th, 2015 - medhari15
I/r 0Nov 25th, 2015 - TAWANNA40
DM and osteomyelitis 0Nov 24th, 2015 - SandyKay
94250bundled in BCBS 0Nov 24th, 2015 - RaquelB
Patient comes in with tissue she passed sample no positive pregnancy test. How to code this tissue for ICD 10 0Nov 24th, 2015 - sas1976
Ovarian cysts 2Nov 24th, 2015 - Victoria001
ICD-10 CM code for lap procedure converted to open? 2Nov 24th, 2015 - codinqueen
Rubella non-immune status, antepartum 0Nov 24th, 2015 - irishjunebug
burn 0Nov 23rd, 2015 - carmenb
Need CPT® code for endscopic endonasal pituitary hemmorrhage 0Nov 23rd, 2015 - LBAROGIANIS
coding ankle fracture with postop displacement 0Nov 23rd, 2015 - pmfrey
Examples relating to a ICD-10 code 2Nov 23rd, 2015 - irishjunebug
addtional anesthesia services when performing a colonoscopy 0Nov 22nd, 2015 - sdelverde
Keloid 2Nov 21st, 2015 - Mike43229
E/M Coding for Gynecology 0Nov 20th, 2015 - EWH
What CPT® code would you use for inverted uterus 5Nov 20th, 2015 -
Hysterosalpingogram 1Nov 20th, 2015 - llauer
Podiatry Q8 Modifier 0Nov 20th, 2015 - sharris
billing in assisted living 0Nov 20th, 2015 - carolyndeniz
99366 0Nov 19th, 2015 - Madvan
Coding Question 1Nov 19th, 2015 -
Mobile Phlebotomy Services 0Nov 19th, 2015 - Scorpion7
Interventional Radiology - Anesthesia 0Nov 19th, 2015 - mmiller
Correct DX Code 0Nov 19th, 2015 - BONE
which modifier need to use 0Nov 19th, 2015 - jackp
Laceration repair 0Nov 18th, 2015 - carmenb
Intrapulmonary percussive ventilation (IPV) 0Nov 18th, 2015 - amoore7661
chemistry codes 0Nov 18th, 2015 - NarketaGlenn
Operating Microscope 0Nov 18th, 2015 - kld1979
Correct DX Code  0Nov 18th, 2015 - BONE
Subgaleal Fluid Collection 0Nov 17th, 2015 - kld1979
Chearging an E&M in place of a procedure 1Nov 17th, 2015 - sschwartz
Rotator Cuff Repair Question 0Nov 17th, 2015 - Victoria001
Carging an E&M in place of a procedure 0Nov 17th, 2015 - sschwartz
Colonoscopy 1Nov 16th, 2015 - rphelps
Advance Care Planning 0Nov 16th, 2015 - cma2015
CPT® codes 0Nov 15th, 2015 - pcollins58
Bundling question 0Nov 13th, 2015 - dolhajd
Tee  0Nov 13th, 2015 -
Total Hip Arthroplasty 2Nov 13th, 2015 - Victoria001
Billing 11055/11056 with G0127 0Nov 13th, 2015 - tteardrops
Coronary Angiogram 0Nov 12th, 2015 - jeanniedean
e/m with same day procedure- modifier 25 1Nov 12th, 2015 - bookera08
L57.0 benign keratosis 1Nov 12th, 2015 - kjstremont1
Medicare PLB adjustment 0Nov 12th, 2015 - lharris26
Revascularization percutaneous profunda femoris transluminal balloon angiioplasty code 1Nov 12th, 2015 - triplejr
code 95972 0Nov 11th, 2015 - amoore7661
Anesthesia Proedure Code 00670 0Nov 11th, 2015 - youngblood
ovarian fenestration 0Nov 11th, 2015 - PNIOSI
CPT® g0008 1Nov 11th, 2015 - medhari15
release popliteal artery entrapment 0Nov 11th, 2015 -
Code 96490 0Nov 10th, 2015 - amoore7661
Low Anterior Resection  0Nov 10th, 2015 - Victoria001
cervical laminectomy with extradural epidural hematoma evacuation 3Nov 10th, 2015 - CALLARD
Code 94690 0Nov 10th, 2015 - amoore7661
Observation vs Inpatient 4Nov 9th, 2015 - Sha12
Atherectomy coding 0Nov 9th, 2015 -
looking for the ICD 10 for RT HILAR MASS and Widening of rt secondary Carina 0Nov 9th, 2015 - maryann826
Lung Cancer Screening 0Nov 9th, 2015 - rphelps
Ref E0430 & E0431 0Nov 6th, 2015 - jackson2012
Pre-Op visit (2) 0Nov 6th, 2015 - MissDecember
Help with 17000 & 17003 3Nov 6th, 2015 - bspainhour
Z51.89 0Nov 6th, 2015 - nonadianne
Lung Screening 1Nov 6th, 2015 - rphelps
ICD-9-CM code for old myocardial infarction 0Nov 6th, 2015 - sylvia2764
Inpatient Initial EM Code  1Nov 5th, 2015 - Lanitam48
Pre-Op visit 1Nov 5th, 2015 - MissDecember
pqrs measure 112 0Nov 5th, 2015 - ginasn
lidocaine 2% w/ epi 1:100 hcpcs code? 0Nov 5th, 2015 - kristenkayc
Liposuction to elevate av fistula 0Nov 5th, 2015 - JBTOOLEY0723
Humana Medicare advantage x-ray denials 0Nov 5th, 2015 - jlaurent1231
51798 0Nov 5th, 2015 - ValerieCamp
CPT® 75630 inclusive 1Nov 4th, 2015 - vincy
physical and pap 0Nov 4th, 2015 - TerryC
sinus surgery PO being billed with OV and debridement/endoscopy codes 0Nov 4th, 2015 - lmoss123
Blood in Mouth 2Nov 4th, 2015 - carmenb
Low Anterior Resection vs Sigmoidectomy vs Hemicolectomy ?? 0Nov 4th, 2015 - Victoria001
K0800  0Nov 3rd, 2015 - jackson2012
Coding Vascular 0Nov 3rd, 2015 - JBTOOLEY0723
99024 2Nov 3rd, 2015 - carmenb
VASCULAR - Op Note for Coding 0Nov 3rd, 2015 - JBTOOLEY0723
Pulmonary & Sleep Study Reimbursements 0Nov 2nd, 2015 - amoore7661
Vascular Op Note...Need Help Coding 0Nov 2nd, 2015 - JBTOOLEY0723
Antibiotics beads 0Nov 2nd, 2015 - Celia
2015 October
Tobacco use 1Oct 30th, 2015 - Rivergirl
Valid modifier for Inhalation treatment: 94640 3Oct 30th, 2015 - medhari15
Orthopedics 0Oct 30th, 2015 - jmoon
S4989 0Oct 30th, 2015 -
Help coding a complicated home visit 0Oct 30th, 2015 - cmgmr
Coding Rehab inpatient for E&M at physician's office 2Oct 30th, 2015 - mm2394
what is the code for a skin tear 0Oct 29th, 2015 - southpaw1
ICD 10 for the Medicare Annual Wellness Visit  0Oct 29th, 2015 - Gregg
Z23 1Oct 29th, 2015 - lhudson3
CPT® 92551 audiometry 0Oct 29th, 2015 - jackson2012
Please suggest valid modifier for CPT® code 25600 6Oct 28th, 2015 - medhari15
Fee for Drawing Blood 1Oct 28th, 2015 - bspainhour
Lab Fees 0Oct 28th, 2015 - bspainhour
Coding endoscopic carpal tunnel release with ulnar shortening osteotomy 0Oct 28th, 2015 -
Mcr high risk code  2Oct 28th, 2015 -
Acute stroke to the right corona radiata  0Oct 28th, 2015 - ens5
Walk in Clinic 0Oct 27th, 2015 - SCoyle
Old perineal tear/revision 0Oct 27th, 2015 - bjones2301
Fracture code 2Oct 27th, 2015 - cmgmr
Prolonged Services 1Oct 26th, 2015 - ninisage
Is 80100 an active code 0Oct 26th, 2015 - svandale
Need Coding instructions 1Oct 26th, 2015 - Ruvi
assistant surgeon billing 0Oct 26th, 2015 - janegriffiths
Blling e&m code same day different providers with in the group 1Oct 24th, 2015 - eannie13
Remove encrusted nasal mucus with forceps  0Oct 23rd, 2015 - nelcym
98969 Case Management - reading e-mail correspondence for Psychotherapy 2Oct 23rd, 2015 - DebraLMFT
Billing 62252 in the office 0Oct 23rd, 2015 - CALLARD
J medication codes 1Oct 23rd, 2015 - swastaff
Using ICD10CM follow up codes Z08 and Z09 2Oct 23rd, 2015 - Loni10
is CPT® 90471 include counseling for adults 1Oct 23rd, 2015 - nyusufova
is there a CPT® code for administration vaccination with counseling for adults 0Oct 23rd, 2015 - nyusufova
CABG w/cardioversion 0Oct 23rd, 2015 -
Spray and Stretch 3Oct 22nd, 2015 - bspainhour
Finding Previous Questions 2Oct 22nd, 2015 - DebraLMFT
Modifier for E&M code 1Oct 22nd, 2015 - Sthourot
Modifier 93 0Oct 22nd, 2015 - jackson2012
Billing question 1Oct 21st, 2015 - mrusso
Humana Military Tricare reimbursement 1Oct 21st, 2015 - vochrisq
Modifier 93 0Oct 21st, 2015 - jackson2012
Codes  1Oct 21st, 2015 - mrusso
ICD10-Z08 and Z09 in Dermatology 0Oct 21st, 2015 - Loni10
Dermatology ICD-10 coding question 2Oct 20th, 2015 - KathyLyman4659
Need CPT® code for this: 0Oct 20th, 2015 - LBAROGIANIS
CPT-ICD-9 crosswalk 1Oct 20th, 2015 - dtont001
wound debridement 0Oct 20th, 2015 - bookera08
83036 code 0Oct 20th, 2015 - bookera08
the difference between sequela visit & follow up 2Oct 20th, 2015 - mary77
observation days 0Oct 20th, 2015 - slhunter
Code Z00.01 1Oct 19th, 2015 -
Surgery 0Oct 19th, 2015 - Joya
pancreaticoduodenectomy with cholecystectomy 0Oct 19th, 2015 - Loni10
pancreaticoduodenectomy with cholecystectomy 3Oct 19th, 2015 - Loni10
z23 denial for inlfuenza vaccine 2Oct 19th, 2015 - kbarron
what is the primary code for 38900? 1Oct 16th, 2015 - Jilly12
dilation of a MIC KEY tube tract with a Savory dilator 0Oct 16th, 2015 - mbrigham
Closure Devices in the Cath lab 0Oct 16th, 2015 - rwalling
2016 CPT® radiology code changes: More bundling expected 1Oct 16th, 2015 - braddy77
cannot get the ekg g0403 paid on an IPPE 1Oct 15th, 2015 - dhiestand
Multi probe allergy skin testing 1Oct 15th, 2015 - June
Echo Bubble Study 0Oct 15th, 2015 - stomach1
lap converted to open 3Oct 15th, 2015 - nswoffer
ICD-10 and CPT 1Oct 15th, 2015 - huning
medical necessity for code 83036 2Oct 15th, 2015 - bookera08
Midline catheter 0Oct 15th, 2015 - lizsmom1
modifier 1Oct 15th, 2015 - danielaisabella
Insect Anaphalyxis coding 0Oct 15th, 2015 - sabrinagen
Public Aid Billing Units 0Oct 15th, 2015 -
SNF/NF Visits 2Oct 15th, 2015 - nonadianne
Valid Modifier required 4Oct 14th, 2015 - medhari15
NEW PATIENT office visit 3Oct 14th, 2015 - jackson2012
CPT® g0420 0Oct 14th, 2015 - dykesemma
99211 & 85610 (qw) 1Oct 14th, 2015 -
CPT® 43235  5Oct 14th, 2015 - Ruvi
Medicaid denies 99396 3Oct 14th, 2015 - Ruvi
New E/M code - CA WC 0Oct 14th, 2015 - jackson2012
Medicare Patient coded as Consult but patient in Observ. status 3Oct 14th, 2015 -
Postpartum ICD-10 Coding 3Oct 13th, 2015 - tlw51684
CPT® 90686 0Oct 13th, 2015 -
PA promise website help 0Oct 13th, 2015 - medhari15
icd10 code 0Oct 13th, 2015 - HNSA12
0 0Oct 13th, 2015 - medhari15
CPT® 82962  1Oct 13th, 2015 -
Facility Coding Modifiers 3Oct 13th, 2015 - aolsen
W19 code 1Oct 13th, 2015 - kcarterjones
Help with W19 code. 0Oct 13th, 2015 - kcarterjones
subdivided codes 0Oct 13th, 2015 - kcarterjones
Bilateral toe cellulitis 1Oct 12th, 2015 - thefootdr
ICD-10 bilateral 1Oct 12th, 2015 - thefootdr
retinacular repair 0Oct 12th, 2015 - dalexand
complete cutaneous exam 2Oct 12th, 2015 - KathyLyman4659
incomplete spontaneous abortions 6Oct 12th, 2015 -
CPT® code connective tissue disorder  0Oct 12th, 2015 - speedy6452
why do chemistry codes appear to be the most challenging codes in the CPT® book 0Oct 12th, 2015 - jeanleene
When DO you code documented signs / symptoms / procedures / treatments? 7Oct 10th, 2015 -
Icd-10 1Oct 9th, 2015 - nonadianne
36140 denying with a cabg 1Oct 9th, 2015 -
Tcm 4Oct 9th, 2015 -
Icd-10 post concussion 1Oct 9th, 2015 - peggy.glodgett
Excision Vulvar Moles 0Oct 8th, 2015 - KIMESPINOSA
HCPC code for vasopressin(pitressin) 0Oct 8th, 2015 - adudms
DOS 10/1/15 > Any payments/responses yet? 8Oct 8th, 2015 - Cat1
Lap removal of a foreign body from peritoneal cavity 0Oct 8th, 2015 - cassylittrell
Popliteal Nerve Block 0Oct 8th, 2015 - lcole7465
Split billing 1Oct 8th, 2015 - alpjeffrey
ICD10 1Oct 7th, 2015 - billings123
Modifier 0Oct 7th, 2015 - billings123
Consultation conversion to inpatient code 0Oct 7th, 2015 - ranawaheed321
what is the icd-10 code for hypertension, benign? 4Oct 7th, 2015 - saunisou
Any allergy groups out there? CPT® 95004 3Oct 7th, 2015 - sabrinagen
fasciocutaneous flap 0Oct 7th, 2015 - petunia
Prolong service codes billing 0Oct 6th, 2015 - ranawaheed321
Stress echo reading at hospital 0Oct 6th, 2015 -
EVAR Procedure 3Oct 6th, 2015 -
dermatology coding help 0Oct 6th, 2015 - cseverance
CPT® 61521-neurosurgery 0Oct 6th, 2015 - LBAROGIANIS
fasciocutaneous flaps 0Oct 6th, 2015 - petunia
IVP or Retrograde Pyelogram billed in hospital? 0Oct 6th, 2015 - dmoellma
How do we bill ? PA saw the pt ... 1Oct 6th, 2015 - marymanager
99239 discharge code  0Oct 6th, 2015 - EDIAZ1003
Discharge code 99239 1Oct 6th, 2015 - EDIAZ1003
CPT® question 5Oct 6th, 2015 - locomah
Icd 10 0Oct 6th, 2015 - BONE
fee schedule 0Oct 5th, 2015 - abentins
V43.1 and cataract 1Oct 5th, 2015 - emeraldmed
CPT® coding  0Oct 5th, 2015 - tjohns
Icd 10 codes 5Oct 5th, 2015 - BONE
36415  0Oct 5th, 2015 - kimmie
tobacco screening 0Oct 3rd, 2015 - rjburns15
Excision of bile duct stump 1Oct 2nd, 2015 - tnapora
diagnosis  1Oct 2nd, 2015 - grammacb
Correct dx code and modifier 1Oct 2nd, 2015 - BONE
Nurse Vist with a Urology procedure 0Oct 2nd, 2015 - spatch
Correct ICD-9 code and modifer 0Oct 2nd, 2015 - BONE
coding! 0Oct 2nd, 2015 - cseverance
How to bill proc code 29826 and 23120 correctly 0Oct 1st, 2015 - BONE
PFT's 1Oct 1st, 2015 - silvd20
which do you bill first when you have medical and vision insurance? 3Oct 1st, 2015 - dgirardi
icd10 question 0Oct 1st, 2015 - adrkit
87430 vs 87880 0Oct 1st, 2015 - TerryC
CPT® codes for PTA of SVC and PTA of innominate 0Oct 1st, 2015 - JBTOOLEY0723
How to bill proc code 29826 and 23120 correctly 0Oct 1st, 2015 - BONE
Icd-1o blepharitis 1Oct 1st, 2015 -
2015 September
unsubscribe 0Sep 30th, 2015 - lhudson
Debridement 0Sep 30th, 2015 - cdavis62
Comparison x-ray billing 0Sep 30th, 2015 - nancyh1102
observation code 0Sep 30th, 2015 - jcapone
Actinic Keratosis 0Sep 29th, 2015 - sboon321
EGD with dilation of pyloric and esophageal stenosis after subtotal gastrectomy global 0Sep 29th, 2015 - mw0234
CPT 1Sep 29th, 2015 - carmajo
Excision coding 0Sep 29th, 2015 - cmgmr
face to face visits for home health care 0Sep 28th, 2015 - MarshaF
Vesicoureteral reflux 0Sep 28th, 2015 - Aprilz0705
E/M with lesion removal HELP! 1Sep 28th, 2015 - TerryC
CPT® code 45388 and 45385 3Sep 28th, 2015 - sjones392
Low grade malignant trichilemmal proliferating cyst 0Sep 28th, 2015 - mw0234
PathologIc /laboratory  0Sep 27th, 2015 - valerief888
Bc3020 week 5 1Sep 27th, 2015 - cstone43
E/M Question 2Sep 25th, 2015 - nonadianne
Asthma 0Sep 25th, 2015 - nonadianne
partial roofing of a sinus tract 0Sep 24th, 2015 - syamaoka
DX code help 1Sep 23rd, 2015 - TerryC
Vascular: LE arterial and venous studies  0Sep 23rd, 2015 - JBTOOLEY0723
CPT® Codes 27695 and 29898 0Sep 23rd, 2015 - Jade13
G codes  1Sep 23rd, 2015 - macdarlen
Neuropsych testing 0Sep 22nd, 2015 - jjackson
manual vaginal prolapse reduction during colonoscopy 0Sep 22nd, 2015 - donnatvgastro
ICD-10 Z09, f/up after completed tx. help please! 0Sep 22nd, 2015 - TerryC
coding 1Sep 22nd, 2015 - cseverance
CPT® 74249 0Sep 22nd, 2015 - abbyakinleye
CPT® 99080 clarification 0Sep 22nd, 2015 - cmgmr
ICD-10 Coding Well Visit with Diagnosis of Obesity 0Sep 21st, 2015 - Kaybella67
codinq question 0Sep 21st, 2015 - swillis
93925 vs 93923 Vs 93970 0Sep 20th, 2015 - braddy77
Re flu shots codes 1Sep 18th, 2015 - caroni1224
Aspiration code 0Sep 18th, 2015 - cmgmr
HCPCS lookup for a NDC # 0Sep 18th, 2015 - becenbe
thoracotomy codes 1Sep 18th, 2015 -
Discontinue 1Sep 17th, 2015 -
charge entry help 3Sep 17th, 2015 - TerryC
Homehealth code 2Sep 17th, 2015 - warmbillier
flu vaccine help 2Sep 17th, 2015 - TerryC
End stage renal disease 0Sep 17th, 2015 - nonadianne
End Staged Renal Disease 0Sep 17th, 2015 - nonadianne
attempted breast reconstruction 4Sep 17th, 2015 -
Immunizations 2Sep 17th, 2015 - sherry7
Angioma of Brain 1Sep 17th, 2015 - Wandaj
in office labs 7Sep 17th, 2015 - paula52
billing for swing bed 0Sep 16th, 2015 - anitac
99223-25 inclusive with 33210 2Sep 16th, 2015 - vincy
86580 PPD Test 1Sep 16th, 2015 - corialo
Exploration of Cervical Fusion 1Sep 15th, 2015 - RNlady92707
G0180 2Sep 15th, 2015 - warmbillier
billing procedure code 11042 5Sep 15th, 2015 - BONE
Ros 1Sep 14th, 2015 - cmgmr
Drug screening 0Sep 14th, 2015 - rphelps
Nose graft 0Sep 14th, 2015 - ketalopez
HCPCS code H1000 1Sep 14th, 2015 - achacko
Office visit which led to EGD w/ peg placement, same day 6Sep 14th, 2015 - lkoolsone
Fna 1Sep 14th, 2015 - Odditor
Office visit turned into H&P for Hospital Observation 2Sep 14th, 2015 - cmgmr
E/M or CPT® Code 0Sep 13th, 2015 - dee1957c
secnario answer 0Sep 13th, 2015 - dee1957c
Effort to protect against SPAM 1Sep 13th, 2015 - admin
integumentary system 0Sep 13th, 2015 - preyes
E&M services within the 90 day global period in dialysis access creation and maturation: Part 3 0Sep 13th, 2015 - tangerinebed999
E&M services within the 90 day global period in dialysis access creation and maturation: Part 2  0Sep 13th, 2015 - tangerinebed999
E&M services within the 90 day global period in dialysis access creation and maturation: Part 1  0Sep 13th, 2015 - tangerinebed999
Codes 1Sep 12th, 2015 - SilviaN1
Path report 0Sep 11th, 2015 -
Second Request. Ileostomy/colostomy takedown, excision of enetrocutaneous fistula 0Sep 11th, 2015 - Spunch36
Guardasil 9 ICD9 Code 2Sep 11th, 2015 - donnaulmer
Picking primary diagnosis for hospital patient- reason for Surgery or reason for admit? 0Sep 11th, 2015 -
Same Day Different Doctor 0Sep 11th, 2015 - Eva
Chiropractic Pointers 0Sep 11th, 2015 - constancecwhalen
Vats 0Sep 11th, 2015 - tanlong
Takedown of GJ tube and replacement with 2 separate tubes such as Gastrostomy tube and feeding Jejunostomy 0Sep 11th, 2015 - Spunch36
ileostomy/colostomy takedown need help!  0Sep 11th, 2015 - Spunch36
ORIF of lateral navicular 1Sep 10th, 2015 - CarolynJ
New patient elements missing 5Sep 10th, 2015 - lmckenna
80303 2Sep 10th, 2015 - Prakash.HB
Psychotherapy Code for Reviewing Extensive E-mails 0Sep 10th, 2015 - DebraLMFT
Influenza Vaccine 4Sep 10th, 2015 - bjones2301
15830 and 49560 0Sep 10th, 2015 - lalalisa
Pre-op chest Xray 1Sep 10th, 2015 - rphelps
V68.1 0Sep 10th, 2015 -
Bone Marrow Bx vs. Asp CPT® Asst March 2015 0Sep 9th, 2015 - angiejones
billing for a crna in CT 2Sep 9th, 2015 - tcrimi
Can there be more than one rendering provider on one claim submitted? 0Sep 9th, 2015 -
New vs Established patient in a Hospital Clinic setting 2Sep 9th, 2015 -
Getting Dexa Scans covered 0Sep 9th, 2015 - Coder1234
ICD-10 for dentist 1Sep 9th, 2015 - mglynn
93352 place of service issue/Medicare 0Sep 9th, 2015 - Mand0984
New & established patient visits in skilled nursing home 1Sep 8th, 2015 - prinzer231
CPT® code 0Sep 8th, 2015 - tvc15012
CPT® 61516 vs CPT® 61524 0Sep 8th, 2015 - LBAROGIANIS
Modifier 53 in anesthesia 0Sep 7th, 2015 - jnieva
What is the code CPT® for repair of a 6cm laceration above eyebrow 0Sep 5th, 2015 - stewart
72158/72148 1Sep 4th, 2015 - jackim56
Decompression 2Sep 4th, 2015 - NYUseaport1
lymph node dissection 1Sep 4th, 2015 - fssmedicalassistant
E&M service after decision for surg, but before surg 1Sep 3rd, 2015 -
New Patient Office Visit 0Sep 3rd, 2015 - diana.collinson
Post ablation syndrome 0Sep 3rd, 2015 - bjones2301
Initial OV & Hospital Admission 2Sep 3rd, 2015 - d.berry
Coding drug administration 1Sep 3rd, 2015 -
Locum Tenen billing, asking again 2Sep 3rd, 2015 - sschwartz
an ipatient question 2Sep 3rd, 2015 - noemirubio
Billing visits for patients in an assisted living facility 0Sep 3rd, 2015 - lquinn
What diagnosis code would be used for "Chronic lateral ankle sprains involving the ATFL" 0Sep 3rd, 2015 -
Thecal Sac compression 0Sep 3rd, 2015 - sseibel
Assistant at surgery 2Sep 2nd, 2015 - CODE2014
CPT® code for excision of wound with advancement flap closure 11 cm 1Sep 2nd, 2015 - roselara1
AAA Endovascular repair with IVUS 0Sep 2nd, 2015 - rplowman
telephone psychotherapy 0Sep 2nd, 2015 - grammag50
Locum tenen billing 0Sep 2nd, 2015 - sschwartz
Group Visits 0Sep 2nd, 2015 - EleanorVT
CKD diagnosis coding 1Sep 2nd, 2015 - jwersland
CPT® coding Vaccines 1Sep 1st, 2015 - G.best1
96372 denial 1Sep 1st, 2015 - alpjeffrey
BMI range 0Sep 1st, 2015 -
2015 August
ICD-10 Templates 0Aug 31st, 2015 - astodolski
Discharge summary 0Aug 31st, 2015 - dhanunjay
99495 help please 0Aug 31st, 2015 - TerryC
99495 Help please 0Aug 31st, 2015 - TerryC
What would be the CPT® code for removal of a painful screw from the foot? 4Aug 30th, 2015 - mlwilson5
observation billing #3 0Aug 28th, 2015 - lmckenna
observation billing #2 0Aug 28th, 2015 - lmckenna
Observation billing 0Aug 28th, 2015 - lmckenna
well child visit and pre-op visit performed same day  0Aug 28th, 2015 - blorke
Chest pain 1Aug 28th, 2015 - cervin
Medical vs. Dental 2Aug 28th, 2015 - mormile47
ICD 10 Post op hematoma 2Aug 28th, 2015 - hanwelt
Psychologist vs Psychiatrist 0Aug 28th, 2015 - billings123
Ankle Brachial Index ABI 0Aug 28th, 2015 -
Coumadin check 0Aug 28th, 2015 -
Binocular Microscopy Procedure Abandoned Due To Patient's Anxious Resistance 1Aug 28th, 2015 - JenKocher
coding for checking titers 0Aug 27th, 2015 -
Cardiology subspecialty billing 1Aug 27th, 2015 - dbosch
CT billing for radiation planning 0Aug 27th, 2015 -
Repair of Laceration of vastus lateralis muscle. 0Aug 27th, 2015 -
mohs surgery 1Aug 27th, 2015 - josephonahmd
Ophthalmology exam in post op period 0Aug 27th, 2015 - sbarning
Initial visit in SNF & Rehab-ICD-10 0Aug 27th, 2015 - nonadianne
Gardasil 9 CPT® 90651? 0Aug 26th, 2015 -
Shoulder Surgical Coding 2Aug 26th, 2015 -
131 bill type 1Aug 26th, 2015 - Sam006
ICD 10 code for Asthma 1Aug 26th, 2015 - stuffing
Which comes first 3Aug 26th, 2015 - nonadianne
Removal of a loop recorder 1Aug 26th, 2015 - Terryoss
bilateral breast reduction 3Aug 26th, 2015 - c123abc
breast reduction 0Aug 26th, 2015 - c123abc
Hpi 2Aug 26th, 2015 - lminnick
Code and fees for G6021 0Aug 26th, 2015 - achacko
J-Mammoplasty & Goldilocks Breast Procedures 0Aug 26th, 2015 - jburchett
UHC DENIALS CO-234 AND CO-243 for Surgery claims 2Aug 26th, 2015 - LBAROGIANIS
Lumpectomy with Sentinel Node Excision 2Aug 26th, 2015 - emwood
Medicare physician requirements 1Aug 25th, 2015 -
Can I bill placement of amniotic membrane with a wound revsion? 0Aug 25th, 2015 - jodibilling
Requisitions 0Aug 25th, 2015 - cervin
ls there a CPT® to ICD-9 crosswalker? 0Aug 24th, 2015 - MarcLord
Durable medical equipment-help 4Aug 24th, 2015 - LBAROGIANIS
Radiology Concurrent Supervision Requirement 0Aug 21st, 2015 - lmp6kidsrock
51798 for measurement of post void residual 4Aug 21st, 2015 - rhina
67228 and 67210  0Aug 21st, 2015 - smflores001
punctal plugs 0Aug 20th, 2015 - dgirardi
coding 0Aug 20th, 2015 - cindyndsfo79
CPT® ---> ICD-9 Table 1Aug 20th, 2015 - MarcLord
CPT® 95180 billed on two consecutive days 0Aug 20th, 2015 - sboon321
work physical 1Aug 20th, 2015 - rfiore
Family Meetings 0Aug 20th, 2015 - rlcoog2
keep getting denial on 78452-26 with 93016 and 93018  2Aug 20th, 2015 - nlaviera
dx code sequencing 6Aug 20th, 2015 - miawalker
CPT® CODE FOR Tract Embolization With Gelatin Sponge Slurry for Prevention of Pneumothorax After Percutaneous Computed Tomography-Guided Lung Biopsy 0Aug 20th, 2015 - lizsmom1
Codapedia response time 2Aug 20th, 2015 - JPoland8
Postmenopausal bleeding with endometrial polyp arising from left cornual region 0Aug 19th, 2015 - JPoland8
97598 0Aug 19th, 2015 - youngblood
C2623-drug coated catheter for fem/pop angioplasty 0Aug 19th, 2015 - lizsmom1
CPT® for open excision of the patella 0Aug 19th, 2015 - Vford20019
denial 1Aug 19th, 2015 - judyhaley
Breast I&D with biopsy 0Aug 19th, 2015 - hgrimes14
Sialendoscopy 0Aug 19th, 2015 - pwebb1234
Post menopausal bleeding 0Aug 18th, 2015 - JPoland8
billing for swing bed  0Aug 18th, 2015 - anitac
Face to face, pos ??? Help stumped!! 1Aug 18th, 2015 - LBAROGIANIS
Cranial Wound washout and mesh removal 1Aug 18th, 2015 -
surgical coding 1Aug 18th, 2015 - nancyelizabeth
CPT® excision of seroma cavity with revision of incisional hernia 0Aug 18th, 2015 - wipcode
96372 denial by medicare 2Aug 18th, 2015 - alpjeffrey
Is more required than "stable" "worsening" etc when giving the status for 3 chronic conditions per 1997 E/M guidelines? Should they document more? 0Aug 18th, 2015 - ninawatters
C2623 0Aug 18th, 2015 - lizsmom1
Inpatient consultations 3Aug 17th, 2015 - kurban
Tcm 1Aug 17th, 2015 - Sha12
modifier help Please 4Aug 17th, 2015 - TerryC
cci edit 0Aug 15th, 2015 - hoosierjaney
CPT® & DX codes 0Aug 14th, 2015 - kmain
84403 4Aug 14th, 2015 - sillalynne
Office visit & ER visit and/or hospital admission same day 0Aug 14th, 2015 - cmgmr
Us extermities 0Aug 14th, 2015 - braddy77
Help with ICD-9 code 0Aug 14th, 2015 - mnunez
Nurse Maid Elbow 0Aug 13th, 2015 - jdoster
Doppler test in global period 0Aug 13th, 2015 - Ellen
How do you use the ICD9 codes v70.0 and v72.31 0Aug 13th, 2015 - mdavis9
Denials for ordering XRays 3Aug 13th, 2015 - sportystar101
Heart Caths, EP Studies & ICD Procedures vs Foley Cath Insertion 0Aug 12th, 2015 - bparks
Pregnancy code 0Aug 12th, 2015 - rdecarlomd
are current modifiers changing for ICD 10 1Aug 12th, 2015 - alyce51
Z32.01 vs. complication of pregnancy codes 0Aug 11th, 2015 -
Smart Phone Apps for cpnverting ICD-9 to ICD-10 codes 2Aug 11th, 2015 - megsedlak
Hep C Screenings 0Aug 11th, 2015 - rphelps
Fiducial coding 3Aug 11th, 2015 - alpjeffrey
Breast tomosynthesis 0Aug 11th, 2015 - braddy77
Can any body help me in below scenario regarding USOB 0Aug 11th, 2015 - braddy77
Psych 0Aug 10th, 2015 - billings123
Icd 10 0Aug 10th, 2015 - rphelps
Insurance refusal 1Aug 10th, 2015 - LPENA0310
About DRG coding 1Aug 7th, 2015 - chinmaya
Bundling 1Aug 7th, 2015 - swastaff
Ccs exam 2Aug 7th, 2015 - billieclub1
Cardiac Procedure Coding 0Aug 7th, 2015 - stomach1
Global Days 1Aug 6th, 2015 - faiw2001
75630 -vs- 75716 0Aug 6th, 2015 - scnoonie
Billing E/M code 99366 by hospital non-physician staff 0Aug 6th, 2015 - sdees
Inpatient billing for CPT® Code 96372 1Aug 6th, 2015 - sdees
icd10 TRAINING 1Aug 6th, 2015 - LINDAC120
code 64450 0Aug 6th, 2015 - larisa1964
67820 0Aug 5th, 2015 - cwilcox54
Infectious Disease 0Aug 5th, 2015 - Karik80
Vlnt 0Aug 5th, 2015 -
Billing CPTs 99406 or 99407 0Aug 4th, 2015 - lkeen4314
Bundling Denial 11300 with 17110 0Aug 4th, 2015 - EdgL9967
modifier for 81002 1Aug 4th, 2015 - pigaPLLC1
adenoma DX 1Aug 4th, 2015 -
ICD-9 code 0Aug 3rd, 2015 - laurie10
Evaluation and management with preventive medicine 1Aug 3rd, 2015 - chinmaya
i billed a 99204 with a 17003 and ems code is denying for included 1Aug 3rd, 2015 -
If AMA owns the copyrights to CPT® and descriptions: 1Aug 3rd, 2015 - LBAROGIANIS
Coding with a modifer with a S2083 lapband adjustment 0Aug 2nd, 2015 - RMScoding
G0180 0Aug 1st, 2015 - Jatin
2015 July
Smoking cessation code 2Jul 31st, 2015 -
Usob 0Jul 30th, 2015 - braddy77
icd 9 for Multiple Sclerosis 0Jul 30th, 2015 - LITA
93459 0Jul 30th, 2015 -
Has anyone billed 99213-25, 99396-25 with 90471 with BCBS of GA and gotten paid for all 3 codes? 1Jul 30th, 2015 - mcint119
CPT® 93965 and 93970 0Jul 30th, 2015 - gloriajaye
Coding Vascular - 2nd opinion please 0Jul 30th, 2015 - JBTOOLEY0723
Pap smear 1Jul 30th, 2015 - Sizemorec
what is DX code for allergic reaction to chemical substance? 1Jul 30th, 2015 - hponce
writeoff bankrutcy 8Jul 30th, 2015 - paula52
Usob 0Jul 30th, 2015 - braddy77
Pap smears performed during a routine visit or annual physical exam 0Jul 29th, 2015 - kapru1962
CPT® 32405 2Jul 29th, 2015 - lizsmom1
Abdominoperineal resection for rectal cancer  0Jul 28th, 2015 - cbondurant1226
TC modifier 1Jul 28th, 2015 -
Heterotopic bone 0Jul 28th, 2015 - kstark
Declotting dialysis catheter in OP Infusion Center 0Jul 27th, 2015 - kguzie
93010 PR Electrocardiogram 0Jul 27th, 2015 - gbowman
Sorry for the SPAM everyone 0Jul 27th, 2015 - admin
superbill 0Jul 26th, 2015 - lgonzal
pap smears 0Jul 25th, 2015 - brittney
What is a angioplasty rpl 0Jul 24th, 2015 - TIVERSEN
What code would I use for a angioplasty diagonal  0Jul 24th, 2015 - TIVERSEN
facility billing 0Jul 24th, 2015 - ginasn
Psychiatrist 0Jul 24th, 2015 - billings123
urology coding question 1Jul 24th, 2015 - dgwh1202
Billing patient  0Jul 24th, 2015 - lkclayton75
swingbed billing 0Jul 23rd, 2015 - anitac
Hpi 0Jul 23rd, 2015 -
Primary vs. Secondary Codes For Body Parts 0Jul 23rd, 2015 - meganangelo
ICD 10 New encounter 0Jul 23rd, 2015 - mary77
denials and bundle 2Jul 23rd, 2015 - pigaPLLC1
coding 55876 0Jul 23rd, 2015 - jnpauley
21462 0Jul 22nd, 2015 - CKILMER
icd-9 code numbers for bronchitis, sore thraot & upper respiratory infection 0Jul 22nd, 2015 - jpa
ROS when pt can't respond 0Jul 22nd, 2015 - ladyt
visit charged for a second eye cataract 0Jul 22nd, 2015 - scallison
wellcare 54150 0Jul 22nd, 2015 - svenboa2
Peripheral vascular disease with rest pain of left lower extremity 1Jul 22nd, 2015 - JBTOOLEY0723
Coding help 0Jul 22nd, 2015 - JBTOOLEY0723
Distal clavicle, bone spur, right shoulder 0Jul 22nd, 2015 - ShalonR
Icd 10 1Jul 22nd, 2015 - rphelps
Balance billing Medicaid patients 1Jul 21st, 2015 - IROBERTS
Psychiatry 99214 0Jul 21st, 2015 - selliott2010
99205 vs 99215 1Jul 21st, 2015 - Sha12
billing 0Jul 21st, 2015 - pamie
Skilled Nursing home facility discharge codes for Medicaid Patients? 0Jul 21st, 2015 - Arunpalepu
90945 vs. 99233 0Jul 21st, 2015 - KR56GWG
CPT® 99213 0Jul 21st, 2015 - Jatin
When a provider based physician office brings in student nurses-what can they do? 0Jul 20th, 2015 - Gemerson
swingbed billing for NEPHROLOGIST 0Jul 20th, 2015 - anitac
HTN or Hypotension? 1Jul 20th, 2015 - kjstremont1
distinguish between a limited exam and a extended exam  0Jul 19th, 2015 - Jocoder1
SNOMED Medical Termiology 1Jul 19th, 2015 - gkeener
ICD-9 code: v68.89 0Jul 19th, 2015 - CODAPEDIARDG
CPT® Code 38572 Laparascopic bilateral total pelvic lymphadenectomy and peri-aortic lymph node sampling 0Jul 19th, 2015 - KimS
Assisted living billing 0Jul 18th, 2015 - SheriM
Intensive Outpatient Program, Office setting 2Jul 17th, 2015 - lkeen4314
New office visit vs established office visit 1Jul 16th, 2015 - mglynn
bone biopsy mandible 0Jul 16th, 2015 - tmangham
how to code a VATS wedge resection middle lobe lung 1Jul 16th, 2015 - msmith6
Prior authorization  1Jul 16th, 2015 -
New pt vs Estab pt 2Jul 16th, 2015 - tmangham
Hpi/ros 0Jul 15th, 2015 - shell24
How do i bill medicare for OBSERVATION? 1Jul 15th, 2015 - florcdiaz
who can document chief complaint? 0Jul 15th, 2015 -
Asking again, need help 2Jul 14th, 2015 - sschwartz
Re procedure code 27511 0Jul 14th, 2015 - BONE
qualitative and quantitative 1Jul 14th, 2015 - c1224
medicare modifier for e/m service 1Jul 13th, 2015 - vochrisq
Medicare coding 0Jul 13th, 2015 - donna73006
ICD-10 code for alcohol dependence 1Jul 11th, 2015 - KimS
Workers Comp - Case Manager Visits 0Jul 10th, 2015 - Ruvi
Guideline Documentation for PQRS measure 3045F 0Jul 10th, 2015 - BCain59
E/m management 0Jul 10th, 2015 - probert
How to code E&M and small joint injections for multiple fingers 0Jul 10th, 2015 - sschwartz
Vaccines codes  1Jul 10th, 2015 - YolandaValent2
S8032 0Jul 10th, 2015 - braddy77
Observation code 99219 1Jul 9th, 2015 - mw0234
Vent Management 0Jul 9th, 2015 - rgainer
Annual Wellness Visit for MED B  0Jul 9th, 2015 - BCain59
modifiers 0Jul 9th, 2015 - pfmins
Coding excision closure 3Jul 9th, 2015 - cmgmr
Date Of Service 1Jul 9th, 2015 - MedicalBilling101
billing for mechanical traction and intersegmental traction 0Jul 9th, 2015 - wdkoons1
47120 Liver resections 1Jul 9th, 2015 - petunia
documentation 1Jul 9th, 2015 -
Hospital Billing submitted for PICC line insertion under Fluoro 0Jul 8th, 2015 - Pattin
Anesthesia situation 0Jul 8th, 2015 - Tamallet
Billing for Medical Nutrition Therapy 0Jul 8th, 2015 - JULIA7014
webinar 3Jul 8th, 2015 - drasare56
Annual Physical exam 0Jul 8th, 2015 - barba
Radiology In-Office 1Jul 8th, 2015 -
What is real time usage of Diagnosis Pointers ? 0Jul 8th, 2015 - krish1504
TCOM 93922 and 93923 0Jul 7th, 2015 - youngblood
urinary catheters 0Jul 7th, 2015 - alpjeffrey
Colonoscopy prep 2Jul 7th, 2015 - kimbbro
93017 0Jul 7th, 2015 - ikuc
is it true that if you bill a E/M you can not bill 36415 for labs done in office 1Jul 6th, 2015 - FPA7920
Catherization  1Jul 6th, 2015 -
Inpatient coding 1Jul 6th, 2015 - cmgmr
Epi-pen Teaching CPT® Code 0Jul 6th, 2015 - khayes60
Coding Z23 for all vaccines 2Jul 6th, 2015 - cdnorthrup
breast surgery. plastic 0Jul 6th, 2015 - burnsta2
BC/BS CHP Admin Fee 0Jul 3rd, 2015 - ckastler
modifier 0Jul 3rd, 2015 - mar1971
icd 10 1Jul 2nd, 2015 - srice
bill under ordering physician or physican who read the results? 0Jul 1st, 2015 - kjstremont1
stenosis with radiculopathy 0Jul 1st, 2015 - cervin
knee braces 1Jul 1st, 2015 - Madvan
knee braces 0Jul 1st, 2015 - Madvan
Icd-10 0Jul 1st, 2015 - Sully
2015 June
modifiers 0Jun 30th, 2015 - theresa.lang
Testosterone injection (cpyionate) 0Jun 30th, 2015 - dmcletty
CPT® for Electrocardioversion 1Jun 29th, 2015 - shoppe
can you bill a complex closure of a wound in addition to the advancement flap formation? 0Jun 26th, 2015 - tdbear
what modifier do you use to code J1030? 1Jun 26th, 2015 - ira
untimely filing 2Jun 26th, 2015 - paula52
BC3020 week 5 Cardiovascular  0Jun 25th, 2015 - tessieboo74
Billing for a Preventative Visit and Sick Visit at the Same Time 2Jun 25th, 2015 - kvandenurgh
Office visit leads to direct admit to hospital 1Jun 25th, 2015 - ValerieCamp
Hemoccults 0Jun 24th, 2015 - rphelps
icd9 coding for Radiology 0Jun 24th, 2015 - ccarter
New patient vs established patient 1Jun 24th, 2015 -
In Home Ventilator coverage 0Jun 23rd, 2015 - Keli4na
Nail removal and phenol application 0Jun 23rd, 2015 - MountainFallsMedical
Fecal impaction removal 1Jun 23rd, 2015 - kjstremont1
Intra-Arterial access 0Jun 23rd, 2015 - vascular101
Integumentery Rt, Lt 0Jun 23rd, 2015 - ValerieCamp
ICD-10 Challenges and Guidelines 2015 0Jun 23rd, 2015 - BethMartin
medical billing and coding 1Jun 22nd, 2015 - newgrandmaw
Pt Evaluated in Lobby 0Jun 22nd, 2015 -
scenerio answers 0Jun 22nd, 2015 - cassondra
Who is the correct billing provider 0Jun 22nd, 2015 - cpark0403
Popliteal Aneurysm Stent - What is Post code 0Jun 22nd, 2015 -
endocrinolog not receive full paymant for visits 99215 level5 should I copay? 3Jun 22nd, 2015 - zjarguz
podiatry: medicare - missed sensation 250.60/LOPS 0Jun 22nd, 2015 - jvasquez
Coding multiple joint injections 1Jun 22nd, 2015 - cmgmr
x-ray views vs images 0Jun 22nd, 2015 - kbazarte
core biopsy groin mass 0Jun 22nd, 2015 - kbazarte
11721  0Jun 21st, 2015 - tlore
Anesthesia Billing CPT® Codes 0Jun 20th, 2015 - sreshta
PAP smears 0Jun 19th, 2015 - lindathegood
implanon removal with depo injection 1Jun 19th, 2015 - mpayson
Psychoanalysis billing guidelines 0Jun 18th, 2015 - Ruvi
CPT® code  0Jun 18th, 2015 - angeljones7
Aneurysm Repair 0Jun 18th, 2015 - R1CPC
68761 within global of a 66984 0Jun 18th, 2015 - cwilcox54
Triamcinolone code j3302 1Jun 18th, 2015 - veefrias
MVA while pregnant 1Jun 17th, 2015 - Michael1948
Chromoscopy 1Jun 17th, 2015 - mbrigham
ICD-10 training 0Jun 17th, 2015 - ladyfran
Immigration Physical Exam 0Jun 17th, 2015 - amandasimpson
Post Ablation syndrome Code 0Jun 16th, 2015 - bjones2301
Transgender patient diagnosis 2Jun 16th, 2015 - petunia
E & M for ER charge ---New coder---- 0Jun 16th, 2015 - sdb67
Allergy shots and provider note 0Jun 15th, 2015 - Jura
99183 Hyperbaric O2 Tx and AARP Medicare Complete 0Jun 15th, 2015 - youngblood
Colorectal Surgery 0Jun 15th, 2015 - R1CPC
modifiers 2Jun 15th, 2015 - ValerieCamp
icd 9 code 0Jun 15th, 2015 - pshadix1
How do you decipher chemistry code in the CPT® manual 0Jun 14th, 2015 - LethaP
Laparascopic appendectomy 0Jun 12th, 2015 - R1CPC
Hernia Repair with colectomy 0Jun 12th, 2015 - R1CPC
How to code this? 0Jun 12th, 2015 - kathymac
Partial colectomy with ileostomy 1Jun 12th, 2015 - R1CPC
Inguinal Hernia Repair 0Jun 12th, 2015 - R1CPC
H&P admits to acute care 0Jun 12th, 2015 - tracylk
Laparascopic colectomy with anastamosis with coloproctostomy 0Jun 12th, 2015 - R1CPC
Medical billing and coding 0Jun 12th, 2015 - tessieboo74
quick question about sti screenings 0Jun 12th, 2015 - brittney
Chemistry Codes in the CPT 0Jun 11th, 2015 - dragonfly57
Multiple Ventral Hernia Repair 1Jun 11th, 2015 - R1CPC
Laparascopic liver biopsy 3Jun 11th, 2015 - R1CPC
Can PCP's charge for Prolonged Office Visits? 0Jun 11th, 2015 - SBennett49
Op notes/Progress notes 0Jun 10th, 2015 - donnaltroy
Anoxic / Hypoxic Brain Injury 0Jun 10th, 2015 - Skrinx
ICD-10 training 1Jun 10th, 2015 - kjstremont1
Debulking of a Flap/VRAM & Gracilis Flaps 0Jun 10th, 2015 -
No Shows 0Jun 10th, 2015 - rphelps
pap smear  0Jun 9th, 2015 - JGONZALEZ
Modifier 0Jun 9th, 2015 - OldTowneMedical
CPT® code for ligation of collaterals AV fistula 0Jun 9th, 2015 - Eakins
Type 2 NPI Billing 0Jun 8th, 2015 -
Billing Medicare for tetanus vaccine 2Jun 8th, 2015 - melnguyen
Medical billing and coding 0Jun 8th, 2015 - tessieboo74
counting organ system vs body area 2Jun 6th, 2015 - lkclayton75
Nursing Home Billing  1Jun 5th, 2015 - jonesy
why is 82043 coded with 82570 1Jun 5th, 2015 - teripeer
IM Injections 0Jun 5th, 2015 - yeswanthraju
36514 0Jun 4th, 2015 - drios
Duodenostomy Placement 0Jun 4th, 2015 - tnapora
Append Modifier 76 0Jun 4th, 2015 - trinac63
billing 1Jun 4th, 2015 - pamie
99211 not being paid 8Jun 4th, 2015 - joyce3163
THA vs Hip Fx 0Jun 4th, 2015 - brhodges
coding for fibroepithelial polyp of the rectum 1Jun 4th, 2015 - riccik3
what CPT® code would be used to report a patient's visit 2 weeks after major surgery 1Jun 3rd, 2015 - cabocla
Open Sigmoid colectomy w omentectomy and creation of colostomy 0Jun 3rd, 2015 - tnapora
Emergency room visit spanning midnight 0Jun 3rd, 2015 - gonzalezp
torn anteiror cruciate ligament 0Jun 3rd, 2015 - cervin
Pt has surgery (50590) with 90 day global but returns to hospital and surgeon sees pt to remove cath. Can I bill a 99232?  3Jun 2nd, 2015 - evandemark
Icd 10 pcs intrathecal pump refill and maintenance 0Jun 2nd, 2015 - tmarble
counseling billing 0Jun 2nd, 2015 - nyusufova
Well Exam and Sick Visit on same day with ICD-10 0Jun 2nd, 2015 - hpabilling
Cesarean Delivery & Salpingectomy 8Jun 2nd, 2015 - kharper
63267 vs 63277 0Jun 2nd, 2015 - LBAROGIANIS
Dietitian Services 1Jun 1st, 2015 -
Making carrier in CPT® coding 0Jun 1st, 2015 - sskumar24
CPT® code for dilation of bladder neck contracture 2Jun 1st, 2015 - Eakins
ICD 10 Training 0Jun 1st, 2015 - lisaryan
billing 0Jun 1st, 2015 - pamie
2015 May
cpt 0May 31st, 2015 - yolieg
cochlear implant  0May 31st, 2015 - yolieg
Abscess coding 0May 30th, 2015 - lkclayton75
Hpi  0May 29th, 2015 - lkclayton75
what CPT® code can I use for biopsy of suprapatellar pouch 0May 29th, 2015 -
CPT® code help 2May 29th, 2015 - johnnie76
23472 and 23430 0May 29th, 2015 - lstendardo
CPT® code repair hernia 0May 29th, 2015 - flip525
Blood clot removal from wound after excision 0May 29th, 2015 - kjstremont1
Narrow angle glaucoma 0May 29th, 2015 - jbyrd0502
Cardiology Coding 0May 28th, 2015 - Jatin
??? Coding dx codes from op note 3May 28th, 2015 - reetown3
Excision with Complex repair (For 2 series excision codes.) 2May 28th, 2015 - amitdubey
Observation visits 1May 28th, 2015 - mbt2015
medicare coding 2May 28th, 2015 - MHYETT
20610-RT 20610-LT or 20610-50 reimbursement dollar amounts 0May 28th, 2015 - tolva63
qualitative vs quantitative 0May 27th, 2015 - vvdelivers
Pulse Oximetry 94760 & 94761 0May 27th, 2015 - abbyakinleye
CPT® code 0May 27th, 2015 - flip525
What is the CPT® code (or is there one) for a radical excision of malignant melanoma, skin of left preauricular area. It is an 0.8 lesion w/2 cm of width. 2.5 cm on anterior excision site and at least 3 cm proximally and distally. 0May 27th, 2015 - jlsmoot1
Blood clot removal following Excision of basal cell carcinoma 2May 27th, 2015 - kjstremont1
what CPT® code for cephalomedullary fixation of femoral neck fracture 0May 27th, 2015 - D35
CPT® 15260 multiple sites 2May 27th, 2015 - CHERYL.HICKS
pre-ops and office visits 1May 27th, 2015 - krmm00
hip/groin pain 0May 26th, 2015 - brittney
78452-26,93018 and 93016 0May 26th, 2015 - cmc2015
CPT® Code 1May 26th, 2015 - flip525
ADHD Examination 0May 26th, 2015 - sluke9
bone density code 0May 26th, 2015 - janap
CPT® code 2May 26th, 2015 - flip525
72141 vs 72148 1May 26th, 2015 - braddy77
billing 1May 23rd, 2015 -
CPT® code I+D vaginal mucosa abscess 1May 22nd, 2015 - ens5
80327 1May 22nd, 2015 - sillalynne
split-thickness autograft  3May 22nd, 2015 - vascular101
Dermatology billing question 0May 22nd, 2015 -
medical coding 0May 22nd, 2015 - cherylllyles
how do you bill 25574 with 64721? 0May 22nd, 2015 - bobcat78
Ultrasound 0May 22nd, 2015 - Jatin
Documenting a splint order 0May 21st, 2015 - lkclayton75
a few coding questions 1May 21st, 2015 - brittney
ICD-10 codes Z00.00 & Z00.01 0May 20th, 2015 -
CPT® j1080 2May 20th, 2015 - Ruvi
does anyone use Pathology orders as documentaton that a procedure was performed 3May 20th, 2015 -
Modifier 22 on physician asst claim (as) 4May 20th, 2015 - LBAROGIANIS
e/m visit 2May 20th, 2015 - Michael1948
Transphenoidal Approach 62165 1May 20th, 2015 - gbaynham
Glucose 82962? 0May 19th, 2015 - Brandy
radiogical 1May 19th, 2015 - valerief888
iliofemoral bypass 5May 19th, 2015 - vascular101
RN Billing 0May 19th, 2015 - rah02
tissue expander and the tissue generated  0May 19th, 2015 - alpha
pediatrics 0May 19th, 2015 - ladyt
Incomplete Documentation 5May 19th, 2015 - MedicalBilling101
When billing medicare guidelines can rev code 320 be billed with HCPC code 76937 RT 1May 19th, 2015 - dxs3898
can you bill with rev 949 with hcpc code 36561 for insert tunneled cv cath 0May 19th, 2015 - dxs3898
Rx mgmt 0May 18th, 2015 - ladyt
Billable diagnosis for Electric Stim (97032) 0May 18th, 2015 - drctmpoddoc
Vascular Stent History of 0May 18th, 2015 -
repeat pap for 1. abnormal finding on original pap and 2. unsatisfactory pap 1May 15th, 2015 - mdavis9
ICD-10 PCS code for skin graft. 0May 15th, 2015 -
Medicare 0May 15th, 2015 - billings123
Billing Nurse Visit for weight checks 1May 15th, 2015 - cmgmr
Modifier lt/rt with unilateral CPT® codes 0May 15th, 2015 - JackieK
Dr. office visit same day as ultra sound 1May 14th, 2015 -
Dm w manifestation  1May 14th, 2015 - mwallace1
Diagnosis code V53.7 in ED for cast change? 0May 14th, 2015 - ens5
SI joint arthrodesis and graft 0May 14th, 2015 - slowe
Vascular coding 1May 14th, 2015 - EXECD
Laryngopharyngectomy code 0May 14th, 2015 -
CO45Charge exceeds fee schedule/maximum allowable or contracted/legislated fee arrangement.  1May 13th, 2015 - marcapnow
Rat Bite 3May 13th, 2015 - Ruvi
What is it considered when you list each vaccine separetely when a combination is avaible? 0May 13th, 2015 - Pdoiel
VNG testing 2014 0May 13th, 2015 - joanneh
Provider Visit and Infsuion Visit on Seperate Encounters Same Day 1May 12th, 2015 - renee1104
Help with CPT® Code 75625 Aortography abdominal serialography rs & i 0May 12th, 2015 - Darlathecoder
Medicare and Medicaid postop EM codes 2May 12th, 2015 - sportystar101
What happehed? 0May 12th, 2015 - cdbill
dx CODE 309.28 0May 12th, 2015 - cdbill
billing observation with a procedure 0May 12th, 2015 - daphneh
Ccm 0May 12th, 2015 - Codapedia Editor
MD sees patient and nurse does 30 minute teaching.  2May 12th, 2015 - shilliker
Code 77002 0May 12th, 2015 -
E/M Documentation  0May 12th, 2015 -
Diabetes 1May 11th, 2015 - billings123
Abscess 2May 11th, 2015 - billings123
Upper endoscopy 2May 11th, 2015 - rphelps
Billing for separate E & M visit with new pessary insertion 0May 11th, 2015 - jrenehan
ICD-9 reticular veins 0May 11th, 2015 - karencodes
Need help -neurosurgery coding 1May 11th, 2015 - LBAROGIANIS
ESRD diagnosis Medicare advantage plan requests refund 2May 11th, 2015 - kjstremont1
procedure code sequencing 0May 10th, 2015 - Craichel
laparoscopic repair of recurrent hiatal hernia 1May 10th, 2015 - ahawasli
Transition of Care Appointments 0May 8th, 2015 - cmgmr
Coding fracture care in office and then doing surgery later 1May 8th, 2015 - cassywelzen
coding respiratory fit testing exam 0May 8th, 2015 - hoov26
osteomyelitis 4May 8th, 2015 - pmtvineyard
Billing for blood draw because of orders from another physician 0May 7th, 2015 - law
CPT 1May 7th, 2015 - billings123
Billing for injections 1May 7th, 2015 - bjones2301
ICD 9 for Tubaligations 1May 7th, 2015 - bjones2301
Mental Health diagnosis code question 1May 7th, 2015 - Kat31477
We are planning to buy a device Diaton Tonometer. Please let us know the CPT® to be used for this device. Any help would be appreciated. 2May 7th, 2015 - precod
Who can help me, i need CPT® code list for surgical procedures? 4May 7th, 2015 - HNajjar
questionnaire exams 0May 6th, 2015 - hoov26
Office Visit with family member 1May 6th, 2015 - donnaulmer
Screening colonoscopy 0May 6th, 2015 - rphelps
CPT® code 90736 1May 6th, 2015 - donnaulmer
NCD for CPT® 80303 in Ohio State 1May 6th, 2015 - anandhi
Optum Encoder Pro 3May 5th, 2015 - Jsmith201400
Use of 38792 and 38900 7May 5th, 2015 - rlim
Billing and coding cardiology 1May 5th, 2015 - Buchanan
reexcision of mastectomy site 0May 5th, 2015 -
CPT® code 2May 4th, 2015 - kloder001
10060 bundled with 99214 2May 4th, 2015 - nikkie
breast reduction 0May 4th, 2015 - Grays52
Carpal tunnel  0May 4th, 2015 - Grays52
Nerve Blocks 0May 1st, 2015 - umbra
Medi-cal billing antepartum 0May 1st, 2015 - TerryC
physical with/procedure modifier help 0May 1st, 2015 - TerryC
CPT® 67700 1May 1st, 2015 - rfiore
Vascular coding 1May 1st, 2015 - EXECD
2015 April
Excision of lipoma on forehead 1Apr 30th, 2015 - chouse15
ICD-10-PCS 2Apr 30th, 2015 - rosalee58
Exam Under Anesthesia during post op 1Apr 29th, 2015 - tmercurio
Modifier 59 0Apr 29th, 2015 - dtucker659
Venous Dopplers Lower Ext 0Apr 29th, 2015 - ARlamb1972
CPT® 61510 and CPT® 61304 2Apr 29th, 2015 - LBAROGIANIS
Midlevel Providers billing for consults on Medicaid Patients 0Apr 29th, 2015 -
If a physician states he is not able to get a review of system as patient is unresponsive and family is at bedside would you give him credit on an audit and what would you give him? 1Apr 29th, 2015 - evandemark
Denial from insurance stating that diagnosis code 238.2 is inconsistent with the procedure. 2Apr 28th, 2015 - kkbloom
CPT® 46040 w/ 45990 2Apr 28th, 2015 - vochrisq
Dental 0Apr 28th, 2015 - ccurran
CPT® 87999 denied as Inclusive. 1Apr 28th, 2015 - rsartho
Crafft 0Apr 28th, 2015 - dcruz74
coding for teaching how to use an inhaler 0Apr 28th, 2015 - patnadluke124
clearinghouses 0Apr 27th, 2015 - rphelps
Place of Service 2Apr 27th, 2015 - jdumez
Nurse Practitioner in SNF 0Apr 27th, 2015 - blanche22
Office visit prior to scheduling surgery 0Apr 27th, 2015 - Gabriela
Lookup codes 0Apr 26th, 2015 - football61
code 1Apr 26th, 2015 - b.farrell1
prescription drug management in the ED 1Apr 25th, 2015 - ens5
CPT® code for patellofemoral arthroplasty 0Apr 24th, 2015 - khardesty
Hip Imaging in the OR 1Apr 24th, 2015 - Kellywilson3
ICD10 question 0Apr 24th, 2015 - LGiacomelli
Pelvic exam not with yearly Well Woman physical 2Apr 24th, 2015 - sschwartz
Office visit with tetanus for injury 1Apr 24th, 2015 - EMMA2418
Toxicology 0Apr 23rd, 2015 - perezjsr
Medicare Claim Denial for Pap Smear 5Apr 23rd, 2015 - envision
Proper diagnosis cde to use for Titer 0Apr 23rd, 2015 -
tx wound dehisscence help please! 3Apr 23rd, 2015 - TerryC
icd-9 lookup 0Apr 23rd, 2015 - football61
Invalid dx pointer 0Apr 23rd, 2015 - rlawrence
Icd9 code for white matter disease on mri 4Apr 23rd, 2015 -
Small intestinal endoscopy with patient's who had the gastric bypass surgery 1Apr 23rd, 2015 - reetown3
MUE's for CPT® 14302 0Apr 23rd, 2015 -
CPT 0Apr 22nd, 2015 - billings123
Billing two office visits, two different providers, same office, same day 1Apr 22nd, 2015 - cmgmr
Help asap for Medicare ov and modifier abn 0Apr 22nd, 2015 -
omitted order 0Apr 22nd, 2015 - ladyt
Auditing  0Apr 22nd, 2015 - ladyt
Monitored Anesthesia Care 0Apr 22nd, 2015 - DHartman
CPT® 76700 vs 93975 3Apr 22nd, 2015 - braddy77
Care plan oversight 0Apr 21st, 2015 - acallaway
test 0Apr 21st, 2015 - billings123
44130 & 44120 1Apr 21st, 2015 - lhudson
Pacemaker and ICD dx coding help  0Apr 21st, 2015 - jvasquez
Zero-P Implant - Synthes HELP!! 1Apr 21st, 2015 - tjoossens
Out of State Medicaid 1Apr 21st, 2015 - ARlamb1972
Conditions reported on claims submitted by Anesthesia 0Apr 21st, 2015 - janstewart
11100 Global help 0Apr 21st, 2015 - TerryC
managing care - phone call Does Medicare cover? 0Apr 21st, 2015 - kjstremont1
Credit or No credit for HPI - Modifying Factor 0Apr 20th, 2015 - MissDecember
Preventive vs Problem Visit 0Apr 20th, 2015 - gannm
Laser photoresection following bronch, no indication if same doc, same day. 0Apr 20th, 2015 - dreamacresranch
payments 1Apr 20th, 2015 - billings123
Billing with 26 and TC modifiers 0Apr 20th, 2015 - greggsnet
Billing and coding 0Apr 20th, 2015 - mariaP52
Observation Care codes 0Apr 20th, 2015 -
InterStim Device 0Apr 19th, 2015 - CL2014
Pain management procedure billing at ASC (surgical centers) 1Apr 18th, 2015 - aamir
question 1Apr 18th, 2015 - ravikumard
should I code HTN or not...? 0Apr 18th, 2015 - ychoi777
what modifier can be used with 99213, 10120 and 96372--I have 25 but I need one on 96372 please 2Apr 17th, 2015 -
reconstruction of penis 0Apr 17th, 2015 - ketalopez
Who is responsible for a bill 0Apr 17th, 2015 - Kare
anastomosis 5Apr 17th, 2015 - stogsmom3
NURSES VISITon same day as chemo in a different location 0Apr 17th, 2015 - james1x
can you bill for fingerstick when doing a1c in the doctor's office? 0Apr 16th, 2015 - mendlovic
Billing Inpatient consult and procedure 2Apr 16th, 2015 - ARlamb1972
pVAD  0Apr 16th, 2015 - scnoonie
Inpatient Patient Status Seen in Physicians Office 1Apr 16th, 2015 - zavalag
Has anyone notice a change on payment for blue cross? 99391-99395 have not been getting paid when billed with vaccines. Does anyone know if it requires a modifier on office visit? never had a problem before until now. Thanks 3Apr 15th, 2015 - pigaPLLC1
Propofol pump 0Apr 15th, 2015 - rphelps
Ventilation Management in the global period 0Apr 15th, 2015 - sharris
"no-show" for appointment 2Apr 15th, 2015 - debbyknepp
NP billing for HOME Visits? 0Apr 15th, 2015 - JULIA7014
Asymptomatic New Patient 0Apr 15th, 2015 - srgarrick
Modifier 25 2Apr 14th, 2015 - TerryC
CPT® Code 0Apr 14th, 2015 - tcooper
-X {EPSU} modifiers 0Apr 14th, 2015 - Codapedia Editor
domicillary visits 0Apr 14th, 2015 - dw61
Amerigroup billing 3Apr 14th, 2015 - nancyat109
Impella device 0Apr 14th, 2015 - scnoonie
Anesthesia 1Apr 14th, 2015 - rphelps
Placement of heat patch 0Apr 14th, 2015 - EMMA2418
global period 3Apr 14th, 2015 - drrcollins
Insurance Adjustments 10Apr 14th, 2015 - taradalyn1
Heme postive stool vs melena 2Apr 14th, 2015 - reetown3
Substance Abuse Laboratory Testing 2Apr 13th, 2015 - andyo1013
Medicare reimbursement 4Apr 13th, 2015 - vochrisq
discharge services 1Apr 13th, 2015 - rrenninger
Icd 10 1Apr 13th, 2015 - rphelps
birth control 2Apr 13th, 2015 - pamie
69210 with 99396 0Apr 13th, 2015 - amandasimpson
Icd-10 1Apr 12th, 2015 - rjagadeesh
navigational bronchoscopy 0Apr 11th, 2015 - assure6
Incident to Services 1Apr 10th, 2015 -
What diagnosis codes can we use for 96110 and 96127? 0Apr 10th, 2015 - JULIA7014
medicare reimbursement 1Apr 10th, 2015 - vochrisq
Billing vaccine/immunization administration codes with an office visit 3Apr 10th, 2015 - cmgmr
Coding ER visit 1Apr 10th, 2015 - CLPrue
Right quadriceps tendonitis 2Apr 10th, 2015 - EMMA2418
physical therapy billing 2Apr 9th, 2015 - renamac68
procedure code for medicare 2Apr 9th, 2015 - drrcollins
EDI invalid : SBR05 required... 3Apr 9th, 2015 - alpjeffrey
Current Coding Student  0Apr 9th, 2015 -
Congregate facility UB04 0Apr 8th, 2015 - jenna01
Plastic surgery question on suction assisted removal of lipoma 0Apr 8th, 2015 - RJULA
insertion of word cath during I & D of Bartholin's Abscess 1Apr 8th, 2015 - mvidrine62
Neuropsychological Testing 0Apr 8th, 2015 - Orni
CPT® code 0Apr 8th, 2015 - LISSAJP7
home visit  0Apr 7th, 2015 - Sha12
leaking G-tube 1Apr 7th, 2015 - Sha12
76641 2Apr 7th, 2015 - braddy77
ICD-10-CM for Adrenal Fatigue  1Apr 7th, 2015 - atkoshy2000
telederm CPTs 0Apr 6th, 2015 - birnbaume
Upper endoscopy 3Apr 6th, 2015 - rphelps
Estring 0Apr 6th, 2015 - EMMA2418
telemedicine or telephone codes between physician and patient 1Apr 6th, 2015 -
Determination 0Apr 4th, 2015 - E.holland1
how would you code bacteremia 1Apr 3rd, 2015 - sheamarie
Modifer 1Apr 3rd, 2015 - ira
V82.79 Genetic screening 0Apr 3rd, 2015 - EMMA2418
Patient in Nursing Home - telehealth billing? 0Apr 3rd, 2015 - JULIA7014
Can 59812 58660 49322 be billed together? 6Apr 3rd, 2015 - ewilliams224
modifier 0Apr 3rd, 2015 - bmauk
Urology CPT® coding 0Apr 2nd, 2015 - Urowife14
creation of loop colostomy 0Apr 2nd, 2015 -
Billing  3Apr 2nd, 2015 -
hemorragic pneumonia 1Apr 2nd, 2015 - Jackfraust
Limitation on billing for LEEP biopsy specimens? 0Apr 2nd, 2015 - LJJohnson
intra-operative monitoring 0Apr 2nd, 2015 - kari
CPT® 99214 unbundled with G0446 1Apr 1st, 2015 - jim2015
top ten CPT® codes billed in US? 0Apr 1st, 2015 - clariot
CPT® 46946 with modifier 51 6Apr 1st, 2015 - vochrisq
2015 March
Left Heart Cath with Vein Graft ? 3Mar 31st, 2015 - jaiburns
ICD 9 Question 0Mar 31st, 2015 - gwills
Billing Date for NST Read 0Mar 31st, 2015 - bjones2301
Bilateral intravitreal injections 0Mar 31st, 2015 -
medicare billing ugh 6Mar 31st, 2015 - MHYETT
repeat pap smear 2Mar 31st, 2015 - Sha12
Professional interpretive report for HOME Sleep Study 0Mar 31st, 2015 -
CV Hemodialysis 0Mar 31st, 2015 - JustineF
Anestheria and modfier CPT® code. 0Mar 31st, 2015 - KathleenJenkins1
Billing Professional component 0Mar 30th, 2015 - bjones2301
PLEASE HELP ASAP! Code 610.3 and Medicare 0Mar 30th, 2015 -
Clinic ER add on 0Mar 30th, 2015 -
ICD-10 Assumptions 2Mar 30th, 2015 - tstevens3903
Icd9 code for flank pain 2Mar 30th, 2015 -
how do we go about taking the icd 10 course 1Mar 30th, 2015 - fayebrown
Cardiology 0Mar 30th, 2015 - Jatin
Can documentation in Chief Complaint be counted under HPI? 0Mar 27th, 2015 - KINGRR
Incident too billing 0Mar 27th, 2015 -
Anesthesia Modifier to use when a Resident is involved! 4Mar 27th, 2015 - abbyakinleye
Office Visits 4Mar 27th, 2015 - dburd
Diagnosis code 1Mar 26th, 2015 - Sha12
Physical Therapy in ICD-10 0Mar 26th, 2015 - swoodruff14
Section 1 0Mar 26th, 2015 - KarenCoder
what CPT® code for "dry needling" 0Mar 26th, 2015 - ejhooper
Injectable medication education 0Mar 26th, 2015 - EMMA2418
Preperitoneal packing for pelvic fracture 1Mar 26th, 2015 - petunia
valid IV sites for coding intial IV meds in ED 0Mar 26th, 2015 - ens5
Anesthesia billing 0Mar 25th, 2015 - rphelps
Can I bill G0180 in addition to 99495? 4Mar 24th, 2015 - JULIA7014
actively dying 1Mar 24th, 2015 - mocnurse
Billing CPT® 44005 and 44800 together 2Mar 24th, 2015 - vochrisq
57160 3Mar 24th, 2015 - arpit.chawla
ear lavage v currette 1Mar 24th, 2015 - ladyt
I am having trouble getting reimburse on 87999. Does anyone know anything about this or does it require a modifier? 5Mar 24th, 2015 - pigaPLLC1
coding 0Mar 23rd, 2015 - connstep927
ENT help please 2Mar 23rd, 2015 - lmckenna
hemorroid columm 1Mar 23rd, 2015 - mlc
procedure code 1Mar 23rd, 2015 - drrcollins
Hospice Billing 0Mar 23rd, 2015 - Patience23
testosterone injections not being covered 1Mar 23rd, 2015 - mocnurse
Intravitral injections 1Mar 22nd, 2015 - SharonD
ICD-10-CM for Progesterone Deficiency  1Mar 22nd, 2015 - atkoshy2000
76641 0Mar 21st, 2015 - braddy77
Establishing Care 1Mar 20th, 2015 - Rachael.R
Revision Burton Arthroplasty w/placement Arthrex Mini TightRope  0Mar 20th, 2015 - jburchett
Can 99291 be billed same day at different places of service (21 & 31) 2Mar 20th, 2015 - abbyakinleye
Bill Two E & M  2Mar 20th, 2015 - Ruvi
coding help? 0Mar 20th, 2015 - TerryC
three in one tetanus vaccine 3Mar 20th, 2015 - stuffing
pacemaker ICd correctly goes off for vfib patient came to er because of this 0Mar 19th, 2015 - MsMike
Surgery that goes into next day. 1Mar 19th, 2015 - monica425
Medicare denial for E/M service "qualifying service/procedure" not rendered... 3Mar 19th, 2015 - ABQ894
Sweat Tests 0Mar 19th, 2015 - sforestano
diverticulosis / diverticulitis 0Mar 19th, 2015 - ccurran
Cardiac Reversibility Study 0Mar 19th, 2015 -
bard trialysis with CVP measurement 0Mar 19th, 2015 - mohamedmontaser
60210 4Mar 18th, 2015 - debnan0426
Closure of Abdomen 25 cm and Partial Omentectomy of Damage control lap 0Mar 18th, 2015 - triplejr
Flush Aortogram 2Mar 18th, 2015 -
SVG, LIMA and RIMA caths 0Mar 18th, 2015 -
non-selective and selective catheterization same procedure 0Mar 18th, 2015 -
Implantable Venous Access blood draw and billing for access 1Mar 18th, 2015 - rotenberg
spine injury 0Mar 18th, 2015 - Rangadhar
59 modifier 2Mar 17th, 2015 - Rangadhar
99214 Frequency 1Mar 17th, 2015 - dburd
How to properly bill 58140 ,58925 and 58700 for inpatient 3Mar 16th, 2015 - Mchu
new codes 0Mar 16th, 2015 - Arizona2015
2015 Medicare codes for drug screening 0Mar 16th, 2015 - kjstremont1
99386 with 76830 same day 1Mar 16th, 2015 - sudalairaja
sleep study 95810, and 95811 sleep study with cpap 1Mar 16th, 2015 -
tcm 1Mar 13th, 2015 - swillis
Teacher Questionaire 0Mar 13th, 2015 - sluke9
Vcodes & office levels 0Mar 13th, 2015 - sschwartz
pt wait times  0Mar 12th, 2015 - olopez
Testosterone Injection 1Mar 12th, 2015 - maryneedshelp
HPI - Severy and Quality 0Mar 12th, 2015 - mjr0508
Vitals 1Mar 12th, 2015 -
80101 0Mar 12th, 2015 - Cmcgoldrick
Nipt 0Mar 12th, 2015 - tinju369
Asthma Education  0Mar 11th, 2015 - khayes60
Thyroid Cancer in pregnancy 0Mar 11th, 2015 - bjones2301
15734 component separation 0Mar 11th, 2015 -
im having a problem with 99213 and 97750 being incidental or bundled can anyone help me? 1Mar 11th, 2015 - klucas
im not understanding what bundled means 0Mar 11th, 2015 - klucas
CPT® code for biopsy of uterine mass  1Mar 11th, 2015 - md1954
Need help!!! 94640, 94664 0Mar 11th, 2015 - sluke9
Modifier 78 2Mar 11th, 2015 - aolsen
94640/j7607 0Mar 11th, 2015 - KristalW
ICD-10 Which book is best? 2Mar 11th, 2015 - kjstremont1
Review of Systems 0Mar 11th, 2015 - STSCoding
Vaginal Cuff Bleeding 0Mar 11th, 2015 - jrussell2060
CPT® 92977 0Mar 11th, 2015 - Mand0984
SAPHO Syndrome 0Mar 10th, 2015 - msmatiste
Rtc tear 1Mar 10th, 2015 - teddi
99496 Transitional Care Mgt 2Mar 9th, 2015 - kjstremont1
Outpatient Dialysis center coding guidelines. 0Mar 9th, 2015 - janstewart
Orthopedics 0Mar 9th, 2015 - jmoon
E&m 1Mar 9th, 2015 - Flyers01
Code 19125, does the code include the insertion of localizing needle or does that have to be coded separately? 1Mar 6th, 2015 - oldcoder67
how would you code CPT® 71035x3 0Mar 6th, 2015 - bruins61
76641lt vs 76641rt 0Mar 6th, 2015 - braddy77
Q9962 1Mar 5th, 2015 - msnyder56
Medicare Wellness with E/M on same day 6Mar 5th, 2015 - EMMA2418
do i need a J3301 to bill out with a 20610 1Mar 5th, 2015 - saranied
Subsequent visits 1Mar 5th, 2015 - Flyers01
Guideline for CPT® 90746 by CMS 0Mar 4th, 2015 - mehtap2015
ndc number 1Mar 4th, 2015 - Annacate
Prolonged services W/99233 2Mar 4th, 2015 - Mand0984
99291 Doctor A, 99292 Doctor B. How does your practice handle? 2Mar 4th, 2015 - blm321
Billing global and component codes on same claim 0Mar 4th, 2015 - dvinje
what is MDM 2Mar 4th, 2015 - tholden
Development Screening 0Mar 4th, 2015 - sluke9
how to bill for code 64561 with 59 modifier medicare will not pay. Does anyone know how to bill for this code so that medicare will pay? 1Mar 4th, 2015 - sgrier
Surgery 1Mar 4th, 2015 - jforeman
Hepatitis c screeening 0Mar 3rd, 2015 - rphelps
Incision and drainage  0Mar 3rd, 2015 - djmharvin2000
TCM - Non-face-to-face Contact 0Mar 3rd, 2015 - jwasel
Home Health Orders 0Mar 3rd, 2015 - rphelps
Laparoscopic Lysis of adhesions vs Entorlysis 2Mar 2nd, 2015 - bjones2301
Reciprocal / Locum Tenen Billing 0Mar 2nd, 2015 - KINGRR
E/M inpatient codes and Vent Mgmt 0Mar 2nd, 2015 - phoover1955
Medicare & Coumadin management 0Mar 2nd, 2015 - kjstremont1
CPT® code  1Mar 2nd, 2015 - weatherstone
Diabetic foot exam 0Mar 1st, 2015 - VENTURE2010
I need to know how to code a procedure 0Mar 1st, 2015 - FeliciaMcGraw
Report small error on page CPT® codes 93451-93461 0Mar 1st, 2015 - Marshall1956
2015 February
G0202 vs g0206 0Feb 28th, 2015 - braddy77
Us echo color flow doppler (93325) 5Feb 28th, 2015 - braddy77
Ultra sound of breast sonogram complete 76641 0Feb 28th, 2015 - braddy77
drug screen 80104 0Feb 27th, 2015 -
Speech Generating Devise (CPT® and authorizatin) 2Feb 27th, 2015 - lenova
look it up! 3Feb 27th, 2015 - lmckenna
Failed Closed reduction distal radius fracture 0Feb 27th, 2015 - rhawkins
need help with code  1Feb 26th, 2015 - happy
EVLT's 1Feb 26th, 2015 - tld
LTAC Billing 0Feb 25th, 2015 - RedKat
Medicare Urine drug screen codes 1Feb 25th, 2015 - kjstremont1
Same Dx for Flu Swab and E/M 2Feb 25th, 2015 - amandasimpson
CPT® code(s) for a senario, pulmonary walking stress test. 0Feb 25th, 2015 - KSiemion
Documentation question 0Feb 24th, 2015 - sluke9
trigger point inj 1Feb 24th, 2015 - swillis
Covering Physician 0Feb 24th, 2015 - lhudson
Abnormality addressed during a preventive visit for a New patient 0Feb 24th, 2015 - lmoncree
99215 1Feb 24th, 2015 - kjstremont1
CPT® code for transcaval approach TAVR 0Feb 24th, 2015 - sujones
Denials for Rehabilitation Hospital 0Feb 24th, 2015 -
Nerve block 0Feb 24th, 2015 - Divya
99211 & pro-time 85610-QW 4Feb 23rd, 2015 - kjstremont1
PFT 94010 versus 94375 0Feb 23rd, 2015 - jburchett
This is great! 0Feb 23rd, 2015 - kjstremont1
Billing question regarding OB covered by another doctor 2Feb 23rd, 2015 - AlphaLiou
Prostate Histology 0Feb 23rd, 2015 -
Top CPT® Codes by Specialty 0Feb 23rd, 2015 - JPeloquin
CCM 99490 for hospital based physican practices 5Feb 23rd, 2015 - KINGRR
99211 with pro-x 85610 Medicare 0Feb 23rd, 2015 - kjstremont1
G0102 2Feb 23rd, 2015 - kjstremont1
Audit for 99211 billing 1Feb 22nd, 2015 - manskemd
Pre colonoscopy office visit for sceening colon 4Feb 22nd, 2015 -
What are DX codes? 1Feb 21st, 2015 - WAlcorn423
Revision Laminectomy 2Feb 20th, 2015 - jmoon
Pap smear coding 1Feb 20th, 2015 -
In home mental health visits 2Feb 20th, 2015 - annsedla
Test method versus doctor's order 0Feb 19th, 2015 - mjstiles
Diabetic ICD 9 Coding 1Feb 19th, 2015 - Mish76
HPI--location 1Feb 19th, 2015 - kcoder73
Body areas and organ systems 0Feb 19th, 2015 - kcoder73
new provider new patient 11Feb 19th, 2015 - swillis
redo pap smear 1Feb 19th, 2015 - Sha12
ICD 9 Procedure Code conversion to CPT® code 0Feb 19th, 2015 - ksvab
coding rehab 0Feb 18th, 2015 - lizziecarter
pelvic washing 0Feb 18th, 2015 - jrudolph
Code 0Feb 18th, 2015 -
92504 and E and M coding  1Feb 18th, 2015 - aubrey4
circumcision 0Feb 18th, 2015 - TerryC
Urology 0Feb 17th, 2015 -
FREE CEUs 0Feb 17th, 2015 - mparker
Outpatient prospective payment system 0Feb 17th, 2015 - mparker
coding for closure of excision of pilonidal cysts 1Feb 17th, 2015 - ginasn
procedure documentation 0Feb 17th, 2015 - sluke9
New medicare X (EPSU) Modifiers Usage 2Feb 17th, 2015 - michlgmn37
pilonidal cyst closure 0Feb 17th, 2015 - ginasn
coding home visits 2Feb 16th, 2015 - annsedla
Anesthesia billing 2Feb 16th, 2015 - rphelps
Modifier 79  1Feb 16th, 2015 - aikenderm
Injection codes 2Feb 16th, 2015 - EllCook
Can you assist in coding this 0Feb 15th, 2015 - wkurth
CPT® Surgery I Coding assignment  1Feb 15th, 2015 - Cedrone23
office documentation 0Feb 15th, 2015 - lrowley
Billing units for j1040 0Feb 14th, 2015 - IROBERTS
Urology coding 0Feb 14th, 2015 -
psychologist billing incident to 0Feb 13th, 2015 - luannw7
Global Period 3Feb 12th, 2015 -
global period 3Feb 12th, 2015 - TerryC
Follow up visits 1Feb 12th, 2015 - rphelps
health insurance 0Feb 12th, 2015 - Fran33
Type of bill for Congregated Living  0Feb 11th, 2015 - ksiinc
AAA with retroperitoneal approach 0Feb 11th, 2015 - kfpowe
Urine Drug Screen 2Feb 11th, 2015 - taradalyn1
left Heart Cath. 0Feb 11th, 2015 - HubMerl50
cpt 0Feb 11th, 2015 - rlomazow
chemistry codes 0Feb 11th, 2015 - rlomazow
TC modifier & 26 Modifier and leasing employees 0Feb 11th, 2015 - cmadc
Prolonged services w/99233 0Feb 11th, 2015 - Mand0984
V2787-gy 0Feb 10th, 2015 -
CPT® 62350 and CPT® 62362 0Feb 10th, 2015 - LBAROGIANIS
What is the CPT-4 code for severe congestive heart failure? 2Feb 10th, 2015 - WAlcorn423
RFA Hemorrhoids 0Feb 10th, 2015 - funequa
Can pharmacy management be billed incident to for a NP? 0Feb 10th, 2015 - lawsnk
Billing critical/ prolonged with vaginal delivery 0Feb 10th, 2015 -
Ent CPT® code 0Feb 10th, 2015 - KLINDGREN
Modifier QW 3Feb 9th, 2015 - sluke9
thrombin topical 0Feb 9th, 2015 - bets14687
CPT® codes 0Feb 9th, 2015 - donnalee57
CPT® and hcpcs??  1Feb 9th, 2015 - Dora1216
Medical Hospitalist at Psychiatric hospital 0Feb 9th, 2015 - chartmoran
New to coding peripheral cases (stent angioplasty atherectomy 0Feb 7th, 2015 - lorieann
is there a glossary of medicare terminology for newbies? 2Feb 7th, 2015 - DrDoggoff
CEU's 0Feb 7th, 2015 - dbroomall
cpt 0Feb 6th, 2015 -
cpt 0Feb 6th, 2015 -
Maximum collection for a Medicare patient. 4Feb 6th, 2015 - DrDoggoff
Angiovac suction embolectomy 1Feb 6th, 2015 - coding50
New Problem 1Feb 6th, 2015 - mfarrow
Two simultaneous abx CADD pumps 0Feb 6th, 2015 - kguzie
proper sequence of codes 1Feb 6th, 2015 - P123L
J1071 not being paid 0Feb 6th, 2015 - mdjanssens
Billing tetanus vaccine to medicare of tx part b 1Feb 5th, 2015 - aduron
Hcpc j1080 & j1070 1Feb 5th, 2015 - sschwartz
critical care 1Feb 5th, 2015 - beachbum
epilation for trichasis 0Feb 5th, 2015 - LVM1109
fluoroscopic guidance CPT® code 77003 with 62310 3Feb 5th, 2015 - jpeterma
How to code paring of a plantar wart? Can we use CPT® 17110? 0Feb 5th, 2015 - carlslim
87804 and the new medicare modifers 1Feb 5th, 2015 - smaher82
HEENT Exam Elements 0Feb 5th, 2015 - sle001
Pain management in podiatry 0Feb 5th, 2015 - mpkalai
dx code for intentional weight loss 0Feb 4th, 2015 - priley
Billing for J1071 Code 6Feb 4th, 2015 -
Is mitral regurgitation the same as mitral valves disorder? 0Feb 4th, 2015 - efinley
Cardiac Stress Test and E/M visit on the same date 1Feb 4th, 2015 - sbogard
cardiomyopathy 1Feb 4th, 2015 - srgarrick
Knee Arthroscopy 0Feb 4th, 2015 - OdumA
Sirs 0Feb 4th, 2015 - coder12
Podiatry doubt 0Feb 4th, 2015 - mpkalai
Transitional Care codes 2Feb 3rd, 2015 - blanche22
mod 57. Who makes the deciscion 0Feb 3rd, 2015 -
Biopsy 1Feb 3rd, 2015 - Sha12
plastics 2Feb 3rd, 2015 - wweisel
Radiation Therapy Billing 0Feb 3rd, 2015 - wendingroad
Nevus 3Feb 3rd, 2015 - cnorman
Arthroscopic procedures 0Feb 3rd, 2015 - Greend
Doubt reg 99509 0Feb 3rd, 2015 - md.imtiyaz
CPT® Coding 0Feb 3rd, 2015 - Greend
J3301 2Feb 2nd, 2015 -
Wound check and drainage catheter placed 0Feb 2nd, 2015 -
59 modifiers 1Feb 2nd, 2015 -
medicare patient  0Feb 2nd, 2015 - mahmad
coding for knee surgery 0Feb 2nd, 2015 - cindye
Filing CPT® adm code 96401 with J0885 Procrit 1Feb 2nd, 2015 - moakj
Tcm 0Feb 2nd, 2015 - lweidner
Coding of fracture care 1Feb 2nd, 2015 - cmgmr
CPT® code 0Feb 2nd, 2015 - sygodfrey
how can I code for the surgeon a patient who required arthroplasty of the tibial plateaus of both knees.  0Feb 1st, 2015 - MARIAMPARO2015
2015 January
Please Help With Exam Questions 3Jan 31st, 2015 - joelmiles1972
CPT® modifiers 0Jan 31st, 2015 - dewedel
Procedure code 0Jan 30th, 2015 - Phycoding1
what is the CPT® code for excision of axillary cyst 1Jan 30th, 2015 - g.yohe
varicose veins 0Jan 30th, 2015 - gvardalos
Laminectomy facetectomy w/decompression 6Jan 30th, 2015 - jeick
billing I & D to Medicare 2Jan 30th, 2015 - rfiore
31240 denial when billed with 30930 5Jan 30th, 2015 -
CPT® code 59425 0Jan 29th, 2015 - lubautista88
Bladder instillations 3Jan 29th, 2015 - amtartaglione
Coding a 11301, 11301 and a 11301 2Jan 29th, 2015 - Loni10
Outpatient procedure 5Jan 29th, 2015 - Jsmith201400
Poroma dx 2Jan 29th, 2015 - Sha12
Removal of patellar component 0Jan 29th, 2015 - wsr1614
clear lens extraction 0Jan 28th, 2015 - albracht
Bundling medical devices with procedure code 0Jan 28th, 2015 - cpark0403
coding 0Jan 27th, 2015 - MaryB73
How should a otitis media follow up exam be coded? Currently we code as V67.9, but I am wondering if it should be coded with V67.59 plus correct code for otitis media?  0Jan 27th, 2015 - jdavis2572
new code for multi drug test 80300 0Jan 27th, 2015 - blanche22
Chemotherapy 2Jan 27th, 2015 - Diane2366
filling records 2Jan 27th, 2015 - RAINBO
Billing code for 2015 injection testosterone 200mg/ 3Jan 27th, 2015 - fugittlillie
11750/11730 help 0Jan 27th, 2015 - TerryC
hydrocephalus 0Jan 26th, 2015 - cervin
medicaid and cod 90746 0Jan 26th, 2015 - svenboa2
Question breast capsular contracture replace implants 0Jan 26th, 2015 - KJMills
Billing Suture removal for surgery done by another physician 1Jan 26th, 2015 - bjones2301
bundling 0Jan 25th, 2015 - CodersRule15
Drg 6Jan 24th, 2015 - md.imtiyaz
code for robotic-assisted laparoscopic low anterior colon resection 1Jan 23rd, 2015 -
Definition of Chronic Condition for HPI 1Jan 23rd, 2015 -
Code J1080 1Jan 22nd, 2015 - MarshaF
post thoracentesis chest xray 0Jan 22nd, 2015 - brendaa
33 modifier 1Jan 22nd, 2015 - amartin926
Pulmonary / PFT's 0Jan 22nd, 2015 - vickyg53
WWE & urethral dilation Question  0Jan 22nd, 2015 - Mwhitcomb
Mu attestation- help!! 1Jan 22nd, 2015 - LBAROGIANIS
92977 denying for invalid POS 0Jan 22nd, 2015 - Mand0984
Coding multiple excision from one lid 3Jan 22nd, 2015 - sbarning
Tcm 0Jan 22nd, 2015 - JMMCCOY
gender mismatch 3Jan 22nd, 2015 - jackson2012
99490 Chronic Care Management Services 0Jan 21st, 2015 - MissDecember
ICD10 0Jan 21st, 2015 - tksnethen
Two hernia repairs  0Jan 21st, 2015 - lhudson
diagnosis code V07.4 – Hormone replacement therapy (postmenopausal)  1Jan 21st, 2015 - lharris26
Home Health Certification 0Jan 21st, 2015 - ritamcdonald1
POS for 90966 0Jan 21st, 2015 - sna340
appropiate use of icd-9 code 488.82 0Jan 21st, 2015 - tracylk
Destruction of Records Documentation 1Jan 21st, 2015 - lkoolsone
CA/TX Workers Comp 81479 0Jan 21st, 2015 -
G0439 0Jan 21st, 2015 - Macuto1961
can u use CPT® code 36200 & 75630 in same session as 36247 & 75710 0Jan 21st, 2015 -
Tcm 0Jan 21st, 2015 - JMMCCOY
Annual Wellness Visit 1Jan 21st, 2015 - Mike123
• Why are Chemistry Codes considered to be the most challenging codes in all of the CPT® codes? 0Jan 20th, 2015 - Dianat28
Allergy serum 1Jan 20th, 2015 - Eti
Screening Colonoscopies 3Jan 20th, 2015 - mkolhoss
new drug screening codes are confusing 0Jan 20th, 2015 - CWC
Intravascular Ultrasound 0Jan 20th, 2015 - stomach1
Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) codes 87623, 87624 and 87625 1Jan 19th, 2015 - lharris26
Number of Units  0Jan 19th, 2015 - ASTOUGH
Claim Denial using Trunk CPT® and Shoulder ICD-9 2Jan 19th, 2015 - cskinner13k4
Anesthesia 2Jan 19th, 2015 - rphelps
incidental to primary procedure 2Jan 19th, 2015 - arun
Covering Diagnoses for the procedure 11900 and 11901 0Jan 18th, 2015 - sikkandhar
flu shot 1Jan 16th, 2015 - Sha12
Cardiology Coding 0Jan 16th, 2015 - curiouscoder
61320 vs. 61514 0Jan 16th, 2015 - bcarlstr
Coding confusion 0Jan 15th, 2015 - curiouscoder
Deductibles 8Jan 15th, 2015 - Pyper
Humana 96110/E&M 2Jan 15th, 2015 - dxhubbar
Testosterone Injections 1Jan 15th, 2015 - dnowlin
Chart Documentation  1Jan 15th, 2015 - cmgmr
CPT® for scuf 0Jan 15th, 2015 - janegriffiths
Anesthesia 0Jan 14th, 2015 - rphelps
99385, 99386, 99387, 99395, 99396, 99397 0Jan 14th, 2015 - tier3
81355,81401 California 2015 WC update? 2Jan 14th, 2015 -
CPT® code 97602 is this allowed in a global period 0Jan 14th, 2015 - mgleason
Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Dysplasia 0Jan 14th, 2015 - rhitlady
newborn 0Jan 14th, 2015 - cervin
Can primary care bill for placing a DNR bracelet? 0Jan 14th, 2015 - hockeymom73
HCPCS Code J1071 15Jan 13th, 2015 -
fracture care documentation 0Jan 13th, 2015 -
87400 vs 87804 0Jan 13th, 2015 - amyswcbiller
CPT® to RVU on 0Jan 13th, 2015 - kwort22
Meibomian gland 0Jan 13th, 2015 - Sha12
Home Counseling Session 0Jan 13th, 2015 -
Observation Status 2Jan 12th, 2015 - Sha12
New Testosterone CPT® code Fee ~ how to bill? 1Jan 12th, 2015 - VickiL
CPT® Code for Oximetry Data Review 0Jan 12th, 2015 - abbyakinleye
new 2015 HPV codes 0Jan 12th, 2015 - lharris26
Newborn - vacuum 0Jan 12th, 2015 - cervin
CPT® Lab codes 80101 and 80104 for 2015 0Jan 10th, 2015 - lcarr206
Drug Screen coding change 2Jan 10th, 2015 - Kat31477
80104 Urine Drug Screen 2Jan 10th, 2015 - taradalyn1
J1080 Injectible Testosterone Cypionate 4Jan 10th, 2015 - taradalyn1
CPT® codes for emergent esophagoscopy 0Jan 9th, 2015 - MAXIMTEST
56630 and 56501 0Jan 9th, 2015 - assure6
need spt code help 0Jan 9th, 2015 - asma5656
Kenalog injection questions 0Jan 9th, 2015 - asma5656
Diagnosis on preventative visits 0Jan 9th, 2015 - sluke9
Coding 58660 and 58740  0Jan 9th, 2015 - sallouhae
58660 and 58740 0Jan 9th, 2015 - sallouhae
Observation 1Jan 9th, 2015 - Sha12
Lab QW modifier 1Jan 9th, 2015 - rmakiya
Laparoscopic partial gastrectomy and abdominal mass excision 0Jan 9th, 2015 - alexvel
CPT59851 0Jan 8th, 2015 - adudms
claim denial 0Jan 8th, 2015 - Sha12
17313, 14301 and 14302  0Jan 8th, 2015 - Loni10
CPT® 59851 2Jan 8th, 2015 - adudms
New codes for injectable testosterone and urine drug screen 0Jan 8th, 2015 - taradalyn1
Billing to Caresource 1Jan 8th, 2015 - BONE
Fluroscopies 1Jan 8th, 2015 -
Coding an ERCP 2Jan 8th, 2015 - ddcofnj
CPT® code for bilateral screening mammogram 0Jan 7th, 2015 - robindmccuiston
skin abscess 1Jan 7th, 2015 - Sha12
Clinical Psychologist 0Jan 7th, 2015 - billings123
Coding Asthma for pediatrics 1Jan 7th, 2015 - sluke9
94664 with modifier 59 0Jan 7th, 2015 - sluke9
Developmental Screening 96110 using ASQ form 1Jan 7th, 2015 - sluke9
Turbinate outfracture and resection 2Jan 6th, 2015 -
Coding for subcutaneous administration of Lodocaine 1Jan 6th, 2015 - ashnoelle
artificial skin graft 0Jan 5th, 2015 - susnyder
Preventive Medicine 0Jan 5th, 2015 -
Ultrasound help, please 0Jan 5th, 2015 - TerryC
drug testing codes CPT® 2015 2Jan 5th, 2015 - driley50
AWV--Billing 0Jan 4th, 2015 - Krowlinson
coding for new patient based on time alone 2Jan 3rd, 2015 - mselke
Diagnsis coding with sick & well visits together 3Jan 2nd, 2015 - sluke9
need help with CPT® code 0Jan 2nd, 2015 - happy
psych modifier 2Jan 2nd, 2015 -
coding spinal surgery  0Jan 2nd, 2015 - kray50
Influenza + Pneumonia + acute asthmatic bronchitis 0Jan 2nd, 2015 - pmtvineyard
Asthma evaluation & counselling codes 0Jan 2nd, 2015 - sreshta
icd 10 codes needs 4 codes Help 1Jan 1st, 2015 - brbrst99
icd 10 codes 1Jan 1st, 2015 - brbrst99
2014 December
California 2014 workers compensation 99245 3Dec 31st, 2014 -
Correct dx code to bill to caresource 0Dec 31st, 2014 - BONE
Confusion re using modifier 25 with an EM visit and 96372 0Dec 31st, 2014 - cpark0403
E & M with injections  4Dec 31st, 2014 - robinlyle
site maintenance completed 0Dec 30th, 2014 - CodaTech
Echocardiogram with agitated saline 0Dec 30th, 2014 - AMYR1168
Correct dx code 1Dec 30th, 2014 - BONE
61500 and 61782 3Dec 29th, 2014 - LBAROGIANIS
coding CPT® w/modifier 2Dec 28th, 2014 - wpritz
when an office visit includes a j code are you always supposed to add modifier 25  1Dec 28th, 2014 - cpark0403
Code for endoscopic harvest saphenous vein for bypass graft 1Dec 28th, 2014 - hummingbird50
fnp 0Dec 24th, 2014 - dorriml
Procedure code 23412 and 29807 0Dec 23rd, 2014 - BONE
Eap 4Dec 23rd, 2014 - billings123
Developmental Screening 96110 using ASQ form 1Dec 23rd, 2014 - sluke9
Filing 0Dec 23rd, 2014 - billings123
CPT® 22633, 22634, 22852, 22842, 22851, 20930 0Dec 23rd, 2014 - LBAROGIANIS
2015 New HPV Codes  0Dec 22nd, 2014 - lharris26
Problem condition, now resolved 0Dec 22nd, 2014 - amyturner84
88102 0Dec 19th, 2014 - TaniaMG
11730/11750 help please! 1Dec 19th, 2014 - TerryC
ICD-10 Training 0Dec 19th, 2014 - e325
Native kidney biopsy. 0Dec 19th, 2014 - vianouthecoder
billing 0Dec 18th, 2014 - shakur
2015 ICD-10 Coding Books 2Dec 18th, 2014 - teadams22
Modifiers 0Dec 18th, 2014 -
is 31623 and 31624 inclusive 0Dec 18th, 2014 - assure6
CPT® code 99213 and 93015 0Dec 17th, 2014 - rlherisson
egd 1Dec 17th, 2014 - wwheeler
CPT® Code 90471 1Dec 17th, 2014 - Rarrieta1
adjudication date 1Dec 17th, 2014 - cpark0403
CPT® 67028 1Dec 17th, 2014 - MaryJo3
Cardiac caths 1Dec 16th, 2014 - kellywojo
new decision for surgery visit during post op 0Dec 16th, 2014 - podcoder
Pediatric inpatient 1Dec 15th, 2014 - billings123
Using 77002 CPT® Code? 0Dec 15th, 2014 - JULIA7014
is reviewing sleep studies with pcp a preventive medicine visit 0Dec 15th, 2014 - camhan
Travel vaccine---CPT® 99401-04????? 0Dec 15th, 2014 -
Toem frame for an addendum to be completed 1Dec 14th, 2014 - assure6
Opthalmology Coding Question 0Dec 13th, 2014 - Jatin
Dobutamine Stress Echo  0Dec 12th, 2014 - slevie
58561, 58563 and 58558 all performed at the same time on a patient. what is the best way to bill 0Dec 12th, 2014 -
Inpatient Echocardiography 0Dec 12th, 2014 - cmgmr
Preventive Medicine & problem-oriented ICD-9 codes 1Dec 11th, 2014 -
Modifier 59 3Dec 11th, 2014 - csterling
vitamin B 12 injections with alimta chemo 1Dec 10th, 2014 - mvictor
Billing Ultrasound  0Dec 10th, 2014 - blanche22
SI joinht 1Dec 10th, 2014 - yhedrington
IR Angiogram Renal Right Selective 0Dec 10th, 2014 - HubMerl50
Csf 0Dec 10th, 2014 -
rehab and nursing home visits 0Dec 10th, 2014 - Marley21
The Patients Medical Record 0Dec 10th, 2014 -
Hospital Consultation 2Dec 9th, 2014 - Sha12
Procedure code for fall risk assessment 3Dec 9th, 2014 - blanche22
modifier 4Dec 9th, 2014 - ddcofnj
Psychotherapy Coding 3Dec 9th, 2014 - pvang
What is the procedure code for native kidney biopsy 0Dec 9th, 2014 - kpersaud
Deleted CPT® (81225-81227) 0Dec 8th, 2014 -
body area versus organ system 0Dec 8th, 2014 - Whitely
93620, 93621 1Dec 8th, 2014 - HubMerl50
code 93922 1Dec 8th, 2014 - lzcoder
E/M service provided by a assistant surgeon 4Dec 8th, 2014 - assure6
Treadmill stress test billing question... 0Dec 7th, 2014 - cmedina969800
E/M provided by the Resident 2Dec 7th, 2014 - assure6
Need CPT® code for obtaining hemostasis 0Dec 6th, 2014 - daystarjj
93458 0Dec 5th, 2014 - dgwh1202
modifier 0Dec 5th, 2014 - billings123
port a cath removal 0Dec 5th, 2014 - qbasinger14
Measuring and coding the removal of a lesion 0Dec 4th, 2014 - mw0234
Bilateral Injections 0Dec 4th, 2014 - MStack
Modifiers with E/M and medication injection 5Dec 4th, 2014 - taradalyn1
CPT® 58100 0Dec 4th, 2014 - Shannan
Allergy Testing 0Dec 4th, 2014 - Dunnley
In Patient Rehab codes for initial & f/u visits 2Dec 4th, 2014 - Marley21
Medicare Enrollment 0Dec 3rd, 2014 - mvfbilling
Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator Shocks 1Dec 3rd, 2014 - ravip3366
Interleukin Therapy Physician Billing 0Dec 3rd, 2014 - janeanderson
Omt 0Dec 3rd, 2014 - kathy1
pROCEDURE CODE FOR A incision and drainage of a large perirectal abscess 0Dec 3rd, 2014 - cwhite2
Ncci edits 1Dec 3rd, 2014 - stomach1
remittance adjustment code 2Dec 2nd, 2014 - adudms
Rt Thoracotomy/Pleurodesis 0Dec 2nd, 2014 - Streeter
Webinar 12/4 1Dec 1st, 2014 - sforestano
Cardiology Conundrum re FFR (Fractional Flow Reserve) CPT® 93571 0Dec 1st, 2014 - curiouscoder
2014 November
considering HPI elements from assosicated signs & symptoms 0Nov 29th, 2014 - aparna007
PQRS - Measure Group 0Nov 27th, 2014 - ravip3366
Current ICD-9 codes 0Nov 26th, 2014 - billing.2016
Radiation Code Changes 2015 0Nov 26th, 2014 - jackieramsey
ICD-9 Coding for Allergy 0Nov 26th, 2014 - jhetrick
minor procedure in office 0Nov 25th, 2014 - Jsmith201400
counting elements in HPI 0Nov 25th, 2014 - kari
Jugular Venous Distension: Present 2Nov 25th, 2014 - ktusson
Bnp 1Nov 24th, 2014 - samlove
mg/ml Question 3Nov 24th, 2014 - CoderNurse
Re: v70.0 0Nov 21st, 2014 - Ramona28
diagnosis for pentacel 0Nov 21st, 2014 - TerryC
83721 0Nov 21st, 2014 - kathryno
Mcr pay for phone encounter 0Nov 21st, 2014 -
DMV Physicals 0Nov 20th, 2014 - MissDecember
Icd 10 0Nov 20th, 2014 - heather80toombs
Re: pos 3Nov 20th, 2014 - paula52
Anesthesia billing 1Nov 20th, 2014 - rphelps
77080 Diagnosis code to support medical necessity 0Nov 20th, 2014 - dmaclean3
Lpc 1Nov 20th, 2014 - billings123
Novitas Coding 1Nov 19th, 2014 - cvette925
12/4 Webinar 1Nov 19th, 2014 - sforestano
The Accurate Coding System 0Nov 19th, 2014 - lucillevigil
preventive visit and mod 25 help 1Nov 19th, 2014 - TerryC
Code 99397 & 99213. 1Nov 19th, 2014 - pbarry
Insurance will not pay for IV push if billed same day as an E&M 3Nov 19th, 2014 -
Waiver of liability 1Nov 19th, 2014 - paula52
Facility surgical coding 0Nov 18th, 2014 -
medicare doesn't pay for wellness visit bundled with flu shot  3Nov 18th, 2014 -
Physical Exam coding 0Nov 18th, 2014 -
Timeliness of physician signature on medical records 4Nov 18th, 2014 -
E/M code w/25 and 96372 1Nov 18th, 2014 -
Anesthesia billing 0Nov 17th, 2014 - rphelps
billing injections 0Nov 17th, 2014 - Menglish19
HPI documentation by a athletic Trainer (ATC) with a NPI number 0Nov 14th, 2014 - KathyJ
Epistat balloon 0Nov 14th, 2014 -
ER/Clinic E&M level 1Nov 13th, 2014 - sangirl63
Endoscopy Coding 0Nov 13th, 2014 -
Double billing 0Nov 13th, 2014 - cindyhol
CPT® coding 1Nov 13th, 2014 - modifiers2
What is the CPT® code for native kidney biopsy 1Nov 13th, 2014 - kpersaud
recording vitals signs to support an e/m level 2Nov 12th, 2014 - mm2hands
Hepatitis C testing 0Nov 12th, 2014 - rphelps
Medicaid Alaska 0Nov 11th, 2014 - sillalynne
Modifiers 0Nov 11th, 2014 - nikkig45
Proper billing for CPT® code76000 with 64483 1Nov 11th, 2014 - tracylk
Anesthesia billing 2Nov 11th, 2014 - rphelps
90460,90461 help 0Nov 11th, 2014 - TerryC
correct coding for trigger point injections 1Nov 11th, 2014 - cmgmr
Inpatient Services 0Nov 11th, 2014 - ravip3366
S0020 modifer reqired? 0Nov 10th, 2014 - mlangston
Dexa scan billing 3Nov 10th, 2014 -
ICD 9 Code 0Nov 9th, 2014 - loridavis437
what is the code for aseptic meningitis due to AIDS 2Nov 9th, 2014 - vondcarlo
99211/99212 3Nov 7th, 2014 - yml3768
What is the CPT® code for imbrication of the medial collateral ligament of the knee? 0Nov 7th, 2014 - avazquez
Two MD's in exam at same time 1Nov 6th, 2014 - twdevore
Incision & drainage 1Nov 6th, 2014 - Sha12
billing for OV prior to screening colonoscopy if pt is on coumadin 1Nov 6th, 2014 - miapowers
Iud removal 1Nov 5th, 2014 - rspatrisano
Heterotopic Ossicfication of hip post THA 0Nov 5th, 2014 -
31000 5Nov 5th, 2014 - patw
Preventative Exam 1Nov 4th, 2014 - Jatin
64455 cpt 0Nov 2nd, 2014 - SURIYA3690
Critical care documentation 3Nov 1st, 2014 - assure6
2014 October
Can a dr. Code an ov if he sends the pt to the ER and then gets admitted? Note: Dr. Does not have priveleges at hospital. 1Oct 31st, 2014 -
popliteal to dorsal pedis bypass 0Oct 31st, 2014 - kfpowe
Billing 99211 for an immunization 2Oct 30th, 2014 - manskemd
"Urgent" How to bill 59160 with delivery 59400 0Oct 30th, 2014 - Mchu
fluid drainage 0Oct 30th, 2014 - happy
DOS for 93272 1Oct 30th, 2014 - tina1076
Gentian Violet 0Oct 30th, 2014 - jrussell2060
how is a dosimetry reported 0Oct 29th, 2014 - shar1438
Multiple CPT® codes 0Oct 29th, 2014 -
Level of service 2Oct 29th, 2014 - rphelps
CDL exam 0Oct 29th, 2014 - dlove1
New gynocologic patient defers exam 1Oct 29th, 2014 - dlove1
Coumadin Clinic question 0Oct 29th, 2014 -
Depo Provera Injection 1Oct 29th, 2014 - donnaulmer
Is CPT® 64450 the right code for this procedure? 0Oct 29th, 2014 -
deciphering chemistry codes 0Oct 29th, 2014 - navymom
modifier 1Oct 29th, 2014 -
Uhb 0Oct 29th, 2014 - tmincey1
CPT® code for Tubal Cannulation 1Oct 28th, 2014 - jforeman
Billing both 99211 and 36415 for same date of service 4Oct 28th, 2014 - lhaas01
podiarty coding 0Oct 28th, 2014 -
63030 & 63047 1Oct 28th, 2014 - Rsnow
OB Modifiers 2Oct 28th, 2014 - sonobiller
Inguinal Lymph Node Biopsy/Excision 0Oct 28th, 2014 - vandrews
HCPCs code for sodium chloride 0.9% 100 ml 0Oct 28th, 2014 - LBreunig
split-shared visits as a consultation 0Oct 27th, 2014 - dlove1
Family Consultation 0Oct 27th, 2014 - radoncbill
Billing CRNA/Anesthesia Claims in TEXAS 0Oct 24th, 2014 - intpain
Plastic Surgery 0Oct 24th, 2014 - surgery1
Wellcare unbunlded 1Oct 24th, 2014 - randerson
92941 and 93458 0Oct 23rd, 2014 - jmhill
coding this scenario 0Oct 23rd, 2014 - wpritz
Split services within same practice 2Oct 23rd, 2014 - curiouscoder
blood draw 0Oct 23rd, 2014 - billings123
E/M code 99214 and 20605 code 2Oct 22nd, 2014 - chilomenendez
how do i get reimbursed for CPT® 64435? dr pays for med & administers it before doing endometrial biopsies, iud inserts, ect 0Oct 22nd, 2014 - katden277
Pricing for 90746 4Oct 21st, 2014 - dpoplin
Botox injection J0585 0Oct 21st, 2014 - mary77
arthrocentesis 3Oct 21st, 2014 - Sha12
Resection of ileocolonic anastomosis and end ileostomy 0Oct 21st, 2014 - hnnhvicc88
Pregancy test 1Oct 21st, 2014 -
Transition of care codes  1Oct 21st, 2014 - Gregg
Its urgent please advise how to bill 99214 and J2790 injection. 0Oct 20th, 2014 - Mchu
skin disorder 0Oct 20th, 2014 - Sha12
Its urgent please advise how to bill 99214 and J2790 injection. Do i need to add NDC number for J2790 how can i add in LYTEC 0Oct 20th, 2014 - Mchu
neurological or neuromuscular coding question 1Oct 20th, 2014 - hassan
Medical Billing and Coding Classes 1Oct 18th, 2014 - randa78
CPT® for resection hypertrophic patella facet need help with code 0Oct 17th, 2014 - SoMountain
Digital mammo help please 0Oct 17th, 2014 - TerryC
Mini Thoracotomy 0Oct 17th, 2014 - alisasmi
Venipuncture and EKG reading billing 0Oct 16th, 2014 - achacko
CPT 0Oct 16th, 2014 - GERARDTPM
Normal First Pregnancy vs Other Normal Pregnancy 1Oct 16th, 2014 - tlw51684
Medicaid vaccines 0Oct 16th, 2014 -
pulling quality from History to determine LOS 1Oct 16th, 2014 - lmariesmith
history and physical office visits. 1Oct 16th, 2014 - handsurgery
65778 1Oct 15th, 2014 - TonysMiss
Breast lumpectomy 0Oct 15th, 2014 - ketalopez
Lap chole w extraction cystic duct stone 0Oct 15th, 2014 - armd2007
Unusual Medicare billing 0Oct 15th, 2014 - rfiore
which is icd 9 code to coumadin toxicyti? 1Oct 15th, 2014 - lupe
transfer to Rehab/SNF from IH in same facility 2Oct 15th, 2014 - Marley21
Appendix A 0Oct 15th, 2014 - bologna
Medicare forwarding Secondary claims 4Oct 14th, 2014 - LITA
Care Management/Care coordination of Registered Nurses(RN) and Social workers - Billing 1Oct 14th, 2014 - chemosuresh
Billing Multiple Procedures.. 3Oct 14th, 2014 - ravip3366
derm referral help please 1Oct 14th, 2014 - TerryC
CPT® icd crosswalk 3Oct 14th, 2014 - mpkalai
Inpatient 1Oct 13th, 2014 - billings123
Stealth Guided-What CPT® code would you use? 0Oct 13th, 2014 - LBAROGIANIS
When should modifier 57 be added to an E/M Code? 2Oct 13th, 2014 - lcawther
cpt 0Oct 13th, 2014 - janegriffiths
Billing on Office Ally 1Oct 12th, 2014 - artipeds2014
Coding outside Global Package 2Oct 10th, 2014 - GDenise
Hospital Charges 0Oct 10th, 2014 - gchavez
CPT® 98960 0Oct 10th, 2014 - afgbilling
ICD-9-CM coded needed for complication of Plastibell circumcision in newborn 0Oct 9th, 2014 -
modifier 57 0Oct 9th, 2014 - vvoorhees
Pancreas or Ampulla dx code  0Oct 9th, 2014 - Solymar
Pain management 0Oct 9th, 2014 - April21
Exercise ABI, Lower Extremities Test 0Oct 8th, 2014 -
Lesion removal 0Oct 8th, 2014 - RJULA
Code 82962 1Oct 8th, 2014 -
Epsdt 0Oct 8th, 2014 - samlove
takedown nissen fundoplication 0Oct 8th, 2014 - armd2007
99211 0Oct 8th, 2014 - samlove
Removal of Aqueous Shunt 1Oct 7th, 2014 -
NDC Numbers 0Oct 7th, 2014 - missrau
Leadless Pacemaker 0Oct 7th, 2014 - rowleym
Screening for Hep C 1Oct 7th, 2014 - rphelps
medicaid pt deductable 1Oct 7th, 2014 - ily
Hepatitis C testing 1Oct 7th, 2014 - rphelps
laparoscopic takedown Nissen fundoplication 0Oct 7th, 2014 - armd2007
97032 / 97014 0Oct 6th, 2014 - Colome2
please respond soon regarding how to bill 58120, 76830 and 64435 3Oct 6th, 2014 - Mchu
how to bill with modifiers 0Oct 6th, 2014 - Mchu
Tavr 1Oct 3rd, 2014 -
Excision of scalene fat pad 2Oct 3rd, 2014 - cathi1968
Q0091, P3001, 99214 billing 0Oct 3rd, 2014 - daniel6583
Lesions .5cm or less 0Oct 3rd, 2014 - sharris
Coding ACS r/o 0Oct 2nd, 2014 - Karik80
15838 0Oct 2nd, 2014 -
Flu vaccine code 1Oct 2nd, 2014 - Jatin
suture removal help 3Oct 1st, 2014 - TerryC
Does Medicare Part B pay for breast reconstruction after mastectomy? 0Oct 1st, 2014 - krissysmash
invega injection given by a nurse and patient left without being seen by the md 1Oct 1st, 2014 - scantie1
Pain management billing 0Oct 1st, 2014 - April21
Coding/Ortho-Spine 0Oct 1st, 2014 -
sarcal coding 0Oct 1st, 2014 - ccadmin
2014 September
DNA testing 0Sep 30th, 2014 - nikkig45
Urine Screening BcBs 2Sep 30th, 2014 - nikkig45
anesthesia billing 0Sep 30th, 2014 -
Article 16/28 Clinic billing question 2Sep 30th, 2014 - nschorr
Anesthesia billing 1Sep 30th, 2014 - rphelps
Drug screen 0Sep 30th, 2014 - rphelps
urgently need help how to bill A0420 0Sep 30th, 2014 - REGINA1975
please help box 24d on cms 1500 0Sep 30th, 2014 - REGINA1975
what CPT® code is used for a remplissage procedure 1Sep 30th, 2014 - kxmitchell
Clinical Psychologis 0Sep 29th, 2014 - billings123
How do we code for IPL- Intense Pulsed Light  0Sep 29th, 2014 - martag
Ppd inj 1Sep 29th, 2014 - Sha12
pain management codes 0Sep 29th, 2014 - April21
coding lacerations. 0Sep 29th, 2014 - jadecoral
Codes 36415, 99000, 81002 0Sep 29th, 2014 - katlynn1965
CPT® codes coming up as "not found" 1Sep 28th, 2014 - DonnaMF4
67228 and 92225 0Sep 27th, 2014 -
anesthesia for mri 0Sep 25th, 2014 - d144968
anesthesia for dental procedures 0Sep 25th, 2014 - d144968
what dx code can you use with a pap smear and a breast exam 0Sep 25th, 2014 - lduffin5491
routine venipuncture 0Sep 25th, 2014 - rembry
Rendering Provider 0Sep 25th, 2014 - Jatin
jcodes 0Sep 25th, 2014 - gvere
Credentialing 0Sep 25th, 2014 - Jatin
Vaccine? 1Sep 25th, 2014 -
Tumor excision with closure 3Sep 25th, 2014 - mary11376
New denials due to PPACA guidelines 1Sep 24th, 2014 - sschwartz
Patient "assessment" question 1Sep 24th, 2014 - TerryC
code 1Sep 24th, 2014 - smartspine
X-rays 0Sep 24th, 2014 - robinkea
Aetna 1Sep 24th, 2014 - MFigue
Code 0Sep 23rd, 2014 - billings123
code 6Sep 23rd, 2014 - billings123
99214 & 57454 1Sep 23rd, 2014 - sillalynne
viral syndrome 0Sep 23rd, 2014 -
Medicare claims-help 1Sep 23rd, 2014 - acagande
V56.0 1Sep 23rd, 2014 - janstewart
bronchoscopy 2Sep 22nd, 2014 - assure6
31623 and 31624 bundled - Please help 2Sep 21st, 2014 - assure6
CAH observation to inpatient Medicare patient 0Sep 20th, 2014 -
alteration to medical records signature requirements 1Sep 19th, 2014 -
99356, prolonged services inpatient 1Sep 19th, 2014 - Mand0984
Dx 0Sep 18th, 2014 - billings123
Intensive Outpatient Progrom (IOP) for Psychiatry 0Sep 18th, 2014 - ohhernandez
Colonoscopy 1Sep 18th, 2014 - rphelps
Fluorescein Eye Staining 1Sep 18th, 2014 - southerngirl1964
Aortography correct coding 0Sep 18th, 2014 - JSC
Billing for Pre Op when surgery is postponed 1Sep 18th, 2014 -
Laparoscopic surgery for hernia repair 0Sep 18th, 2014 -
Correct ICD9 code 2Sep 17th, 2014 - donnaulmer
DX code needed 1Sep 17th, 2014 - MGE001
new denials due to PPACA guidelines 0Sep 17th, 2014 - sschwartz
When doing the single cup urine should anthem and cigna us the same code as Medicare G0434 with modifier qw 0Sep 17th, 2014 - Sharring1
Is stage IIA thymoma considered benign 0Sep 17th, 2014 - Solymar
Physical Therapy  0Sep 16th, 2014 - purple22
Excepton clinics 0Sep 16th, 2014 - Srichar1
Billing Medicare Part A outpatient hospital all in one code 0Sep 16th, 2014 - destam
Procedure Code 29826 1Sep 16th, 2014 - BONE
Needing correct ICD-9 codes  1Sep 16th, 2014 - tlcook1021
Surgeons of the same specialty 0Sep 15th, 2014 - dlc2921
cpt-97750 is this test only allowed for PTs, or MD also can perfom 0Sep 15th, 2014 - elicovericle
modifiers 2Sep 15th, 2014 - open4biz4evr
Diagnosis for office visit  0Sep 15th, 2014 - rphelps
modifiers 0Sep 15th, 2014 - open4biz4evr
History of colon cancer 0Sep 15th, 2014 - rphelps
biopsy code help? 0Sep 15th, 2014 - TerryC
51729 0Sep 15th, 2014 - rmontemayor
DEXA Scan for men 0Sep 15th, 2014 -
depo-provera  1Sep 13th, 2014 - irodriguez
CPO billing date 0Sep 12th, 2014 - coderone00
cardio check up because of Chemo 0Sep 12th, 2014 - blm321
Modifier 1Sep 12th, 2014 - coderone00
80101 0Sep 12th, 2014 - rhone
Nsvd with btl 0Sep 12th, 2014 - Kholloway
coding 0Sep 12th, 2014 - acagande
Surgery Claims as well as Facility Claims 1Sep 12th, 2014 - Jatin
New denials du eto PPACA guidelines 0Sep 11th, 2014 - sschwartz
Correct Modifier for Cardio 1Sep 11th, 2014 - cardio13
TENS for other than CLBP 0Sep 11th, 2014 - Colome2
IP Initial Consultation 99223/99233 3Sep 11th, 2014 - ravip3366
what are the rules for filing 36415 with medicaid 2Sep 11th, 2014 - tstric1
do you use G-codes when filing preventative care for medicare 2Sep 11th, 2014 - tstric1
99214 denied for no auth 0Sep 10th, 2014 - ily
99291 1Sep 10th, 2014 - Mand0984
ED E/M charging 0Sep 10th, 2014 - lmacaluso
Lpc 2Sep 10th, 2014 - billings123
DOT exam 0Sep 10th, 2014 - mstrub817
tunneled catheter 0Sep 9th, 2014 - M288L
Lab code 86001 1Sep 9th, 2014 - sillalynne
SP acknowledgement of his/her presence during an office visit on Resident's note under Residency program 0Sep 9th, 2014 - shaisunga
Surgery coding question 0Sep 9th, 2014 -
OB GYN C-Section Staple removal 3Sep 9th, 2014 - Plata
Two physicians, both gynecologist, but two diagnosis on the same day? 6Sep 9th, 2014 - krissysmash
New patient level 3 HPI 1Sep 9th, 2014 - rphelps
double dipping 0Sep 9th, 2014 - hph115
coding 1Sep 8th, 2014 -
Diagnosis 0Sep 8th, 2014 - billings123
CPT® 82043 and 82570 0Sep 8th, 2014 - yhberotte
biopsy help 0Sep 8th, 2014 - TerryC
Medicaid secondary payer 0Sep 5th, 2014 -
can you bill for providing interpertation service through a phone service for patients comming in the office?  2Sep 4th, 2014 -
Rotational Left Atrial Angiography 0Sep 4th, 2014 - dlane
warty dyskeratoma 1Sep 4th, 2014 - Sha12
CPT® 51798 0Sep 3rd, 2014 -
Home visits 1Sep 3rd, 2014 - blm321
hospital 4Sep 3rd, 2014 - billings123
Nurse visit 0Sep 3rd, 2014 - Gindu
CPT® 96372 2Sep 3rd, 2014 - Poke7
How to code A-fib with bradycardia? 0Sep 2nd, 2014 - Tchang.ccscodingspecialist
J7321 - supartz 0Sep 2nd, 2014 - karlar
1995 guidelines physical exam body areas vs. organ systems  0Sep 2nd, 2014 -
2014 August
how do others code liver transplants, when reporting 47135, does anyone code the bile duct reconstrution separate ? or just the 47135 and the backbench prep.... assuming this is a cadaver 0Aug 31st, 2014 - burnsta2
Inclsuive question 1Aug 29th, 2014 - manisht986
Hypoxemia 0Aug 29th, 2014 - Hapitee
Anesthesia Reporting when a Resident is Relieved by a CRNA 0Aug 29th, 2014 - vmellon
Modidiers 0Aug 29th, 2014 -
Transitional Care Management 0Aug 28th, 2014 - KINGRR
Critical Care documentation 2Aug 28th, 2014 - KINGRR
Medicare and spirometry 1Aug 28th, 2014 - rembry
Allergy Shot Administration in Family Practice Facility 1Aug 28th, 2014 - lhaas01
HMO Claims 2Aug 28th, 2014 - Shannan
Bill 2 New Patient Visits 7Aug 28th, 2014 - laurynemily
2 new patient visits 0Aug 28th, 2014 - laurynemily
billing pet scans in Hospital 0Aug 28th, 2014 -
Medicare Denial 1Aug 28th, 2014 - acagande
Medicare 1Aug 27th, 2014 - acagande
Ultarsound Peripheral guided IV placement 0Aug 27th, 2014 - dlavinder
lapriscopic Procedure 0Aug 27th, 2014 - jrussell2060
place of service 2Aug 27th, 2014 - donnalee57
Nursing Practitioner Vs. Nutritional Therapy services 1Aug 27th, 2014 -
Billing a SNF visit and Injection 3Aug 26th, 2014 -
Notice of Dispute 1Aug 26th, 2014 - Sha12
Place of service 2Aug 26th, 2014 - smith
CPT® code for open ventral hernia repair 0Aug 26th, 2014 - eawitous
CPT® 95857  0Aug 26th, 2014 - marylarson
Trigger finger 20550 ? 1Aug 25th, 2014 - Kat31477
Urinary Drug Screens 1Aug 25th, 2014 - kchase
ligation of bleeding artery 0Aug 25th, 2014 -
Kyphoplasty CPT® code 22524 2Aug 25th, 2014 - LBAROGIANIS
82274 iFOBT 1Aug 25th, 2014 - otrevino
prolong service 3Aug 24th, 2014 - smith
anesthesia code for CPT® code 19367? 1Aug 24th, 2014 - ac4ba12
Coding a higher code./Modifier for urgent office visit 1Aug 21st, 2014 - assa478
coding office visit and spirometry on the same day 1Aug 21st, 2014 -
Billing question 0Aug 21st, 2014 - amaroj
Swan Ganz catheter repositioning 1Aug 21st, 2014 -
Foraminotomy / Laminectomy / Coflex / Fusion /Screws 1Aug 21st, 2014 - Kat31477
92978 Billing  1Aug 20th, 2014 - dgwh1202
Q0091 and G0101 1Aug 20th, 2014 - SASHACMG
Critical Care 99291/99292 3Aug 20th, 2014 - Mand0984
Endoscopic Gastrojejunostomy Steroid Injection 1Aug 20th, 2014 - MsLady
amputation 0Aug 19th, 2014 - adelavina
CPT® 62165 and 31291 0Aug 19th, 2014 - RNcoder14
coding for cardiology 0Aug 19th, 2014 - marlar
CPT® Codes 95250 & 95251 0Aug 19th, 2014 - dgeorgakis
cardiology billing 0Aug 19th, 2014 - dreynolds
Ophthalmology ICD 9 for E/M as well as F/U 1Aug 19th, 2014 - Jatin
Medical Marijuana 0Aug 18th, 2014 - sillalynne
what procedure code to use for an olecranon spur excision 0Aug 18th, 2014 - MAMARINO
Discussing test results without patient presence 1Aug 18th, 2014 -
Ophthalmology Medicare denial 1Aug 18th, 2014 - Jatin
I have a NP that sees patients in a SNF. She saw three patients twice in the same week. Can I bill both of these visits and get reimbursement for both of them? 0Aug 16th, 2014 - SheriM
Mandatory Drug Screen urine test 0Aug 15th, 2014 - Jackfraust
obesity 1Aug 15th, 2014 - billings123
Diagnosis code 0Aug 15th, 2014 - rphelps
chest pain 0Aug 15th, 2014 - cervin
Diagnosis 1Aug 14th, 2014 - billings123
11200 & 11100 1Aug 14th, 2014 - sillalynne
CPT® CODE Kidney Bx 0Aug 14th, 2014 - dkoneil
Ultrasound Guidance during a LHC 0Aug 14th, 2014 - jlb102780
Inpatient H&P and progress note 2Aug 13th, 2014 - paula52
hospital and office consultation 2Aug 13th, 2014 - karlar
Amniotic Fluid Volume 0Aug 13th, 2014 - jrussell2060
99071 2Aug 13th, 2014 - SASHACMG
group psychotherapy 1Aug 13th, 2014 - kimcrehas
icd fever 2Aug 13th, 2014 - svandale
Dx 1Aug 12th, 2014 - billings123
Cancer patients always High Risk?? 1Aug 12th, 2014 - akent82
Colonoscopy and EGD 1Aug 12th, 2014 - rphelps
patient urine drug scrren collection 0Aug 12th, 2014 - dgeorgakis
units on hcpcs code 0Aug 12th, 2014 - Marley21
Cardiology billiing - CPR 0Aug 12th, 2014 - trogers
Physicals/Well Checks/Preventive  0Aug 12th, 2014 - katlynn1965
Billing Proc Code 26615 1Aug 12th, 2014 - BONE
code for penicillin G injection 2Aug 12th, 2014 - Marley21
Transphenoidal pituitary macroadenomectomyn 0Aug 11th, 2014 - SANAGUSTIN
99211 code 1Aug 11th, 2014 -
DME Denial from Medicare 3Aug 9th, 2014 - Jatin
ICD-10 vaccine coding 0Aug 8th, 2014 - andersm4
Modifier25 2Aug 8th, 2014 - Melanie
Billing Proc Code 26615 1Aug 8th, 2014 - BONE
2 office visits 4Aug 8th, 2014 - dgeorgakis
Question from Clinical Coding Workout 2013, question 5.2 1Aug 7th, 2014 - jadecoral
Icd-10 1Aug 7th, 2014 - Cachats
Incision & Drainage 1Aug 7th, 2014 - Sha12
Good morning, when billing, can the primary dx code be a V code? thanks 3Aug 7th, 2014 -
Medicare Laboratory billing guidelines for 2014 0Aug 7th, 2014 - destam
Hip Arthroscopy 0Aug 6th, 2014 - nancyh1102
Labs 2Aug 6th, 2014 - Wendy1
bone graft 0Aug 6th, 2014 - ketalopez
INR Billing 1Aug 6th, 2014 - Jatin
drug allergy testing to Medicare 1Aug 5th, 2014 -
95018 drug allergy testing 1Aug 5th, 2014 -
Hyperhidrosis  0Aug 5th, 2014 - Arslan
Audting HPI 1Aug 5th, 2014 - andersm4
Modifier for MCR WWE 1Aug 5th, 2014 -
Drug Screening 0Aug 5th, 2014 - rhesssbc
Home Health 0Aug 5th, 2014 - hans
Modifiers needed 1Aug 5th, 2014 - nancyh1102
diagnosis code 2Aug 5th, 2014 - shobhatalluri
LT and RT 1Aug 5th, 2014 - arunraj
Laceration on hand 0Aug 4th, 2014 -
podiatry foot care for 250.60 without LOPS 0Aug 4th, 2014 - jvasquez
Copay and insurance payments. 5Aug 3rd, 2014 - sigma327
Supporting Documentation for CPT® 96110 1Aug 1st, 2014 - Lauren998877
Allergic rhinoconjunctivitis ICD-9 coding 0Aug 1st, 2014 -
Billing Proc Code 26615 0Aug 1st, 2014 - BONE
Follow up from procedure with 0 post op days. 1Aug 1st, 2014 - rphelps
Patient Leaves Hospital Prior to Attending Physician Seeing Patient 3Aug 1st, 2014 - janeanderson
Meso-Rex bypass shunt with autologous left internal jugular vein  0Aug 1st, 2014 - kdibeneditto
2014 July
Laparoscopic 1Jul 31st, 2014 - RMN
Tcm  1Jul 31st, 2014 - aselman
Pharmacist Home Visit Billing 1Jul 31st, 2014 - precod
diagnosis codes 707.09, 707.23 and CPT® code 11042 0Jul 30th, 2014 -
Billing Caresource  1Jul 30th, 2014 - BONE
Coding Bilat Standing Knees AP and PA views 1Jul 30th, 2014 - dkerr
Ophthalmology - correct code for laser ANTERIOR capsulotomy? 0Jul 30th, 2014 - Hilde
School/work physicals 1Jul 30th, 2014 -
36415 Venipunture 1Jul 30th, 2014 - amartin
diagnosis code  2Jul 30th, 2014 - sgrier
CPT 1Jul 29th, 2014 - mari8387
skin biopsy question 3Jul 29th, 2014 - npott1
CPT® 63286 1Jul 29th, 2014 - LBAROGIANIS
Coronary  0Jul 29th, 2014 - KristaDutra
Anesthesia  0Jul 29th, 2014 - srikanth
Does anyone have the J Code for a PPD inj? 3Jul 28th, 2014 -
Q7,Q8, and Q9 1Jul 28th, 2014 - arunraj
medicade and medicare 1Jul 26th, 2014 - jimmy
post op icd 9 and CPT® codes after surgery 1Jul 26th, 2014 - rosemedical
CPT® GI LAB BILLINGcan you bill CPT® codes 45318&45384 same session what modifier? 1Jul 25th, 2014 - reedjoanc
Rdn 4Jul 25th, 2014 - billings123
EMG reimbursement for workers comp 0Jul 25th, 2014 - MkimNMCI
CPT® 22851 0Jul 25th, 2014 - LBAROGIANIS
hydration IV 0Jul 25th, 2014 - Karik80
Federally mandated visits in intermediate care facility, dd 0Jul 24th, 2014 - traci.stevenson
CPT 0Jul 24th, 2014 - mari8387
what is the CPT® code for an excision of tracheocutaneous fistula 0Jul 24th, 2014 - jennserena
Enrolled in a Hospice 2Jul 24th, 2014 - Sha12
ABN fee schedule 1Jul 24th, 2014 - luannw7
2 procedure codes 2Jul 24th, 2014 - Linpt41
Urine drug screening for substance abuse and chronic pain 1Jul 23rd, 2014 - Suewentworth
medicare coding 1Jul 23rd, 2014 - rfiore
CPT® Question 0Jul 23rd, 2014 - LAReynolds52
Dx codes 634.90 and 632 1Jul 23rd, 2014 - mumah265
Vitamin D Injection 1Jul 23rd, 2014 - kavita
LisFranc Ligament Reconstruction 0Jul 22nd, 2014 -
Wound VAC 0Jul 22nd, 2014 -
please help me code this  0Jul 22nd, 2014 - kristybishop
Ring Pessary 3Jul 22nd, 2014 - dacole
Vision Claims - Improper Denials 2Jul 21st, 2014 - Melmore
Physician Assistnts 2Jul 21st, 2014 - behinkson
Billing a hospital vist and stress test in the same day. 1Jul 18th, 2014 - blazare
E & M Billing 1Jul 18th, 2014 - dnowlin
Genicular Nerve Blocks 0Jul 18th, 2014 - pwatts
Annual Exams 1Jul 18th, 2014 -
Endoscopies 1Jul 18th, 2014 - rphelps
looking up icd 9 codes 0Jul 18th, 2014 - josephonahmd
CPT® 45380 0Jul 18th, 2014 - LisaD1118
V codes 1Jul 17th, 2014 - billings123
Billing 1Jul 17th, 2014 - donnalee57
Billing Units for 82486 3Jul 16th, 2014 - janiscom
observation 1Jul 16th, 2014 - cervin
Multiple Procedures done 0Jul 16th, 2014 - bjones2301
transferring facility 0Jul 16th, 2014 - Marley21
Observation Care Services - Subsequent 1Jul 16th, 2014 - BhavaniP
How to get foot exam covered during a physical 0Jul 15th, 2014 - Cachats
Multiple Scalp Lesions 0Jul 15th, 2014 -
ICD9 look up  1Jul 15th, 2014 - SANDRALA
CPT® 99219 help!! 1Jul 15th, 2014 - cmc2012
CPT® code for Thoracostomy Tube Removal 2Jul 15th, 2014 - abbyakinleye
CPT® global period 2Jul 15th, 2014 - cardio13
bilateral subcortical infarcts secondary to hypertensive vascular disease  1Jul 14th, 2014 - Hobbs20
home Health 1Jul 14th, 2014 - Mike123
clonidine 3Jul 14th, 2014 - Mike123
E/M coding help please 1Jul 11th, 2014 - TerryC
Assist at surgery 1Jul 11th, 2014 - doreilly
Diagnosis code for a septoplasty 1Jul 11th, 2014 -
New VS Established patients 1Jul 11th, 2014 - rphelps
Cardio-Vascular CPT® Codes 1Jul 11th, 2014 - aacj213
Preventive exam with sick visit 2Jul 11th, 2014 - Laberube
90 modifier 1Jul 10th, 2014 - Rachelped
80061 3Jul 10th, 2014 - sillalynne
Child exposed to illicit drug manufacture 1Jul 10th, 2014 - mgstrong
Cardio-Vascular Codes 0Jul 10th, 2014 - aacj213
Care plan oversight 2Jul 10th, 2014 - Mike123
Can CPT® 31624 be billed as bilateral 3Jul 10th, 2014 - abbyakinleye
Laparotomy to remove Uterus (GYN) 2Jul 10th, 2014 - Codedloaded
preventive exam and E/M exam 2Jul 9th, 2014 - cdodson
incised and removed from eyelid 0Jul 9th, 2014 - rfiore
drainage of eyelid abcess 1Jul 9th, 2014 - rfiore
Modifier help, 97032 1Jul 9th, 2014 -
Residents helping with ER visits and consultations in the hospital 1Jul 9th, 2014 - tmangham
invoice 0Jul 9th, 2014 - billings123
99291 and 99292 with Modifier 25 1Jul 8th, 2014 - blm321
code for Kenelog injection 3Jul 8th, 2014 - doctorj41
99090 1Jul 8th, 2014 - MkimNMCI
Digital ABI's 2Jul 8th, 2014 - TerryC
POS independent Labs 1Jul 8th, 2014 - jen1torres
93351 and hospital setting 2Jul 7th, 2014 - smoore0808
CPT® code for laproscopic urethrolysis 1Jul 7th, 2014 - daguilar
Bariatric Surgery 0Jul 7th, 2014 - RTINNEY
coding for initial ob visit with labs and source documentation 1Jul 5th, 2014 - skeller
Foot and ankle surgery coding 0Jul 3rd, 2014 -
Assistant surgeon  1Jul 3rd, 2014 -
Rural Health clinics and CPT's 76818 & 76819 1Jul 3rd, 2014 - sschwartz
Chemistry Coding section of the CPT® manuel 0Jul 2nd, 2014 -
Shoulder rotator cuff repair 0Jul 2nd, 2014 - fgrocki
Medicare new PPS 0Jul 2nd, 2014 - smaher82
L8680- Is There an Alternative Code? 0Jul 2nd, 2014 - fmfn
what is? 0Jul 1st, 2014 - carmenjoannabenitez979
Payable codes 1Jul 1st, 2014 - cardio13
Reimburse for code DX 49560 2Jul 1st, 2014 -
2014 June
Decompression of right shoulder 9Jun 30th, 2014 -
"J2010" Lincomyocin 0Jun 30th, 2014 -
Excision of pelvic sidewall inclusion cyst 0Jun 30th, 2014 - bjones2301
Procedure 0Jun 30th, 2014 - cwaggoner
Diagnosis 0Jun 30th, 2014 - Sha12
Per Chart Coding Rate 0Jun 30th, 2014 -
CPT® 93460, etc, etc, etc 0Jun 27th, 2014 - DebA209
Wart Removal 0Jun 27th, 2014 - rhansen
returning patient 0Jun 27th, 2014 - cervin
Need help with coding! Pituitary tumors 0Jun 27th, 2014 - LBAROGIANIS
pancreas sparing duodenectomy 0Jun 26th, 2014 - dcarey
99291/2 Modifier 25 1Jun 26th, 2014 - blm321
Co-Managed surgery, coming in for a differet reason 2Jun 26th, 2014 - yml3768
subtalar arthrodesis with arthrotomy and synovectomy 1Jun 26th, 2014 - Orthomom
Place of service 2Jun 26th, 2014 - billings123
ob/gyn billing 2Jun 26th, 2014 - kzemla
S/Keratosis 3Jun 26th, 2014 - Sha12
resection of marginal ulceration 0Jun 26th, 2014 -
S0257 2Jun 26th, 2014 - Sha12
preventive vist 2Jun 26th, 2014 -
Medicare PT TDAP billing 2Jun 26th, 2014 - padi1coder
cpc exam  1Jun 26th, 2014 - gowri.tina
Does payer release payment through ERISA Appeals 0Jun 26th, 2014 -
CPT® codes 1Jun 25th, 2014 - leticia568
critical care check list for auditors 0Jun 25th, 2014 - luannw7
Lumbar puncture 2Jun 25th, 2014 - Kedwardsx1
Laparscopic repair, inguinal hernia, incarcerated 0Jun 25th, 2014 - Deni
Aetna 2Jun 25th, 2014 - billings123
Videograher 1Jun 25th, 2014 - neuro1143
E/m visit during post op period 5Jun 25th, 2014 - LBAROGIANIS
76805 Vs 76817 3Jun 25th, 2014 - braddy77
Cpt-9 codes 1Jun 24th, 2014 -
pudendal nerve study 0Jun 24th, 2014 - REGINA1975
36415 1Jun 24th, 2014 - ycoleeo
Lumbar Puncture Coding for neurolgist 0Jun 24th, 2014 - Kedwardsx1
Diagnosis order on claim form 0Jun 24th, 2014 - rphelps
Hospital Billers 5Jun 24th, 2014 - Mand0984
any help code cervical polypectomy after vaginal delivery 1Jun 23rd, 2014 - Cizzy
CPT® code 54162 and 54163 2Jun 23rd, 2014 - macsmeme
Thoracotomy 0Jun 23rd, 2014 - Streeter
CPT® code 54300 and 54161 2Jun 23rd, 2014 - macsmeme
Can you bill an office visit when patient is referred to surgeon for port removal.  1Jun 23rd, 2014 - sharris
Emergency Medicaid Diagnosis Code 3Jun 23rd, 2014 - behinkson
CPT® 96125 0Jun 23rd, 2014 -
E&m coding 1Jun 20th, 2014 - TNEGRON64
Elevated Creatinine in a blood test 1Jun 20th, 2014 -
Am I coding correctly 0Jun 20th, 2014 - daguilar
Preventative visit WITHOUT PAP!! HOW DO I CODE? 1Jun 20th, 2014 - vscott
Decompressive Lumbar laminectomy with removal of osteophyte 0Jun 20th, 2014 - keithneese
J3301 0Jun 20th, 2014 - Mills123
Squamous Cell Carcinoma invades periosteum of scalp 0Jun 20th, 2014 - cdundas
Colonoscopy and Polypectomy 3Jun 19th, 2014 - Teixeirami
3 CPT's codes billing together 3Jun 19th, 2014 - Teixeirami
can 41530 done by a Pulmonoligist 1Jun 19th, 2014 - stacile3335
What are the required elements for 99214 2Jun 19th, 2014 - Lyn7
Vessel Loops 0Jun 19th, 2014 -
neoplasm aftercare 2Jun 19th, 2014 - lovemart4
Use of CPT® 99420? 4Jun 19th, 2014 - pilewicz
CPT® Code 99420 0Jun 19th, 2014 - pilewicz
Neurosurgeon and ent surgeon- need your help 0Jun 19th, 2014 - LBAROGIANIS
Cardiology Consult with PCI 0Jun 19th, 2014 - Codedloaded
G codes for speech therapy 1Jun 18th, 2014 - dburd
Obstetrics - global package 0Jun 18th, 2014 - Mel1951
Diagnostic Trauma/Injury Coding 0Jun 18th, 2014 - michlgmn37
Dual lumen PICC 0Jun 18th, 2014 -
CPT® codes 1Jun 17th, 2014 - ppcmartinezcode
coding for Enlarged mediastinal/hilar lymph nodes? 0Jun 17th, 2014 -
CPT® Code 1Jun 17th, 2014 - GwenRN
95971 vs 95972 2Jun 17th, 2014 -
Ambulance coding 0Jun 17th, 2014 - cnewport
evaluation and management 3Jun 17th, 2014 - ppcmartinezcode
aerophagy; aerophagia: What is the ICD9-M code 2Jun 16th, 2014 -
Meaningful Use and G0444 Depression Screening 0Jun 15th, 2014 - Kat31477
Repair of Median Nerve 0Jun 13th, 2014 -
Ansi neurosurgery san diego feb 2014 0Jun 13th, 2014 - LBAROGIANIS
cardiac cath coding 0Jun 12th, 2014 - jones
80102 0Jun 12th, 2014 - tchildre
Can the practice charge 99211 for a clinic assistant teaching 0Jun 11th, 2014 -
Comment: please read 1Jun 11th, 2014 - LBAROGIANIS
Pulse Oximetry and E/M 6Jun 11th, 2014 - medcoder02
CPT® Code for remplissage procedure 0Jun 11th, 2014 - kumble
Optometry Coding-65222, 99213, & 99285 1Jun 11th, 2014 - charmas
diagnosis on lesion removals 2Jun 11th, 2014 - happy
Auto vs office visit 3Jun 10th, 2014 - Sha12
nasal spray 1Jun 10th, 2014 - janegriffiths
Degenerative joint space narrowing 0Jun 10th, 2014 - kat1940
CPT® Code Changed by Modifier Addition / Documentation Compliance  1Jun 10th, 2014 - mindy167
Venotomy 0Jun 10th, 2014 - docwow
Whartons Duct removal 0Jun 10th, 2014 -
ICD-9 codes for palpitations & chest pain in pregnancy 2Jun 10th, 2014 - tlcook1021
OB billing 59430 0Jun 9th, 2014 - katiedougherty
Hb-SS vs Sickle cell disease  0Jun 9th, 2014 - janstewart
diagnosis code 0Jun 9th, 2014 -
How much of a need will there be for coders? 3Jun 8th, 2014 - krboone57
selective angiogram of the left subclavian artery :what is the CPT® code when done with coronary intervention? 0Jun 8th, 2014 - anhnguyen
EGD with Bravo Capsule Placement 0Jun 6th, 2014 - vlynnh
can I Bill 99215 and 99386 on same date? 7Jun 6th, 2014 - sgod0905
excision of Melanoma on the breast 0Jun 6th, 2014 - mcginnisrm
17110 1Jun 6th, 2014 - Mathews
ERCP with Sphinterotomy and stone extraction 1Jun 6th, 2014 - prashantpatel2
Not A Covered Service 12Jun 6th, 2014 - braddy77
consult code payment 11Jun 5th, 2014 - Marley21
I am looking for codes to use with high complexity lcms udt panel tests 0Jun 5th, 2014 - robert
bundling 64405 by united healthcare 0Jun 5th, 2014 - rebecca
modifier use 3Jun 5th, 2014 - Sha12
Two questions about counting data reviewed 2Jun 5th, 2014 - Townsend
AV Fistula 0Jun 5th, 2014 - RJULA
Consultation Documentation 0Jun 5th, 2014 - kdibeneditto
Cardiology Medical Billing  1Jun 5th, 2014 - khattak
keratoconus 0Jun 4th, 2014 - melhonda
Can you bill for Lidocaine 0Jun 4th, 2014 - drdanvw
Sebaceous Cyst Removal 3Jun 4th, 2014 - JeannineADyer
Claims Credentialing issue with UBH 7Jun 4th, 2014 - afzal.zee
Care Plan Oversight 8Jun 4th, 2014 - blanche22
New pt visit and wellness visit 0Jun 4th, 2014 -
fracture code help 0Jun 4th, 2014 - TerryC
skill nursing facility annual comprehensive reassessment code 99318 0Jun 4th, 2014 - alinda
New Jersey Workers Comp 0Jun 4th, 2014 -
Pharmacogenetic testing 0Jun 3rd, 2014 - john
Office visit 2Jun 3rd, 2014 - jmenz
Modifier 59 usage 4Jun 3rd, 2014 -
CPT® code 40520 0Jun 3rd, 2014 -
CPT® code 1Jun 3rd, 2014 - antiquelace
Plan of Care Oversight 1Jun 3rd, 2014 -
Medicare 1Jun 3rd, 2014 - billings123
Casting after surgery 0Jun 3rd, 2014 - podcoder
ICD-9-CM Code 1Jun 2nd, 2014 - cspencer0457
iud Mirena  3Jun 2nd, 2014 - lrutherford
are there specific guidelines for V69.2 1Jun 2nd, 2014 -
2014 May
cardio surgical clearence for cpt 0May 30th, 2014 - lesliemcn20
Billing PAP Smears; Professional fee vs technical fee from the lab 0May 30th, 2014 - SandyC
Gastrostomy tube placement 0May 30th, 2014 - eawitous
Lab codes 0May 30th, 2014 - fwood86
billing 0May 30th, 2014 - billings123
paracentesis w and w/o imaging guidance 0May 29th, 2014 - lucillevigil
denied another provider paid 6May 29th, 2014 - blanche22
Modifiers 0May 29th, 2014 - adworsack
Using Modifier with Anesthesia after IVF cycle 1May 29th, 2014 - adworsack
Nurse visit for drawing blood 1May 29th, 2014 - Chandra74
90791 2May 28th, 2014 -
Global OB and admit H&P 0May 28th, 2014 -
will CPT® code 36415 with modifier 90 and CPT® code 80053 get paid if i use modifier 90 0May 28th, 2014 - dwnparker
claim was denied due to CPT® code 36415 incidental to 80053  0May 28th, 2014 - dwnparker
global period 1May 28th, 2014 -
chemistry codes 0May 27th, 2014 - stephens5122
99054 0May 27th, 2014 -
2 office visits on the same DOS from 2 different doctors/facilities/specialties 5May 27th, 2014 - TriconEyeCare
TAVR - Peripheral Angiograms. 0May 27th, 2014 - sharris
Medicare ADR Process Questions 0May 27th, 2014 - SGarland1
adjustment reason code 2May 27th, 2014 -
Initial hospital day 99222/99223 1May 27th, 2014 - Mand0984
Medical Billing and Collection Services from BillingParadise 0May 27th, 2014 - billingparadise
Billing e & m code with testing (pft, pst, ultrasound, etc) same day 1May 24th, 2014 - paulajanderson1942
attempted suicide by eating glass 0May 23rd, 2014 - REGINA1975
E/M vs. 90792 0May 23rd, 2014 - sluke9
Billing of H&P 0May 23rd, 2014 - paula52
Fracture 0May 23rd, 2014 - cervin
Billing within postop period by different surgeon 1May 23rd, 2014 - robynjones
proffesional office visit 1May 23rd, 2014 - Nancyr32
Modifiers TC and 26 4May 22nd, 2014 - Elleon
how do you bill for urine testing for pain management for all ins except mcare 1May 22nd, 2014 -
coding of pulmonary function studies in 2014 0May 22nd, 2014 - dhelt
64635 / 64636 4 levels 0May 22nd, 2014 -
Coding Complications 0May 22nd, 2014 - ellasicilia
Billing of delivery at 18 weeks 2May 21st, 2014 - bjones2301
Bilateral knee arthroscopies - when billing do you reduce the amount on the code with the modifier 50 0May 21st, 2014 -
Electronic Osteogenesis Stimulator 0May 21st, 2014 - keithneese
coding 0May 21st, 2014 - missndad
Groin Exploration 0May 21st, 2014 - kfpowe
Please Explain: CPT® 99060 : Why doesn't CMS pay for it? 3May 21st, 2014 -
84165 Protein Electrophoretic Fractionation 0May 21st, 2014 - jastilwell
Not a covered service for newyork members 0May 21st, 2014 - braddy77
Laser Treatment for Burn scar and skin graft contracures 0May 20th, 2014 - sharris
Nurse practitioner billing 5May 20th, 2014 - kcronin
G Codes 1May 20th, 2014 - dburd
Excised Lesion 0May 20th, 2014 - ValerieG1963
Waiver for pre-operative cataract operation 0May 20th, 2014 - kskrinak
peroneal 0May 20th, 2014 - coder64
podiatry billing 2May 19th, 2014 -
dx code for 76770 2May 19th, 2014 - thall1
Auditing a billing company 0May 19th, 2014 - john
Coding for Hand Assist Procedures 0May 19th, 2014 - dalagha
NPP Question 1May 19th, 2014 - dms731
ERCP with Sphinterotomy and stone extraction 0May 19th, 2014 - prashantpatel2
Bundled procerdure 0May 18th, 2014 -
Humana and stereotactic devices 0May 16th, 2014 - LBAROGIANIS
Normal hearing results 0May 16th, 2014 - Lisapurple216
Toxicology Coding 0May 16th, 2014 - rvsm4u
Digital fecal disimpaction without anesthesia 1May 16th, 2014 -
mod question 2May 15th, 2014 - aradesca1
ulnar gutter splint HELP 0May 15th, 2014 - TerryC
what CPT® code to use for a pap smear visit fro a medi-cal patient? 0May 15th, 2014 - eflores123
Consultations 0May 15th, 2014 - dburd
billing an ablation a day after PM implant 0May 15th, 2014 -
Code for developmental delay 1May 14th, 2014 - hhemlepp
G0268 0May 14th, 2014 - funequa
CPT® 92502 2May 14th, 2014 - agross0627
home health 0May 14th, 2014 - Sha12
How can I get an email answer to a question I asked? 2May 13th, 2014 - A2K
Billing for non-physician practitioners 0May 13th, 2014 - Codapedia Editor
HH billing 0May 12th, 2014 - paula52
tetanus 0May 12th, 2014 -
Service 0May 12th, 2014 - billings123
Application of Wound Vacs 0May 12th, 2014 - sharris
office visit with injection code 1May 12th, 2014 - dbeehn
is there a CPT® code of CUSA use in brain tumor resection 0May 10th, 2014 -
Interprofessional Telephone/Internet Consultations 0May 9th, 2014 - slackcoder
Correct code billing 0May 9th, 2014 - Bertha
liver biospy 0May 9th, 2014 - kfreeman6
Psychiatric coding 0May 8th, 2014 - afzal.zee
E/M codes 1May 8th, 2014 - mary77
Coding for 90 min. or 120 min. individual psychotherapy 2May 8th, 2014 - momofone23
Billing for lap band adjustment S2083 0May 8th, 2014 - monica425
J1030 1May 8th, 2014 - ranjith28
How will you code this scenerio ? 0May 8th, 2014 - atkoshy2000
Billing/Coding for Tetanus with an injury 3May 7th, 2014 -
Hemorrhoidal Banding 0May 7th, 2014 - rphelps
Nutrition 0May 6th, 2014 - billings123
92504 & 69210 3May 6th, 2014 -
CPT® code for repacking a wound 2May 6th, 2014 - ltingley
Billing with modifier SA 0May 6th, 2014 - dlavinder
billing guidelines for p stim 0May 6th, 2014 - dlavinder
Provider names 1May 6th, 2014 - rphelps
Coding procedures with office visits 1May 6th, 2014 -
FDIU before 22 weeks 0May 6th, 2014 -
BMT Patient Scheduling 0May 6th, 2014 - janeanderson
Diag for Metatarsal Overload 0May 6th, 2014 - swinnie
Billing 92014 0May 5th, 2014 - yml3768
Pregnancy complications 0May 5th, 2014 - Kristi1416
Labia Abcess 1May 5th, 2014 - hudjen
G0180 1May 4th, 2014 - paula52
Modifier 0May 2nd, 2014 - padi1coder
laparoscopic repair of ventral hernia 1May 2nd, 2014 - GINA66
Coding/billing 0May 2nd, 2014 -
Pediatric Primary Care Coding Question 2May 2nd, 2014 -
In Office Consultation vs New Patient 3May 2nd, 2014 - dburd
Excision of lymph nodes floor of mouth 1May 1st, 2014 - tmangham
Correct coding pro fees 3May 1st, 2014 -
Home health 0May 1st, 2014 - paula52
matching Dx 1May 1st, 2014 - ranjith28
2014 April
ICD-9 coding 0Apr 30th, 2014 - Ewa
multispecialty clinic 0Apr 30th, 2014 -
Surgery 0Apr 30th, 2014 -
Billing for crutches and ankle brace 0Apr 30th, 2014 - minckiewicz
endometrium thickening 1Apr 29th, 2014 - jroche
billing 69210 with E&M 0Apr 29th, 2014 - dxhubbar
CPT® code 0Apr 29th, 2014 - LOB9438
CPT® code 0Apr 29th, 2014 - LOB9438
Coding of a nonunion arthrodesis of C6 and C7 1Apr 29th, 2014 -
Billing 2 EKG readings/same encounter/same physician  0Apr 28th, 2014 -
Home health billing for physician 1Apr 28th, 2014 - paula52
Diabetic Eye Exam 5Apr 28th, 2014 -
denied claim 1Apr 27th, 2014 - caseycarter
Secondary Diagnoses 1Apr 25th, 2014 - Atuman85
Lyme Disease  0Apr 25th, 2014 - Kristal
RVU question 1Apr 25th, 2014 - Karik80
Coding Tissue Sampling During Procedure 0Apr 25th, 2014 - industricon
Motor vehicle accident, bicyclist hit by car 2Apr 24th, 2014 -
Washout of bilateral eyes with betadine 0Apr 24th, 2014 - yml3768
laceration 0Apr 24th, 2014 - cervin
fractures 0Apr 24th, 2014 - cervin
Tcm  0Apr 23rd, 2014 - paula52
biopsy repair 0Apr 23rd, 2014 - TerryC
Surgery Enbloc 0Apr 23rd, 2014 - aolsen
Cardiac cath 1Apr 22nd, 2014 - ENDORA
radiation oncology 0Apr 22nd, 2014 - Micheledurnin
Diagnosis code 1Apr 22nd, 2014 - Sha12
Adjacent tissue transfer 0Apr 22nd, 2014 - Milley
E/M for hospitalists 1Apr 22nd, 2014 - bertll
EEG Billing 0Apr 22nd, 2014 - evancoding
To get reimburse for State Suply Vaccine Administration (SL) 1Apr 22nd, 2014 - mjerome
Asthma & pregnancy 0Apr 21st, 2014 - Jbukstein
United Healthcare 0Apr 21st, 2014 - billings123
medicare pronged inpatient visit 1Apr 21st, 2014 - marzee
Diagnosis 0Apr 21st, 2014 - billings123
Billing Medicare for 11765 1Apr 21st, 2014 - brvree
Transition Care Management 1Apr 21st, 2014 - anast203
Colonoscopy through stoma for Medicare patient 2Apr 21st, 2014 - Olerip56
Waied tests for office billing. 0Apr 21st, 2014 - dawnj
Collecting Co-pays 3Apr 21st, 2014 -
Shoulder arthroscopy 0Apr 20th, 2014 -
Repair of eyelid 0Apr 18th, 2014 - carsonderm
Assistant Surgeon Reimbursement 0Apr 18th, 2014 - jbush
64635 and 64636 1Apr 18th, 2014 - PCALDAdmin
CPT® 92504 1Apr 18th, 2014 - Manohar
Need help. Surgeon performed VATS resection of pan coast tumor with chest wall resection and three ribs. The open code is 32503 but I can't find the thorascopic code for this procedure. Thank you 0Apr 17th, 2014 - aolsen
Sugery 1Apr 17th, 2014 -
Anesthesia and Essure Elective Sterilization. 0Apr 17th, 2014 - lbares83
temp pace maker with LHC 0Apr 16th, 2014 - ikuc
consult 0Apr 16th, 2014 - Micheledurnin
circumscision 0Apr 16th, 2014 - rfiore
Adjacent Tissue Transfer billing to WPS Medicare Carrier 0Apr 15th, 2014 - Hev7970
Assistant Surgeon Reimbursement 4Apr 15th, 2014 - jbush
V codes  0Apr 15th, 2014 - janstewart
Modifier 1Apr 15th, 2014 - paula52
How to bill OB ultrasound done by sonographer in office. 1Apr 15th, 2014 - bjones2301
Internal Medicine Dr. billing 51798 2Apr 15th, 2014 - lisa2007
Office visit 2Apr 15th, 2014 - OdumA
ICD-9 crosswalk to CPT® codes 0Apr 14th, 2014 - cdundee
Pulmonary Medicine 1Apr 14th, 2014 -
Renal dialysis 0Apr 14th, 2014 - janstewart
Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome 1Apr 14th, 2014 - kshilling
Posterior Neck Mass Excision 3.1cm 0Apr 11th, 2014 - farineali
PQRS Code 0Apr 10th, 2014 - Jatin
L3260 0Apr 10th, 2014 -
Diagnosis code-history semen allergy resulting in hives 0Apr 10th, 2014 - jforeman
Pft 1Apr 10th, 2014 - Sha12
charge for discussion only 0Apr 10th, 2014 -
CPT® Codes for general lab requisition forms 0Apr 10th, 2014 - jsclward
ICD9 code for "physical" visit 0Apr 9th, 2014 - billinglady
Psychiatric consults 0Apr 9th, 2014 -
New 1500 Claim Form 4Apr 9th, 2014 - youngblood
Need Help in Diagnosis Coding 0Apr 9th, 2014 - hcg
CPT® code for Oberservation at school 0Apr 8th, 2014 - asherbilling
Paperwork 1Apr 8th, 2014 - Sha12
reversal of gastric bypass 0Apr 7th, 2014 - clofto
Need help coding ... 0Apr 7th, 2014 - missrau
CPT® 10021 0Apr 7th, 2014 - ens5
Even more fun with Medicare CPT® 51999 2Apr 4th, 2014 -
Tracheal Stoma Balloon Dilation 0Apr 4th, 2014 - gbaynham
CPT® 89331 - Retrograde Semen Analysis 1Apr 4th, 2014 - ABR0984
Physician signature on medical records 3Apr 3rd, 2014 - SROSA25
anesthesia endo billing 0Apr 3rd, 2014 - lindseyclark
Cryoablation of the prostate with Cystoscopy 0Apr 3rd, 2014 - rossella40
CPT® code 0Apr 3rd, 2014 - Bhaen
Does patient have to be notified while in office of UA results to charge 99211 2Apr 3rd, 2014 - lisa2007
Developmental Testing 0Apr 3rd, 2014 - PCM140226
Codes  0Apr 3rd, 2014 - lasonya
Post surgical pain management 0Apr 3rd, 2014 - podcoder
Closure of pacemaker 0Apr 3rd, 2014 - hcg
96110 and 96111 0Apr 3rd, 2014 - PCM140226
using procedure code 99211 4Apr 3rd, 2014 -
Need CPT® for Right Internal Jugular Cordis Catheter placement 0Apr 2nd, 2014 - ravip3366
How to bill 64484 done bilateral and with two units 2Apr 2nd, 2014 - eruiz
Billing Psychotherapy 1Apr 2nd, 2014 - mhmncod
CPT® code for urine toxicology review 0Apr 2nd, 2014 - OHOH2414
Cerumen removal and tympanometry reimbursement 0Apr 2nd, 2014 -
New CMS 1500 claim form 0Apr 1st, 2014 - Sha12
Obesity 0Apr 1st, 2014 - billings123
ICD-10 delay voted by House and Senate 0Apr 1st, 2014 - Codapedia Editor
yearly physical 2Apr 1st, 2014 - Sha12
Roux-en-Y 0Apr 1st, 2014 -
Physicial therapy 0Apr 1st, 2014 - Greg
2014 March
Quotient ADHD System 0Mar 31st, 2014 - PCM140226
coding history of malignant lesions 3Mar 31st, 2014 -
ICD-10 Training 1Mar 30th, 2014 - evancoding
Unattended Sleep Study 0Mar 30th, 2014 - evancoding
How to bill for synagis given in 3 divided doses? 0Mar 28th, 2014 - davemoody
CPT® 64455 0Mar 28th, 2014 -
76801&76802 0Mar 28th, 2014 - kiranbathini
fx 0Mar 27th, 2014 -
Spirometry 0Mar 27th, 2014 - PCM140226
Two Surgeons working similanteously & switching sides to assist each other 0Mar 27th, 2014 - amtartaglione
femoris musculocutaneus advancement flap 0Mar 27th, 2014 -
when would you code for suicideal ideation? code v62.84 0Mar 27th, 2014 - lovemart4
Bill, if passed may cause another delay ICD-10 2Mar 27th, 2014 - nmaguire
Optometrist Billing question 1Mar 26th, 2014 - assuredmedibilling
CPT® 72170 denied by medicarfe 1Mar 26th, 2014 - swastaff
Medicare 1Mar 26th, 2014 -
Substance abuse 1Mar 26th, 2014 - Vlyle
Linking the HPI to the A & P 1Mar 26th, 2014 - cforsthoefel
Billing CPT® Code 49320 with 49505 0Mar 26th, 2014 - macsmeme
Asthma Education Billing 0Mar 26th, 2014 - loreebar
Billing J1030 twice in one visit on multiple sites 0Mar 25th, 2014 - ROLON1980
Compliance 4Mar 25th, 2014 - mellisaverheul
CPT® Code for Excision 0Mar 25th, 2014 - rlim
Cyst removal/excision 1Mar 25th, 2014 - npott1
antepartum delivery in car 0Mar 25th, 2014 -
Central Lines 0Mar 25th, 2014 - mreinford
PICC line dressing 1Mar 25th, 2014 - Karik80
claim billed out of sequence 0Mar 25th, 2014 -
beginners question 0Mar 24th, 2014 - bos92411
global ob billing 2Mar 24th, 2014 -
Coding 2Mar 24th, 2014 - Nizar.Alikhan
Post op visit with new problem 2Mar 24th, 2014 - cbs3969
PPD Testing 86580 - billing for 1Mar 24th, 2014 - BONNIEP
Consult Documentation Guidelines 2Mar 24th, 2014 - BONNIEP
Federally Mandated Nursing Facility Visits and Hospice Patients 0Mar 23rd, 2014 - KJensen929
Icd-10 1Mar 22nd, 2014 - MzVHunt
J code for Stellara 1Mar 21st, 2014 - npott1
re-biopsy 1Mar 21st, 2014 - npott1
when is a history of an illness coded 1Mar 20th, 2014 - coder2014
EGD with Dilation 2Mar 20th, 2014 - Olerip56
Copies of Slides for ICD10 Training 2Mar 20th, 2014 - bjones2301
modifiers 1Mar 20th, 2014 -
ICD 10 Training 0Mar 20th, 2014 - bjones2301
Patient has appointments with 2 different doctors in the same clinic  3Mar 20th, 2014 - bjones2301
36415 1Mar 19th, 2014 - rfiore
What CPT® code would be used for a Genicular Neurotomy 0Mar 19th, 2014 - jastilwell
CPT® Nurse visit 1Mar 19th, 2014 - k.ganesh.852
Global billing 3Mar 18th, 2014 - Mchu
Modifier 1Mar 18th, 2014 - BONE
87077 CPT® code 1Mar 18th, 2014 - Hile101
Lpc 0Mar 17th, 2014 - billings123
Multiple Stress Tests 0Mar 17th, 2014 - lhaas01
Ventilator Management - 94002 0Mar 17th, 2014 -
What CPT® Code will be billed for STRESS REST CARDIOLITE/CARDIOLITE  0Mar 17th, 2014 - chandan
Rehab Facility 0Mar 15th, 2014 - Sha12
How does technical component and professional component each affect the reimbursement from the insurance carrier? 1Mar 15th, 2014 - JamieBoone74
CPT® code 1Mar 15th, 2014 - Jrenee2301
Pacemaker Leads 0Mar 14th, 2014 - hlbrydonejack
reimbursement 1Mar 14th, 2014 - rwnorton
Is there a limit on units for J1030/J1040 1Mar 14th, 2014 -
Hello- what venipuncture code would you use, if it is ultrasound guided ?99195? 0Mar 13th, 2014 - jhmorales
Laboratory Billing In Physician Office 2Mar 13th, 2014 - heavensmedical
what is the difference between 250.00 and 249.00 1Mar 13th, 2014 - cstadlman
Coding scenarios and answers for ICD-10 1Mar 13th, 2014 - kld1979
ICD-10 Training 0Mar 13th, 2014 - PedsMedBiller
Laminotomy L3, Revision Laminotomy L4 all on LT 1Mar 13th, 2014 - mbowles
80102 0Mar 13th, 2014 - Kweithers
diagnosis pointer 11Mar 13th, 2014 -
Lap Nissen takedown with Lap Nissen Fundoplication 0Mar 12th, 2014 - Jacobsma
97110 0Mar 12th, 2014 - kfalls
Can I bill 99393 and 17110 3Mar 12th, 2014 - PCM140226
Billing for J-codes 1Mar 12th, 2014 - PCM140226
Cardio Coding Help Please 0Mar 12th, 2014 - stomach1
Medicare Annual Visit Coding 2Mar 12th, 2014 - brvree
PsyD 1Mar 12th, 2014 - billings123
Lcpc 7Mar 12th, 2014 - billings123
icd-9 0Mar 12th, 2014 - rfiore
CPT® 31231 and 31238 0Mar 12th, 2014 - mlodato
Debridement, diabetic ulcer 1Mar 11th, 2014 - Adotta91
G Codes billing 2Mar 11th, 2014 - Valarie
Psychiatric Nursing Home Visits 0Mar 11th, 2014 - indykm
Billing E/V visit when the patient is in nursing home 0Mar 11th, 2014 - BONE
Suture removal 1Mar 10th, 2014 - PCM140226
Coding for total contact cast and cast supplies in a Skilled Nursing facility 0Mar 10th, 2014 -
CPT® code 0Mar 9th, 2014 -
CPT® code for supplies 0Mar 8th, 2014 - Araybeez
Mobilization of sigmoid colon 2Mar 8th, 2014 - farineali
Billing  1Mar 7th, 2014 - Araybeez
New CMS 2 Midnight Rule 0Mar 7th, 2014 - Rhonda05
quantity of dx on new claim form 0Mar 7th, 2014 - rschneider23
ICU Visit 2Mar 7th, 2014 - cardio13
Inpt Telemetry Monitoring 0Mar 7th, 2014 - vazquezy
Correct Cardio Coding 0Mar 7th, 2014 - stomach1
hysterorrhaphy 1Mar 7th, 2014 - Bhaen
What is the CPT® code for left knee arthroscopic partial medial knee meniscectomy 0Mar 6th, 2014 - mnaylor61
Tee probe 0Mar 6th, 2014 - caronmel
modifiers 2Mar 6th, 2014 - totalhealthdeb
92928 reimbursement for add-on procedures 0Mar 6th, 2014 -
Charges and coverage for 99455 0Mar 6th, 2014 - heavensmedical
Billing for Physician Assistant 0Mar 6th, 2014 - PCM140226
Deleted Consultation Codes 99241-99245 3Mar 6th, 2014 - PCM140226
Femoral Bypass 0Mar 6th, 2014 - hcg
Cerumen removal tools 1Mar 6th, 2014 - mpizana
Dermatology - Cryosurgery 1Mar 6th, 2014 - MissDecember
Icd 9 code vs Icd 10 2Mar 5th, 2014 - billings123
Referring  2Mar 5th, 2014 - billings123
Allergenic Extract 95165 billed with 95120 or 95125 1Mar 5th, 2014 - hramirez
two visits same day 1Mar 5th, 2014 - TerryC
Office Visit global days 2Mar 5th, 2014 -
Fulkerson Osteotomy Preocedure 1Mar 5th, 2014 - dlindemuth
Rules on patient signing out before work-up is completed 1Mar 5th, 2014 - turnerdarryl11
ICD-10 DM coding question 3Mar 5th, 2014 - cwysocki0530
can I bill for a visit when pt is not present 1Mar 5th, 2014 - teetsie
ICD10 Training & Resources 0Mar 5th, 2014 - sdrury
Two Office Visits 0Mar 4th, 2014 - bjones2301
Icd 10 2Mar 4th, 2014 - rphelps
ICD9 Code 0Mar 4th, 2014 - abbyakinleye
Help with Dialysis Please!!!!!!!!! 0Mar 4th, 2014 -
Laparoscopy 0Mar 4th, 2014 - MCORBIN2
Cpr 0Mar 4th, 2014 - SheilaL
copay during global visit 2Mar 3rd, 2014 - TerryC
fulkerson osteotomy 0Mar 3rd, 2014 - dlindemuth
Rotovirus Vaccine 0Mar 3rd, 2014 - msmith6243
question 1Mar 3rd, 2014 -
ICD-10 anatomy classes 1Mar 2nd, 2014 - csampson7
Stemi 0Mar 2nd, 2014 - ravip3366
2014 February
refusal of treatment 1Feb 28th, 2014 - lvgr9
CPT® manual 1Feb 28th, 2014 - bridgetluvzfun
Allergist services in ICD-10 0Feb 28th, 2014 -
Nursing home visit 0Feb 28th, 2014 - rmarett
Copy and paste? 2Feb 28th, 2014 - Codapedia Editor
Arthroscopy 1Feb 28th, 2014 -
ABA Testing 0Feb 28th, 2014 - asherbilling
Coding Anal Lesions - 17110 vs 46917 0Feb 27th, 2014 -
CDL and Annual Physicals 0Feb 27th, 2014 - sschwartz
Print out for ICD 10 Training 0Feb 27th, 2014 - bjones2301
medical necessity for labs drawn prior to an annual follow up visit 0Feb 27th, 2014 - jmschuma
Angiograms included in vascular bypass procedures 0Feb 27th, 2014 - jenniferg
Plastic surgery coding 0Feb 27th, 2014 -
ICD 10 Training 4Feb 26th, 2014 - bjones2301
Billing for an ultrasound with IUD removal 0Feb 26th, 2014 - cpark0403
Will medicare pay for ED visit and hospital admission on same date of service 0Feb 26th, 2014 -
Audit 1Feb 26th, 2014 - rphelps
physical medicine ICD-10 codes/CPT® codes 0Feb 26th, 2014 - mboyer5851
ankle repair 0Feb 26th, 2014 - dlh
Pain Management- Bill E&M codes with Emg same day?  0Feb 26th, 2014 - cbliszcz
Lysis of adhesions with partial omentectomy 0Feb 26th, 2014 -
anesthesia code 0Feb 26th, 2014 - atkoshy2000
observation denials 5Feb 25th, 2014 - blanche22
New physicians and coding  0Feb 25th, 2014 - cforsthoefel
Flexible Laryngoscopy 0Feb 25th, 2014 - MissDecember
fecal impaction 0Feb 25th, 2014 - LinnM
CPT® code 0Feb 25th, 2014 - whernan
mammography 0Feb 25th, 2014 -
How to read "mutually exclusive edits"? 0Feb 24th, 2014 - Maarit
CPT® 30801 with 31240? 0Feb 24th, 2014 - Maarit
Unna boot 0Feb 24th, 2014 - Maarit
Provider performed an episotomy to removal a stuck pessary. 0Feb 24th, 2014 - RMCancro
Observation codes 1Feb 22nd, 2014 - blanche22
Social Adult Day Care and MLTC billing 1Feb 22nd, 2014 -
multiple procedure denial 0Feb 21st, 2014 - billinglady
Injection codes and modifiers 2Feb 21st, 2014 - yml3768
Adult Day Care 1Feb 21st, 2014 - Mike123
ICD 10 training 0Feb 21st, 2014 - crazy62
Is there a cross walk from the old breast codes to the new? 0Feb 21st, 2014 - conniet
ICD10 0Feb 20th, 2014 - maryanna
ORIF of metatarsal fracture 0Feb 20th, 2014 - Olerip56
tarsal tunnel injection 0Feb 20th, 2014 -
2012 Medicare Fee Schedule 0Feb 20th, 2014 -
Manic Depressive Score 4Feb 20th, 2014 - PCM140226
J-code modifiers 3Feb 20th, 2014 - PCM140226
Drug Screen Reimbursement 0Feb 20th, 2014 - PCM140226
Anesthesia Crosswalk Codes 0Feb 20th, 2014 - podcoder
Extracorporeal Photopheresis 0Feb 20th, 2014 - janeanderson
CCS review-need help 0Feb 20th, 2014 - farineali
96372 1Feb 19th, 2014 - npott1
Csaemix codes 0Feb 19th, 2014 - cbruce
How to ask a provider to document better? 0Feb 19th, 2014 - Karik80
36620 denial 2Feb 19th, 2014 -
Heart catheterization 0Feb 18th, 2014 - Jatin
Immunization for Travel Counseling 0Feb 18th, 2014 - amagby
Need correct modifier 2Feb 18th, 2014 - nregan
Physical Therapy CPT® List 3Feb 17th, 2014 - musmanx
CMS Open Door Forum call this week 0Feb 17th, 2014 - Codapedia Editor
er vs outpatient 2Feb 16th, 2014 - paula52
Are add-on codes subject to bilateral (modifier 50) pricing (150% 2Feb 16th, 2014 -
C-9130 from CIGNA Healthcare 0Feb 15th, 2014 - JudiMcQ
procedure notes 0Feb 15th, 2014 -
Heart Catheterization 0Feb 15th, 2014 - Jatin
CPT® 80104 and G0434 and a positive result 0Feb 14th, 2014 - wendygill
modifier -79 1Feb 14th, 2014 - mgalbraith
Dx code for Ischemic Colostomy 0Feb 14th, 2014 - hcg
egd with spot tattoo 0Feb 14th, 2014 - bhiggsnickelson
colonsocopy with tattoo 0Feb 14th, 2014 - bhiggsnickelson
What is the CPT® code for wound repair of pancreas 0Feb 13th, 2014 - PAMELAGARLAND60
skin lesion 1Feb 13th, 2014 - Sha12
New pt or established 4Feb 13th, 2014 - broberts
CPT® code 1Feb 13th, 2014 - jrose20
wrist intersection syndrome 0Feb 13th, 2014 -
Post Surgery Follow-up Visit in Global Period with new complaint. 3Feb 13th, 2014 - Odditor
Billing 78804 and Contrast 0Feb 13th, 2014 -
Contract writing 1Feb 13th, 2014 - Binta
Global period? 2Feb 12th, 2014 - hcg
CPT® 99446-99449 2Feb 12th, 2014 -
ICD-10 Versions 2Feb 12th, 2014 -
CPT® Code - Plastic surgery 0Feb 12th, 2014 - msvalero
Esophagoscopy with dilation and botox injection 0Feb 11th, 2014 - PeggyNW305
How to code for contraception pick ups 0Feb 11th, 2014 -
Two questions 0Feb 11th, 2014 - lawrencr
New to ortho - HELP!! 0Feb 10th, 2014 - cmc2012
Doctor scheduled for 1 hour deposition on a clinic trauma patient 1Feb 10th, 2014 - MissDecember
CCI Edits 1Feb 10th, 2014 - rphelps
surgery coding help 0Feb 10th, 2014 - kimmie
22804 denial  0Feb 10th, 2014 - jaguilar70
Proper billing for CPT® code 82270 0Feb 10th, 2014 -
CPT® code for Pre-auth 0Feb 10th, 2014 - hcg
ankle 0Feb 10th, 2014 - coder64
Preparing for certification in Medical Billing & Coding 0Feb 9th, 2014 - djpalmyra
coding endoscopy 0Feb 8th, 2014 - Bell59
chemotherapy 0Feb 8th, 2014 - krainko
how to bill for community health center 0Feb 7th, 2014 - nanaytatay68
assisted living 0Feb 7th, 2014 - manjuarora53
spirometry 0Feb 7th, 2014 - paula52
Debridement VS Surgical Prep 1Feb 7th, 2014 -
ICD-10 books 1Feb 7th, 2014 - Mchu
E-mail 0Feb 7th, 2014 - Regoben
icd 9 codes 95900 & 95904 1Feb 7th, 2014 - Regoben
Prolonged Service Codes in POS 12 0Feb 7th, 2014 -
Global period for Mohs surgery 0Feb 7th, 2014 -
acute myocardial infarction  0Feb 6th, 2014 - dlh
CPT® 95943 0Feb 6th, 2014 - mary77
IV Drug Challenge in Hospital 0Feb 6th, 2014 - blm321
infusion confusion 0Feb 6th, 2014 - rebecca34
Immunization Administration codes 0Feb 6th, 2014 - Lmcandrew
IUD with complications 0Feb 6th, 2014 - jforeman
Diagnosis Codes 1Feb 6th, 2014 - kcrissinger1
post operative period 2Feb 6th, 2014 - cmarko
TCM at global periods 2Feb 6th, 2014 - goodcoder
subtotal colectomy 0Feb 5th, 2014 - mgalbraith
Audio Books 0Feb 5th, 2014 - jacki1117
Gastric Procedure 0Feb 5th, 2014 - mzblackmon12
Pre-Operative History and Physical 1Feb 5th, 2014 - pddavis
Biometric screening 0Feb 5th, 2014 - rfiore
Neuroendocrine tumor in rectum 1Feb 4th, 2014 - rphelps
thrombectomy and initiation of thrombolysis 3Feb 4th, 2014 - missadeel
59 Modifier 0Feb 4th, 2014 - yml3768
Two EGDs same day/different session 1Feb 4th, 2014 - kcrissinger1
Destruction of lesion 0Feb 4th, 2014 - Sha12
pacermaker checks 0Feb 3rd, 2014 - majorjbj
Physicians Assistant 1Feb 3rd, 2014 - MissDecember
Crna's 4Feb 3rd, 2014 - rphelps
20680 with 27447 1Feb 3rd, 2014 - ladychar
CPT® code for eprescribe 2014 5Feb 3rd, 2014 - npott1
Global period for Mohs surgery 5Feb 3rd, 2014 -
malignant melanoma mid chest 0Feb 2nd, 2014 - honeybear
what is the correct diagnosis (ICD-9-CM) code? 0Feb 1st, 2014 - deedeeb47
2014 January
Annual Physicals male & female for Medicare patients 5Jan 31st, 2014 - sschwartz
lesion 0Jan 31st, 2014 - Sha12
denials for 99396 0Jan 31st, 2014 -
can i bill 99213 with 99215 2Jan 31st, 2014 - karina.abdul
Preventive Medicine visits vs. regular office visits 0Jan 31st, 2014 - kdibeneditto
Icd-10 1Jan 31st, 2014 - swetha
Inpatient consult 5Jan 30th, 2014 - bjones2301
observation vs inpatient 1Jan 30th, 2014 - paula52
Annual Physicals male & female for Medicare patients 0Jan 30th, 2014 - sschwartz
99401, 99406, g0436, g0444 2Jan 30th, 2014 - cforsthoefel
code for microarray chromosome test 0Jan 30th, 2014 - betyrue1976
Pregnancy test 1Jan 30th, 2014 - rphelps
E&M and cloning 0Jan 30th, 2014 - jacki1117
postpartum billing clarification 2Jan 30th, 2014 -
intended I+D dental abscess no CPT® coded? 0Jan 30th, 2014 - ens5
Endoscopy, Moderaste Conscious Sedation (MCS), and Recovery 0Jan 30th, 2014 - kjclary
GY modifier 1Jan 29th, 2014 - swetha
forgien body removal 1Jan 29th, 2014 - eyesite
99385 CPT® code 1Jan 29th, 2014 - mconatser
Hosp follow up 1Jan 28th, 2014 - paula52
Assisted Living 0Jan 28th, 2014 - Sha12
G0182 0Jan 28th, 2014 - Sha12
Need Advise 0Jan 28th, 2014 - clinton
Contrast injection NG tube 0Jan 28th, 2014 -
annual wellness vs complete physical 1Jan 27th, 2014 -
Medicare Denial 99203 1Jan 27th, 2014 - raman
Coding New Patients EM as Established Patient due to no exam done 0Jan 27th, 2014 - clparker
95921 & 95922 1Jan 27th, 2014 - mary77
93880 & 93886 1Jan 27th, 2014 - mary77
inpatient injections 1Jan 27th, 2014 - paula52
93880 billed with 93886 0Jan 26th, 2014 - mary77
Coding 1Jan 25th, 2014 - paula52
Group 0Jan 24th, 2014 - billings123
H Pylori in Office 0Jan 24th, 2014 - vicky.n
Up to date list of E/M codes with applicable POS 1Jan 24th, 2014 - Rhonda05
What is the CPT® code for outpt I & d ear abscess w bolster 0Jan 24th, 2014 - PBEASON
Consult note criteria 0Jan 23rd, 2014 - momofone
modifer 0Jan 23rd, 2014 - DKSELLERS
cataract 0Jan 23rd, 2014 - coder64
billing temporomandibular joint disorders, specifically 524.62 0Jan 23rd, 2014 - billersueb
Icd 10 coding  1Jan 22nd, 2014 - jrutko
Pap Smear with first OB visit 0Jan 22nd, 2014 - billinglady
help with a diagnosis code should be easy to answer 2Jan 22nd, 2014 - Karik80
coding training 1Jan 22nd, 2014 -
Fracture with other injuries 0Jan 22nd, 2014 - Lind53
vaginal scar 0Jan 22nd, 2014 - Coder123
Diagnosis Code Question 0Jan 22nd, 2014 - Jensu871
HELP!!!chondroplasty of patella 0Jan 21st, 2014 - stephfanie12
CPT® coding for surgery 2Jan 21st, 2014 - jforeman
Icd 10 training 0Jan 21st, 2014 - PedsMedBiller
chin 0Jan 21st, 2014 - coder64
Basic coding 1Jan 21st, 2014 - redmondp7
Modifier help.!! 0Jan 21st, 2014 - stomach1
ICD for CPT#94640 0Jan 21st, 2014 - leviatpleasant
billing 94060 with J7613 0Jan 21st, 2014 - joillick
billing 0Jan 21st, 2014 - davidkhodadad
Psych Testing by Psychhologist 0Jan 20th, 2014 - billings123
mODIFIER 25 2Jan 20th, 2014 - paula52
chin 0Jan 20th, 2014 - coder64
code 0Jan 20th, 2014 - LOB9438
Lateral Tracking Patella 0Jan 20th, 2014 - Lind53
steroid injection 1Jan 17th, 2014 - DKSELLERS
need CPT® code 0Jan 17th, 2014 - gnaeem
What Modifier to use 1Jan 16th, 2014 - PGA2014
Collecting deductibles up front 1Jan 16th, 2014 - mtroise
Podiatry and Routine Foot Care 0Jan 16th, 2014 -
modifier 0Jan 16th, 2014 - Romando
correct modifiers 0Jan 16th, 2014 - BONE
laporoscopic surgery 0Jan 16th, 2014 - pdoherty
Billing 92609 and 92507 for 1/2 hour speech session 0Jan 16th, 2014 - nschorr
smoking cessation 0Jan 16th, 2014 - rphelps
Is Depo 40mg equal to 1cc? 0Jan 15th, 2014 -
PT INR review charge with no face to face  1Jan 15th, 2014 - abe56
CPT® code 0Jan 15th, 2014 -
36598 0Jan 15th, 2014 - pdoherty
billing by assistant surgeon 1Jan 14th, 2014 - davidkhodadad
stentogram 0Jan 14th, 2014 - jboudreaux
Endoscopy 1Jan 14th, 2014 - rphelps
prenatal induction 0Jan 14th, 2014 - dsbrizza
M-care  1Jan 14th, 2014 - TerryC
Aorta doppler 0Jan 13th, 2014 - Cat123
Coding 3Jan 13th, 2014 -
Gastrostomy Tube 1Jan 13th, 2014 - catbird
GI Lab 0Jan 13th, 2014 - dschrader
DSMT non medicare 0Jan 12th, 2014 - smaher82
Deductable and Co-Insurance look ups 2Jan 12th, 2014 -
Adenocarcinoma 1Jan 12th, 2014 - tina
ICD 9 CM Code 0Jan 10th, 2014 - tina
Diabetes and hyperlipidemia 2Jan 10th, 2014 -
altemeier procedure with anterior levator plasty 0Jan 10th, 2014 - Mel1951
nursing home visits 2Jan 10th, 2014 - paula52
Stretta Procedure 43257 1Jan 10th, 2014 - sharris
ICD10 1Jan 9th, 2014 - golfer
g8553 1Jan 9th, 2014 - BROB4207
PQRS code G8954 0Jan 9th, 2014 - csterling
Help me please  0Jan 9th, 2014 - jencrod88
CPT® codes 0Jan 9th, 2014 - Libby1
Skull Based Crani Codes 0Jan 9th, 2014 - tdccoder
E&M codes for tunneled catheter removal 1Jan 9th, 2014 - asuzetta
Jaundice in a 35 week baby 1Jan 9th, 2014 - SueK
modifier 1Jan 9th, 2014 - rfiore
Medicare Intraoperative rate  0Jan 9th, 2014 -
ICD-10-CM ppt 0Jan 8th, 2014 - hariharan31113
anesthesia 0Jan 8th, 2014 - wdkoons1
suture removal 1Jan 8th, 2014 - dzimmerman
69210 Guidance 1Jan 8th, 2014 -
Billing CPT® codes 27415, 29885-59 & 27331-59 together 0Jan 8th, 2014 - nancyh1102
excision of recurrent ganglion cyst 0Jan 8th, 2014 -
G8553 1Jan 8th, 2014 - rfiore
Billing multiple visits 0Jan 7th, 2014 - paula52
ICD 9 CM Code 0Jan 7th, 2014 - tina
Removal of polyps 1Jan 7th, 2014 - rphelps
ICD-9 CM coding 3Jan 7th, 2014 - tina
CPT® 15777 and tendon repair 0Jan 7th, 2014 - Franklin
Code 93460 3Jan 7th, 2014 - Bmcclure
ER Infusion/Injection/Hydration calc 0Jan 7th, 2014 - GregK
22633 0Jan 6th, 2014 - kbonner
billing G0180 0Jan 6th, 2014 - drrashmi
Multiple visits on the same day 1Jan 6th, 2014 - paula52
e prescribe 4Jan 6th, 2014 - rphelps
CPT® Code for Fitting a Brace 0Jan 6th, 2014 - cfrank
debridement of nails, help 0Jan 6th, 2014 - TerryC
Aspiration Asthma 0Jan 6th, 2014 - ravip3366
Coding Positions 1Jan 6th, 2014 -
Billing 0Jan 4th, 2014 - paula52
Smoking cessation 0Jan 3rd, 2014 - rphelps
billing j3301 and 67801 on same day 0Jan 3rd, 2014 - lottiefrancis
Pelvic sepsis 1Jan 3rd, 2014 -
Harvesting Temporalis Muscle Fascia 1Jan 2nd, 2014 - gbaynham
removal pupillary membrane 2Jan 2nd, 2014 - coder64
ASC reporing peripheral nerve blocks - post operatively 0Jan 2nd, 2014 - agent00711
Billing Issues 2Jan 1st, 2014 - rthanks68
Ulcer of Above Knee Amputation 0Jan 1st, 2014 - tlcook1021
2013 December
billing post-op 99024 0Dec 31st, 2013 - gloriajaye
modifier 1Dec 31st, 2013 - ebohfr
Closed Treatment with manipulation - ankle 0Dec 31st, 2013 - Lind53
Preop Ostomy Evaluation and Patient Education 0Dec 31st, 2013 - mmisinski
cardiac catheterization 0Dec 31st, 2013 - Mike123
Code for Hemodynamically Unstable? 0Dec 31st, 2013 - drbielingsaipan
Billing OV & Sono during post op period 0Dec 30th, 2013 - bnino
Place of Service Code 1Dec 30th, 2013 - medicalbiller
CPT® Code S9090 3Dec 30th, 2013 - jami2824
CRRT Adult InPatient Coding 0Dec 30th, 2013 - kjclary
posterior tibial tendon tenotomy 0Dec 27th, 2013 - duerheimergm
The physician closed the edges of an incision and is there a CPT® code for it 2Dec 27th, 2013 -
Billing 22524 with 72291 1Dec 27th, 2013 -
95943 0Dec 26th, 2013 - mary77
Facility vs Non-facility 1Dec 26th, 2013 - lblailock
colonoscopy follow up visit 1Dec 24th, 2013 - brownlee47
CPT® 94250 & 94640 0Dec 24th, 2013 - familia123
CPT® code for pulse oximeter 0Dec 24th, 2013 - drbadawy
OIG Report on Cloned Medical Records 0Dec 20th, 2013 - Codapedia Editor
Help 0Dec 20th, 2013 - bell462
Aftercare  0Dec 20th, 2013 - Lind53
aorta to r/o AAA & abd bruit present 0Dec 20th, 2013 - Cat123
Lumbar radiculopathy 1Dec 20th, 2013 - kat1940
Coding 0Dec 19th, 2013 - krbeavens
36415 and billing provider 0Dec 19th, 2013 - dabreu
S0610, S0612 and S0613 for Medicaid traditional 1Dec 19th, 2013 -
Partial Amputation and Open Fracture 0Dec 19th, 2013 - Lind53
Bile Acid reflux - Need correct icd-9-cm code 0Dec 19th, 2013 - tlcook1021
G8553 with 99024 1Dec 19th, 2013 -
renal transplantation procedure coddes 0Dec 19th, 2013 - lwin59
Provider Based Office and Licensed Social Workers providing home therapy visits. 0Dec 18th, 2013 - Gemerson
malunion of proximal finger fracture 0Dec 18th, 2013 - Orthomom
how to bill technical and professional components in a physician owned lab 1Dec 18th, 2013 - wendyschibi
Initiation of insulin pump 1Dec 18th, 2013 -
Contrast included with CPT® 50690 0Dec 18th, 2013 -
Clinical Pathology 0Dec 18th, 2013 -
ICD volume 3 versus CPT® procedures 8Dec 18th, 2013 - Santhoshcoder
CLIA Waived Test Billing 0Dec 17th, 2013 -
coombs 0Dec 17th, 2013 - tmcdon06
Procedure code for xray of foot 2Dec 17th, 2013 - swastaff
family conference 0Dec 17th, 2013 - Sha12
injection of mental health medications 1Dec 17th, 2013 - jvosfernea
Allergy immunization 0Dec 16th, 2013 - hramirez
Billing services performed by a medical assistant 7Dec 16th, 2013 - denniss001
Coding for patient getting pregnancy test 0Dec 16th, 2013 - cpark0403
Fun with Medicare & CPT® code 51840 - Gender specific?? 5Dec 16th, 2013 -
PT/OT billing - modifier 59 0Dec 16th, 2013 - jvasquez
CPT® cotton osteotomy 3Dec 16th, 2013 - coder64
Regarding E/M Bullet points  2Dec 14th, 2013 - Lind53
primary diagnosis 0Dec 14th, 2013 - blondie12
Can internal medicine perform pap smear and get paid by insurance? 0Dec 13th, 2013 - yisammy
Nurses visit 99211 vs. Admin code 96372 1Dec 13th, 2013 -
How to code with multiple modifiers on following scenario 0Dec 13th, 2013 - michlgmn37
nursing home recertification 0Dec 13th, 2013 -
Sure-Shot Rubber Band Ligator 1Dec 13th, 2013 - tlcook1021
64614 with E/M 0Dec 13th, 2013 - mary77
what is the code for recheck diabetes outpatient clinic 0Dec 12th, 2013 - jehovha
Physicals 0Dec 12th, 2013 - TerryC
Proper coding of Aorta U/S with doppler 0Dec 12th, 2013 - Cat123
Hpi 1Dec 12th, 2013 - rphelps
mental health medications coding 0Dec 12th, 2013 - jvosfernea
hospital admission 0Dec 12th, 2013 - alcalcthmpsn
bilateral knees  0Dec 12th, 2013 - melodyr
Evacuation of hemoperitoneum 0Dec 12th, 2013 - QCMedical
Can you charge insurance payers different fees for the same CPT®? 2Dec 11th, 2013 - cpark0403
Add-on codes 1Dec 11th, 2013 - mickydee
Resubmit 1Dec 11th, 2013 - billings123
Seborrheic Keratosisi 0Dec 11th, 2013 -
timed & untimed codes 0Dec 11th, 2013 -
Searching icd-9-cm code 2Dec 11th, 2013 - tlcook1021
meaningful use questionnairres 1Dec 11th, 2013 - smaher82
L&D transfer 0Dec 10th, 2013 - slw41872
hypertension code approved by medicare for a 93010 (eKG) 0Dec 10th, 2013 - LOB9438
can I bill for the treatment of conjunctivitis with iodine/betadine, or is it just and office visit with no separate reimbursement? 0Dec 10th, 2013 - jodibilling
coding for injection of a Mental health medication 0Dec 10th, 2013 - jvosfernea
Annual Physical Exam 4Dec 10th, 2013 - Mike123
Time based coding by attending/teaching physician 1Dec 10th, 2013 - pritidayal
93280 and 93288 0Dec 10th, 2013 - Mike123
counseling codes 99401+ 0Dec 9th, 2013 -
cerumen removal help!! 4Dec 9th, 2013 - TerryC
code 20610, E&M and modifer 25 1Dec 9th, 2013 - GCMA
K0001 rr ki kx 0Dec 9th, 2013 - kishore
how do i get to a question that i asked last week????? 1Dec 9th, 2013 - marigold
@ 0Dec 8th, 2013 - j.ischer85
ultrasound lower extremity..modifier 0Dec 8th, 2013 - a.sheridan
what is subaortic stenosis 1Dec 8th, 2013 -
Psych inpatient hcpc code 0Dec 7th, 2013 - skbrownllc
CPT® codes  1Dec 7th, 2013 - b.ramirez2
what is the CPT® code for PTCA of left anterior descending coronary artery? 1Dec 7th, 2013 - b.ramirez2
Lab Test if Physician is not present  2Dec 6th, 2013 - cforsthoefel
ultrasounds 0Dec 6th, 2013 - blanche22
workmen's comp 1Dec 6th, 2013 - rfiore
injections 1Dec 6th, 2013 -
repost-WHICH DRAINAGE CODE? 0Dec 6th, 2013 - marigold
Please help!! Ostomy Injection 0Dec 6th, 2013 - marigold
Crna 0Dec 5th, 2013 - d144968
99354 1Dec 5th, 2013 -
prolonged care 1Dec 5th, 2013 -
well child check 1Dec 5th, 2013 - rfiore
Hospital Outpatient consultation and discharge codes 3Dec 5th, 2013 - Binta
APRN Modifier 26 0Dec 4th, 2013 - ProfBilling3
Post Operative care 1Dec 4th, 2013 - bjones2301
Bolster Dressing 0Dec 4th, 2013 -
Central venous line  4Dec 4th, 2013 -
J0587 0Dec 4th, 2013 - mary77
J0587 1Dec 4th, 2013 - mary77
Home Visit/Office visit 0Dec 4th, 2013 - Mike123
Rfa & bone biopsy 4Dec 4th, 2013 - marigold
Echo 2Dec 4th, 2013 - stomach1
RFA and Biopsy billing 0Dec 4th, 2013 - marigold
peroneal neuroma 0Dec 4th, 2013 - coder64
G0181 dos 2Dec 3rd, 2013 - Sha12
Female physical exams with PAP and breast exam 1Dec 3rd, 2013 - Suewentworth
Normal EKG 1Dec 3rd, 2013 - Ray1954
billing 99455 5Dec 3rd, 2013 - blanche22
RE: Coding 1Dec 3rd, 2013 - lildez
CPT® Code 64405 2Dec 3rd, 2013 - Lawman
Which modifier will be assigned to report the physician’s portion of the service? 1Dec 3rd, 2013 - gangulyteena
screening for a developmental delay-none found 1Dec 3rd, 2013 - ycoleeo
outpatient 0Dec 3rd, 2013 - Mike123
Does CMS require providers to sign Superbills? 4Dec 2nd, 2013 - cpark0403
preventive service1 1Dec 2nd, 2013 - Mike123
Billing For Established E/M Service 4Dec 2nd, 2013 -
QW modifier 1Dec 2nd, 2013 -
2013 November
just checking an answer 0Nov 30th, 2013 - KMAY1980
Supervision (g0181) denied on b-5 :coverage guidelines were not met or exceeded. 0Nov 29th, 2013 - KISHOR
starting the tutorial 0Nov 27th, 2013 - cjolitz
Procedure code 66761 0Nov 27th, 2013 - jodibilling
28022 multiple units 0Nov 27th, 2013 - anast203
workers comp letter 0Nov 27th, 2013 - rfiore
custom molded orthotics CPT® L3020 0Nov 27th, 2013 -
Cesarean Section wound infection 1Nov 26th, 2013 - bjones2301
Radiology & Pathology and Laboratory 0Nov 26th, 2013 - JoeyAnna
Supervison 0Nov 26th, 2013 - ravip3366
Pos 51 & 52 2Nov 26th, 2013 - daystarjj
Can Somebody Help? 2Nov 25th, 2013 - aeolusgem
paring of a callus help 2Nov 25th, 2013 - TerryC
I&D of Vulvar Lesion 0Nov 25th, 2013 - jrussell2060
Would still like some help with this 4Nov 25th, 2013 - Karik80
A patient presented with her own medication 0Nov 25th, 2013 - vperez
Billing medicare for non-covered service 2Nov 25th, 2013 - HowardNJ08817
starting the lessons 0Nov 24th, 2013 - cjolitz
Breaking Down The Report... 0Nov 22nd, 2013 - HB42983
send out urinalysis 1Nov 22nd, 2013 -
spirometry pre and post test 1Nov 22nd, 2013 -
Data points 0Nov 22nd, 2013 - Karik80
Answers for Drainage Of Fluid From Pericardial Space CPT® Code 1Nov 21st, 2013 - cdnewtonc
CPT® code for human tetanus immune globulin intramuscular  0Nov 21st, 2013 -
low anterior resection with low pelvic"... 0Nov 21st, 2013 - serrita
Metatarsal-cuboid joint arthroplasty 0Nov 21st, 2013 -
Preventive Care 0Nov 21st, 2013 - UCbiller
Billing two visits on the same day 3Nov 21st, 2013 -
CPT® 96110 0Nov 21st, 2013 - Mike123
icd10 0Nov 21st, 2013 - jchaput
Proper coding 1Nov 21st, 2013 - JADKINS
Billing 2 visits same day 1l&i, one regular insurance 0Nov 20th, 2013 -
96732 and 99211 0Nov 20th, 2013 -
e&m for inpatient and observation patients 0Nov 20th, 2013 - rebecca
Pharmacologic mgmt w/psytx  0Nov 20th, 2013 - bell462
Statute of limitations for take backs 2Nov 20th, 2013 -
preventive service 4Nov 20th, 2013 - Mike123
Chemistry Codes can appear to be the most challenging codes in all of CPT®. Explain why? Or why not? 0Nov 20th, 2013 - Izzy602
hemorrhoids and anocopy 1Nov 20th, 2013 - lkrupka
Tensilon edrophonium test 0Nov 20th, 2013 - mary77
Soft palate cyst 1Nov 20th, 2013 - bpc54
code I82.4 2Nov 20th, 2013 -
Home Visit/Office visit 1Nov 20th, 2013 - Mike123
Urgent Care 0Nov 20th, 2013 - Mike123
allograft 1Nov 20th, 2013 - coder64
Continuing education units 1Nov 19th, 2013 - shep7956
Incomplete colonoscopy 0Nov 19th, 2013 - rphelps
Small bowel resection, anastomosis for Laparoscopy 0Nov 19th, 2013 - jcibarramd01
Urgent Care 0Nov 19th, 2013 - Mike123
Critical Care Service 3Nov 19th, 2013 - Mike123
CPT® code 0Nov 18th, 2013 - coder64
Transitional care 99495/99496 help 0Nov 18th, 2013 - TerryC
Arthroscopy - To Open HELP PLEASE!! 1Nov 18th, 2013 - mzblackmon12
What CPT® to use? 2Nov 18th, 2013 -
Fracture Care diagnosis coding 1Nov 18th, 2013 - peggy.glodgett
Lesion removals 1Nov 17th, 2013 - JeanineTravel0802
CPT® 4 0Nov 17th, 2013 - vipor
ICD-9DX help 0Nov 17th, 2013 - katejohnson
I'm confused about the use of the procedures codes in ICD9 vs. CPT® codes???? 1Nov 17th, 2013 - ckinsey6
What code would be used to report Mr. Jones's visit to Dr. Green 2 weeks after major surgery? 1Nov 16th, 2013 - delej
pt refused treatment, do I code? 1Nov 16th, 2013 - lgw04
what claim form will be submitted for the radiologist's services? 0Nov 16th, 2013 - sandidge2010
what is the difference between the technical componenet and professional component of radiological services 1Nov 16th, 2013 - leads
Medicare Overpayment 0Nov 15th, 2013 - Binta
Help 1Nov 15th, 2013 - Sha12
Laparoscopic takedown of nissen fundoplication CPT® code 0Nov 15th, 2013 - chibbs
preventive visit/ E/M / depo injection 2Nov 15th, 2013 - ASTOUGH
Modifier 58 1Nov 15th, 2013 -
Office Visit then Hospital Visit 1Nov 15th, 2013 - peggy.glodgett
New patient visit 1Nov 15th, 2013 - Mike123
Home visit coding 1Nov 15th, 2013 - KISHOR
ICD 10 Session 13 Chapter 8 0Nov 14th, 2013 -
patient on parole living in a rehab facility 1Nov 14th, 2013 - missadeel
Sequence of CPT® matter for billing 0Nov 14th, 2013 - stevemr03
prolonged visit codes 1Nov 14th, 2013 - sna340
New CCI edit 4Nov 14th, 2013 - Mike123
Medicare question 0Nov 14th, 2013 - Karik80
achilles tendon 0Nov 14th, 2013 - coder64
Billing hi 0Nov 13th, 2013 - ssgillMD
History/physical coding 1Nov 13th, 2013 - ssgillMD
Medicare Hospice Question 1Nov 13th, 2013 - youngblood
medical billing and coding 0Nov 13th, 2013 - natasha053
Physical Exam 3Nov 13th, 2013 - lad110613
For CPT® codes what are the correct dx codes  0Nov 13th, 2013 - simpsons
CPT® code for Destruction of lesion by laser method on tongue 1Nov 13th, 2013 - tmangham
ICD question 2Nov 13th, 2013 - Santhoshcoder
Denial of 99223 0Nov 12th, 2013 - gonzaloquiroga
Lysis of adhesions 2Nov 12th, 2013 -
Anatomical site 0Nov 12th, 2013 - kathyyoungcpma
CPT® question 1Nov 12th, 2013 - neuro1143
ob coding 0Nov 12th, 2013 -
Procedure 1Nov 12th, 2013 - Lind53
If you are doing a new patient physical and office visit at same visit ,do you charge new pt. physical and new patient office visit or office visit as established patient codes? 0Nov 12th, 2013 - jroche
L3170 0Nov 11th, 2013 - cvanvlee49
Main Term? 0Nov 10th, 2013 - samcodie84
Malignant Melanoma 0Nov 10th, 2013 - samcodie84
Lesion Size 0Nov 10th, 2013 - samcodie84
Admin Code for Flue Vaccine and Injections 0Nov 9th, 2013 - ray1987
coding question 1Nov 8th, 2013 - JKel3
Modifiers 0Nov 8th, 2013 - Arunpalepu
Collecting Deductibles up front 1Nov 8th, 2013 -
tryin to figure this out please help 0Nov 8th, 2013 - toodie87
Help 0Nov 8th, 2013 - Sha12
Coding Complex Renal Cysts 1Nov 8th, 2013 -
GI Coding help please 4Nov 8th, 2013 -
Billing for Drugs, when you use less than the "unit per" dose 0Nov 7th, 2013 - Kristie
Applied Behavioral Analysis 2Nov 7th, 2013 - slackcoder
Help 2Nov 7th, 2013 - jjthekoolaid
Global period when surgeon moves to new practice 1Nov 7th, 2013 -
Medicare holding claims 0Nov 7th, 2013 - rphelps
Native Kidney Biopsy 0Nov 6th, 2013 - Eboutin39
laceration repair 1Nov 6th, 2013 - rfiore
Chronic and acute diseases 1Nov 6th, 2013 - millerns
Locum Tenens 0Nov 6th, 2013 - je200934
Medicare lab billing icd-9 code 0Nov 6th, 2013 - obrown
ICD-9-CM coding help please 1Nov 6th, 2013 - katejohnson
consults 0Nov 5th, 2013 - djacobs
Co Management billing for Cataracts 0Nov 5th, 2013 - bsaun3158
stress echo 0Nov 5th, 2013 - jmarshall
Certification 0Nov 5th, 2013 - Sha12
Help 0Nov 5th, 2013 - Sha12
NGS Transition from NHIC, paper remittances 0Nov 5th, 2013 - jodibilling
Is there a code for surgicel? 0Nov 5th, 2013 - lisavest
stress echo 0Nov 5th, 2013 - jmarshall
cpt 0Nov 5th, 2013 - coder64
Hallo placement 0Nov 4th, 2013 - katejohnson
Carpal tunnel need advise please 3Nov 4th, 2013 - katejohnson
carpal tunnel syndorme 5Nov 4th, 2013 - katejohnson
BCBS is not paying us for both the physical and the E/M code. 5Nov 4th, 2013 - kkbloom
diagnosis code 0Nov 4th, 2013 - karen7081
Coding question 1Nov 4th, 2013 - TerryG
Post operative periods and different physicians 1Nov 4th, 2013 - mary11376
the difference between technical and professional radiological services 0Nov 2nd, 2013 - rossie50
what is the difference between technical and professional radiological services 1Nov 2nd, 2013 - rossie50
Help 2Nov 2nd, 2013 - jjthekoolaid
Ultrasound of lower extremity 1Nov 2nd, 2013 - samcodie84
Picc Line 2Nov 1st, 2013 - CeCe
E & M code 99291 in office setting 0Nov 1st, 2013 - abbyakinleye
corticosteroid injection 1Nov 1st, 2013 - rfiore
ICD-10 Training 1Nov 1st, 2013 - speters
Molar pregnancy 1Nov 1st, 2013 - bschambers
Chronic pain coding 0Nov 1st, 2013 - RJULA
Coding question 4Nov 1st, 2013 - Santhoshcoder
2013 October
Need help with a diagnosis code 1Oct 31st, 2013 - TerryG
Anesthesia Modifier 59? 0Oct 31st, 2013 - shandaandrews
CPT® Code A4657 Medicaid Reimbursement 0Oct 31st, 2013 - drosenson
I have a coding question 2Oct 31st, 2013 - TerryG
Can you bill for Silva screening drug test and is so what do I use for CPT®? 0Oct 31st, 2013 - pilewicz
diagnosis coding-please help 1Oct 31st, 2013 - Karik80
ICD-9 Term 6Oct 30th, 2013 - katejohnson
Prolonged visits 3Oct 30th, 2013 - debbiemn2
Hypertension 1Oct 30th, 2013 - obrown
New pt vs established 1Oct 30th, 2013 - rphelps
Getting Paid for Paps 0Oct 30th, 2013 - sextonsr
Medicare Administration code for flu vaccine 2013-2014  1Oct 29th, 2013 - Florenceann
Medi-cal secondary billing 0Oct 29th, 2013 - missadeel
ER Consult with subsequent IP admission - Medicare 0Oct 29th, 2013 - dwhitted
Breast Tissue Re-arrangement 0Oct 29th, 2013 - dwhitted
Re: Porc Code 25600 Billing with proc code A4590 0Oct 29th, 2013 - BONE
Billing Sequence of CPTs 0Oct 29th, 2013 - ravip3366
established patients 2Oct 29th, 2013 - Karik80
Modifier TC 2Oct 29th, 2013 - abbyakinleye
depomedrol  1Oct 29th, 2013 - heartcenter
Medical Decision Making 1Oct 29th, 2013 - Karik80
Billing Anthem Ins for Proc. Code 25600 and A4590 0Oct 29th, 2013 - BONE
Anesthesiologist Supervision of Block 0Oct 29th, 2013 - shandaandrews
CRNA's 3Oct 29th, 2013 - shandaandrews
Help - Arthroplasthy 27442 0Oct 29th, 2013 - KJMills
Icd 1Oct 29th, 2013 - swetha
ICD-9 Code for Verrucous Keratosis with Atypia 0Oct 28th, 2013 - LaurieJJ
Double session 1Oct 28th, 2013 - saljim71
Mitek bone anchor suture - Otolaryngology 0Oct 28th, 2013 - jenniferg
Paper Encounter Forms 0Oct 28th, 2013 -
capsular tension ring 0Oct 28th, 2013 - coder64
Procedure Code 0Oct 28th, 2013 - samcodie84
attending physician’s services 0Oct 28th, 2013 - samcodie84
Inpatient 0Oct 28th, 2013 - samcodie84
E/M Audit Form 0Oct 28th, 2013 - samcodie84
Evaluation and Management 0Oct 28th, 2013 - samcodie84
E Codes 0Oct 28th, 2013 - samcodie84
Hospital ER 0Oct 28th, 2013 - samcodie84
Code Identification 0Oct 28th, 2013 - samcodie84
Diagnosis codes and Office Visits 0Oct 28th, 2013 - samcodie84
Office visit 0Oct 28th, 2013 - samcodie84
Physician’s Services 1Oct 28th, 2013 - samcodie84
Adding Modifiers to codes 1Oct 28th, 2013 - samcodie84
Coding Procedures 1Oct 28th, 2013 - samcodie84
Coding a Diagnosis 1Oct 28th, 2013 - samcodie84
Progress Notes 1Oct 28th, 2013 - samcodie84
Claim Form? 0Oct 28th, 2013 - samcodie84
Modifier's 2Oct 28th, 2013 - samcodie84
are my answers correct? 1Oct 27th, 2013 - jjthekoolaid
Need Help 3Oct 27th, 2013 - jjthekoolaid
Using the E/M Audit Form provided in Appendix A 1Oct 27th, 2013 - samcodie84
correct diagnosis (ICD-9-CM) code(s) for the hospital emergency department visit for patient Fran Green:  2Oct 27th, 2013 - samcodie84
CPT-4 Code for Office Visit 0Oct 27th, 2013 - samcodie84
ICD-9 code for Office Visit 0Oct 27th, 2013 - samcodie84
Subheading in E/M service section 0Oct 27th, 2013 - samcodie84
I need some help with this 0Oct 26th, 2013 - katejohnson
ICD-10 CM preparation training 0Oct 26th, 2013 - jrosenbe
63030 bilaterally same level with foraminotomy 2Oct 26th, 2013 -
ICD-9-CM code  0Oct 25th, 2013 - DanaOrton1
TCM Changing complexity 0Oct 25th, 2013 -
flu shot administered 1Oct 25th, 2013 - drlmp
Line ordering and RVU's 1Oct 25th, 2013 - broberts
CPT® code 0Oct 25th, 2013 - slb0730
sacroiliac joint injection 2Oct 25th, 2013 - rfiore
Ecode 2Oct 25th, 2013 -
Coding V2790 with 63030 0Oct 24th, 2013 -
Abdominal Wall Wound Exploration 0Oct 24th, 2013 -
Auditing-Medical Management Question 0Oct 24th, 2013 -
Home Health Cert. 1Oct 24th, 2013 - Sha12
CPT® code question 1Oct 24th, 2013 - billinglady
modifers  0Oct 24th, 2013 - vgatto
Testosterone cypionate injection 200 mg/cc 1Oct 24th, 2013 - JANNETH6329
Coding Harvest/fat for injection in breast defect after revision reconstruction 9Oct 24th, 2013 - KJMills
cataract 1Oct 24th, 2013 - coder64
Modifer for OB services 0Oct 23rd, 2013 - bjones2301
Lesion 0Oct 23rd, 2013 - Sha12
code 33967 0Oct 23rd, 2013 - jc8295
ent/injection 3Oct 23rd, 2013 - KLINDGREN
Flu shot 1Oct 23rd, 2013 - Karik80
Incident To 3Oct 22nd, 2013 - broberts
shared/split services and consultations 2Oct 22nd, 2013 -
Hpi 0Oct 22nd, 2013 - rphelps
90658 Flu Code 0Oct 22nd, 2013 - drlmp
99212-25 1Oct 22nd, 2013 - MeganLyman13
repair 1Oct 22nd, 2013 - coder64
Labor Check 0Oct 22nd, 2013 - Codedloaded
Labor Check 0Oct 22nd, 2013 - Codedloaded
Annual Wellness Visits 0Oct 21st, 2013 - chus02
Icd 10 0Oct 21st, 2013 - rphelps
confusion due to hepatic cirrhosis 1Oct 21st, 2013 -
Prolonged antibiotic infusion  0Oct 21st, 2013 - jones4959
High Dose Flu Vaccine for Medicare 0Oct 21st, 2013 - loreebar
Parathyroid autotransplant - when removed - need CPT® for removal 0Oct 21st, 2013 - vhale
93306 Injection 0Oct 21st, 2013 - cardio13
TCM Face-to-face within 2 bus days 2Oct 21st, 2013 -
NDC numbers 1Oct 21st, 2013 -
v58.11 1Oct 21st, 2013 -
Left Heart Catheterization 1Oct 21st, 2013 - Binta
52 modifier for transfer immediately after surgery? 0Oct 20th, 2013 - mjblay
ICD-9-cm codes? 4Oct 20th, 2013 - cmorton410
ICD-10 Audio Training 1Oct 19th, 2013 - jwallace113
iCD10 1Oct 19th, 2013 - cchall
E&M - Audit tool 0Oct 19th, 2013 - goodcoder
home health certification 0Oct 19th, 2013 - goodcoder
Left Heart Catheterization 1Oct 19th, 2013 - Binta
can I print icd10 training 2Oct 18th, 2013 - otter21
Coronary Angiography 0Oct 18th, 2013 - kvamk
How may post op days does CPT® code 11042 have? 1Oct 18th, 2013 - cnixon
64718 1Oct 18th, 2013 - coder64
Umbilical Hernia Repair 1Oct 18th, 2013 - Olerip56
TC component of procedures 1Oct 18th, 2013 - ABR0984
Treatment of a surgical wound 0Oct 17th, 2013 - bjones2301
e-mail 1Oct 17th, 2013 - mary77
Radiology codes and CPC exam. 0Oct 17th, 2013 - mdistefano
A4565 2Oct 17th, 2013 - Codedloaded
Medical Decision Making Table A.2 Managment Options Auditing Tool 0Oct 16th, 2013 -
Facet joint injections 0Oct 16th, 2013 - Mike123
tooth reimplantion 0Oct 16th, 2013 - coder64
Modifier on flu vaccine administration 90471 0Oct 16th, 2013 - LauraRCMRS
Initial Hosp Service vs. Subsequent hospital visits 4Oct 16th, 2013 - jenetteis
peroneal tenolysis 1Oct 16th, 2013 - coder64
Fecal Occult 1Oct 15th, 2013 - Sha12
What is the HCPC Code for Atripla 0Oct 15th, 2013 -
HCPC Code 1Oct 15th, 2013 -
Hernia Surgery 0Oct 15th, 2013 - Olerip56
Bone Density Scan 1Oct 15th, 2013 - rphelps
limitations of procedures 0Oct 15th, 2013 - Mike123
twin c-section help 0Oct 15th, 2013 - TerryC
Rural Health Clinic Billing for Nursing Home Visits 2Oct 15th, 2013 - candicegore
86703 0Oct 15th, 2013 - gnaeem
Ultrasound guided common femoral artery access  0Oct 15th, 2013 - Hemar
valve stenosis 1Oct 14th, 2013 - cpeters
Diabetes Self Management training 1Oct 14th, 2013 - dlavinder
88305 Medicare Denial 0Oct 14th, 2013 - gonzaloquiroga
Diagnosis  3Oct 14th, 2013 - Sha12
what CPT® codes are reported for the professiona component 0Oct 14th, 2013 -
technical and professional components 3Oct 13th, 2013 - azmichaela
ICD-9 Code 0Oct 13th, 2013 - karatemom
Can't figure out the code for anemia due to gastric cancer 2Oct 12th, 2013 - Polisenan
Modifiers for Needed Units 0Oct 12th, 2013 -
Coding additional ICD-9 diagnoses for reporting only. 0Oct 11th, 2013 - manskemd
Diagnosis Code Question 1Oct 11th, 2013 -
Billing Procedure Code 27786 1Oct 11th, 2013 - BONE
CT scan 0Oct 11th, 2013 - rphelps
billing for lidocaine injection with either 11100, 17000, 17110 2Oct 11th, 2013 - JCTCCHAN
breast recontruction w removal tissue exapanders 0Oct 11th, 2013 - ketalopez
How do you get Medicare pay for 20552? 1Oct 11th, 2013 - sakira46750
CRNA billing 2Oct 11th, 2013 -
about free ICD-10-CM class video 0Oct 10th, 2013 - ychoi777
Photopheresis / Plasmapheresis and Blood Administration Chg 2Oct 10th, 2013 -
Laparoscopic procedures for pediatric surgery 1Oct 10th, 2013 -
Pap Smear 1Oct 10th, 2013 - mcases1
Multiple EKG's  0Oct 10th, 2013 - dtmapes
billing 99211 with labwork 1Oct 10th, 2013 - Kathelene
Coding DX codes for lab test requisitions 4Oct 10th, 2013 - cpark0403
Patient on IRU floor of Hospital 0Oct 10th, 2013 - suebrady
lens 1Oct 10th, 2013 - coder64
Modifiers can be used to bill Q0091 2Oct 9th, 2013 - Dula
2 Physicians, two visits, same day 0Oct 9th, 2013 - deb2181
Office visit with two different doctors, 2 specialities, same day of servce. How do you code so that both doctors get paid? 2Oct 9th, 2013 - deb2181
Training ICD-10 0Oct 9th, 2013 - annamaria
Syndesmodic Injury Coding 1Oct 9th, 2013 - kat1940
Lab Handling/Conveyance Charge for Outside Lab 2Oct 9th, 2013 - lhaas01
Using 80101 for Michigan and Ohio Medicaid 0Oct 9th, 2013 - bayles
99477 and same day discharg for a transfer to another hospital is it included? 0Oct 9th, 2013 - tmcdon06
spine stimulators  1Oct 9th, 2013 -
Coronary Stent Billing in More then 1 recognized Arteries 0Oct 9th, 2013 - sharris
93970 / 93971 help 0Oct 9th, 2013 - VCC
Pediatric Neurologist Billing for TOVA  1Oct 9th, 2013 - betyrue1976
Question about chronic renal failure 1Oct 8th, 2013 - kat1940
Anatomical Pathology 0Oct 8th, 2013 -
Esophageal banding 1Oct 8th, 2013 - rphelps
Multiple Stents 1Oct 8th, 2013 - kvamk
Eophageal Motility 0Oct 8th, 2013 - cdunbar
bunionectomy 2Oct 8th, 2013 - coder64
insurance companies throwing claims in the trash 0Oct 7th, 2013 - manskemd
ICD-10 training 0Oct 7th, 2013 - JSLynch
Home Health Billing 0Oct 7th, 2013 - jtw
medicare denied 64450 1Oct 7th, 2013 - kimmie
Patient used Part A for ER visit - consolidated billing? 3Oct 7th, 2013 -
IP Hospital billing Ventilator Mgmt and Oxygen same DOS 2Oct 7th, 2013 - Sbreedyk
CPT® 57210  1Oct 7th, 2013 - BMR2013
Otolaryngology - Propel mometasone stent 2Oct 7th, 2013 - jenniferg
my Questions 0Oct 6th, 2013 - mary77
Establish Care 1Oct 6th, 2013 - southerngirl1964
e code 1Oct 5th, 2013 - bruechermelinda
CPT® Excision and Complex 0Oct 5th, 2013 - JinkiesSarah
Keloid scar on wrist secondary to old 3rd degree burn injury 1Oct 4th, 2013 - JinkiesSarah
Depo 1Oct 4th, 2013 - pspecht
ivc filter and venograms 0Oct 4th, 2013 - jdee
99358 0Oct 4th, 2013 - Sha12
Help please 1Oct 3rd, 2013 - Atuman85
Billing in assistant living sitting  1Oct 3rd, 2013 - mary77
Removal of scar tissue from temporomandibular joints 1Oct 3rd, 2013 - tmangham
Can I bill without patient present? 3Oct 3rd, 2013 - AHPCPC06
dx 266.9 and 280.9 1Oct 3rd, 2013 - collector2013
What CPT® code do I use for assay of oxycodone and assay of thc for a urine drug screen? 0Oct 3rd, 2013 - DFINKEN
Gi 1Oct 3rd, 2013 - cdunbar
postoperative paroxysmal atrial tachycardia 1Oct 3rd, 2013 - JinkiesSarah
Synvisc Injection 0Oct 3rd, 2013 - kavita
Can we bill professional component in new hospital? 0Oct 2nd, 2013 - Shery
Coding for PGS 1Oct 2nd, 2013 - jforeman
Icd 9 /icd 10 1Oct 2nd, 2013 - ofhp
New patient vs established 3Oct 2nd, 2013 - rphelps
Webinars 1Oct 2nd, 2013 - sface
Diag coding hx vs hep C 1Oct 2nd, 2013 - ens5
Please Help 0Oct 2nd, 2013 - JinkiesSarah
hospice cert 0Oct 1st, 2013 - Sha12
Help with ICD 9 please 1Oct 1st, 2013 - neuro1143
ICD-9 Code 0Oct 1st, 2013 -
What is acceptable documentation for inpatient shared service with NPP? 2Oct 1st, 2013 - Scott
payable injection code 0Oct 1st, 2013 -
2013 September
ICD-10 training videos 0Sep 30th, 2013 - sgarrett
preventive annual physical 0Sep 30th, 2013 - elliscounty
Anesthesia Coding 1Sep 29th, 2013 - areliz909
E&M Assignment for ED Facilty 1Sep 29th, 2013 - RJULA
ICD-9 code  2Sep 28th, 2013 - ngartam73
What CPT® code do I use for Unilateral Screening Mammogram? 1Sep 27th, 2013 - VickiL
Fibrocystic changes, benign, breast. And Excision Rt breast tumor frozen section. 0Sep 27th, 2013 - JinkiesSarah
Urine Drug Screening 0Sep 27th, 2013 - JMurphy
CPT® code for removal of arm mass 0Sep 27th, 2013 - vhale
breast recontruction w removal tissue exapanders 0Sep 27th, 2013 - ketalopez
Excision of Lesion of Nose with Full Thickness Skin Graft From Neck 1Sep 27th, 2013 - JinkiesSarah
ED diag 1Sep 27th, 2013 - ens5
Excision of granulation tissue vagina 1Sep 26th, 2013 - masont
G0181 1Sep 26th, 2013 - Sha12
ICD9 code needed for arm mass excision........ 1Sep 26th, 2013 - vhale
Methotrexate injections 1Sep 26th, 2013 - LISAWH
Depo Medrol 0Sep 26th, 2013 - kstull40
Hep B vaccine 4Sep 26th, 2013 - pilewicz
code 92587 0Sep 26th, 2013 - pgearing
Home Health Recert (G0179) 0Sep 26th, 2013 - Sha12
correct modifier 1Sep 26th, 2013 -
coding application 2Sep 26th, 2013 - beast
G0180 1Sep 26th, 2013 - Sha12
Botox Admin code 5Sep 26th, 2013 - mary77
Place of service for interpretation 3Sep 25th, 2013 - slackcoder
Endoscopy 1Sep 25th, 2013 - rphelps
Does anyone have a coding competency test? 2Sep 25th, 2013 - Sthompson
casting 1Sep 25th, 2013 -
subjective fevers 0Sep 25th, 2013 - LIDIADO
Medicare Preventive Codes 1Sep 25th, 2013 -
Anesthesia billing 0Sep 25th, 2013 -
Oraiostatic heart rate chart 0Sep 25th, 2013 - Cricket2013
Holmium Laser Litho 1Sep 25th, 2013 - mskinner2012
CPT® 85060 place of service 22 1Sep 24th, 2013 - gerig10
Preventive Visit 99396 1Sep 24th, 2013 -
Removal epithelial cyst of fallopian tube at time of C section 0Sep 24th, 2013 - bjones2301
does anyone bill 93000 and 93040 and the differene in the charge? 0Sep 24th, 2013 - pilewicz
How do I find a question asked 2 weeks ago. 1Sep 24th, 2013 - bjones2301
Open Omentectomy with Laparoscopic Hernia Repair  0Sep 24th, 2013 - ll197902
Can anyone help with shoulder coding? PLEASE 0Sep 24th, 2013 - pinkfirefly7
Home Visit w/AWV 0Sep 24th, 2013 - Sha12
Newborn "other than normal" initial visit 0Sep 24th, 2013 - cbishop
WC Billing for Exposure 2Sep 24th, 2013 -
How do you bill medicare for urinalysis? 1Sep 24th, 2013 - moncin
G0434 3Sep 24th, 2013 - monasabet
Lipoden Injections 1Sep 24th, 2013 - Codedloaded
Depo Medrol Injection for Contraception 1Sep 23rd, 2013 - ALOPEZ
how do I find question I asked 2 wks ago? 1Sep 23rd, 2013 -
Denials P9612 1Sep 23rd, 2013 - sccampbell
Protein C Deficiency Profile 1Sep 23rd, 2013 -
Physician Assistant and Physician --COMMERCIAL 1Sep 23rd, 2013 -
57170 Estring Insertion 0Sep 23rd, 2013 -
CPT® codes 0Sep 22nd, 2013 -
Lower back pain. 1Sep 21st, 2013 - GLOZADA
CPT® codes denied 0Sep 20th, 2013 -
10140 & 12020 1Sep 20th, 2013 - tammrac
Compound Medication 1Sep 20th, 2013 - TONYAASHLEY
97140 and 97124 1Sep 20th, 2013 - sakira46750
coding jaw fractures 1Sep 19th, 2013 - tmangham
Same Day Surgery Room Charge in Hospital 0Sep 19th, 2013 -
How would you code this? 2Sep 19th, 2013 -
EMG's  2Sep 19th, 2013 - malonso
95860 0Sep 19th, 2013 - malonso
99211 3Sep 19th, 2013 -
CPT® codes and modifier 1Sep 19th, 2013 - rebecca
hammertoe 0Sep 19th, 2013 - coder64
workers comp 1Sep 19th, 2013 - rfiore
45385 and 45380 1Sep 18th, 2013 -
G0101/Q0091 help 1Sep 18th, 2013 - TerryC
Coding 0Sep 18th, 2013 -
name change 0Sep 18th, 2013 - Janna
Can you help? Ortho coding 0Sep 18th, 2013 - pinkfirefly7
tdap 1Sep 18th, 2013 - rfiore
Double session CPT® code? 0Sep 18th, 2013 - josephsonassistant
Metoprolol 1Sep 18th, 2013 -
Billing for Jetrea 1Sep 18th, 2013 -
Who can facilitate TCM post-discharge call? 7Sep 18th, 2013 -
vaginal lesion removal 0Sep 18th, 2013 - vmca789
TCM Billing and E& M billing within the 30 day period 0Sep 17th, 2013 - BONNIEP
20610 & Depo-medrol injection 0Sep 17th, 2013 - Elia
If a patient is unable to do the pap during their preventive visit and comes back to have it done later can that be billed with a Q0091? 1Sep 17th, 2013 - lawsonjk
Nuerology practice  1Sep 17th, 2013 - cforsthoefel
excision 0Sep 17th, 2013 - ketalopez
ICD9 code needed 0Sep 17th, 2013 - vhale
Global surgical package supplies exempt 0Sep 17th, 2013 - creesiekay
ICD9 for reason of scan or findings of scan? 5Sep 17th, 2013 - asacoder
Insurance reimbursed for injection not yearly physical code 3Sep 16th, 2013 - BONNIEP
Nancy McGuire's ICD-10 training sessions 0Sep 16th, 2013 -
billing for missed appointments 0Sep 16th, 2013 - bonnieb
osteoarthritic changes 1Sep 16th, 2013 - kat1944
Gallbladder sludge 0Sep 16th, 2013 - rphelps
How do we code for an endoscopic biopsy of pituitary gland? The physician is stating 62165 but we did not remove tumor.  0Sep 16th, 2013 - coder1987
lymphoma in remission 1Sep 16th, 2013 - patw
CPT® code 0Sep 15th, 2013 - shell4265
Order needed for walkin patient for TB testing 0Sep 15th, 2013 - BONNIEP
cardiology codes 0Sep 15th, 2013 - jshealv39
Training videos 0Sep 15th, 2013 -
what is the CPT® code for kidney biopsey (native) 0Sep 15th, 2013 - SherylNelson
78018 0Sep 14th, 2013 - vira
code for past shoulder pain 0Sep 14th, 2013 - rosafenner
Billing for ROCEPHIN 1Sep 13th, 2013 - jforeman
Shared Services with NP in hospital setting 1Sep 12th, 2013 - Sefstratis
Non-walking Dobutamine Stress Echo 4Sep 12th, 2013 - kslevin73
suture removal 1Sep 12th, 2013 -
Non-walking Dobutamine Stress Echo 0Sep 12th, 2013 - kslevin73
sepsis with respitory failure 3Sep 12th, 2013 -
Filling out PEC forms 0Sep 12th, 2013 - lisa2007
My Dr. did a 20610 on the LT shoulder and LT knee. How do I bill it? It can not be the same as billing for both knees 20610 50 Unit 1 double price? Could it be 20610 LT & 20610 LT 76 ? 4Sep 12th, 2013 - Elia
Snf 2Sep 12th, 2013 - Sha12
appropriate use of code 58548 1Sep 12th, 2013 - drailling
CPT 0Sep 11th, 2013 - tracib0313
CPT® 1126f not paid by Medicare 0Sep 11th, 2013 - sakira46750
Age limit on 90660 0Sep 11th, 2013 - Lboromei
CPT® code 0Sep 11th, 2013 - ketalopez
Pre-Op Visits with Primary Care 0Sep 11th, 2013 - coderlady
diferent procedures 0Sep 11th, 2013 - ketalopez
Gastric Sleeve with leak test 0Sep 11th, 2013 - ll197902
difference between 11005 and 49999 0Sep 11th, 2013 - ketalopez
Pre-colonoscopy exam 0Sep 11th, 2013 - rphelps
repair of ventral hernia w torn muscle abdominal area 0Sep 11th, 2013 - ketalopez
how can i billed for completed abd repair w muscle defects and flaps perform  0Sep 11th, 2013 - ketalopez
modifiers 0Sep 11th, 2013 -
Genicular nerve block 0Sep 11th, 2013 - melissaevans
Closed reduction nasal fracture-bilateral 1Sep 10th, 2013 - tmangham
Medical Necessity vs Complexity of MDM 2Sep 10th, 2013 -
Excision of salivary gland 1Sep 10th, 2013 - tmangham
Facility 1Sep 10th, 2013 - Sha12
Issue with commercial insurance paying patient for G0245 and G0910 0Sep 10th, 2013 - needhelp
what is the diagnosis code for CPT® 96372 1Sep 10th, 2013 - dhknight
Screening flexible sigmoidoscopy 1Sep 10th, 2013 - rphelps
Arteriovenous Fistula coding - AVF 0Sep 10th, 2013 - vhale
How many ROS Do you need for Medicare 1Sep 9th, 2013 -
Re: Emergency Visits after hours at office 1Sep 9th, 2013 - Reg1960
Peripheral angiography... Help please!!! 0Sep 9th, 2013 - karenv1
os trigonum 1Sep 9th, 2013 - coder64
ICD-10 Webinars 0Sep 9th, 2013 - sharonsmith22
Malignant Lesion and Advancement Flap Repair 2Sep 7th, 2013 - bee1204
Can you bill CPT® code 99495 with cccc codes 99487,99488 and 99489? 1Sep 7th, 2013 - kathyluckey
78018 (Thyroid whole body scan).  3Sep 7th, 2013 - vira
Billing and Coding 0Sep 6th, 2013 - Nascarchic05
V25.09 with CPT® 99213 1Sep 6th, 2013 - sakira46750
90961 by two different providers 1Sep 6th, 2013 -
pap smear 1Sep 6th, 2013 - Sha12
CPT® Code 1Sep 6th, 2013 - Pheebie4
Pci 1Sep 6th, 2013 - mctaylor
Banding esohageal varices 0Sep 6th, 2013 - rphelps
Wound coding 0Sep 6th, 2013 - lwyslrnng
rejection from MC for office visit 1Sep 5th, 2013 - Gregg
coronary calcium and cardiac risk assessment "consultations" 0Sep 5th, 2013 -
What X-Ray Codes Do We Use.. 3Sep 5th, 2013 - lhaas01
billing 45330 in ASC 1Sep 5th, 2013 - joycel
CCi edit with EKG 3Sep 5th, 2013 -
consultant billing Obs patients 2Sep 5th, 2013 - DrFurmaga
school/work physical 3Sep 5th, 2013 - rfiore
lesion or wart 1Sep 5th, 2013 - Sha12
G0405 1Sep 5th, 2013 - Sha12
unfinished progress note 2Sep 5th, 2013 - mstrub817
left knee arthroscopy 0Sep 5th, 2013 - river1
Ceu available for session 35 only? 0Sep 5th, 2013 - clittlefield
Admin codes 0Sep 5th, 2013 - varas
Coding preventive care code amd OV code on same day 1Sep 5th, 2013 - Ranjitha
Administration codes 3Sep 4th, 2013 - varas
denial of 11404  1Sep 4th, 2013 -
I have a denial for 99396 4Sep 4th, 2013 - sakira46750
Medial Soft tissue Release with Knee Arthroplasty 0Sep 4th, 2013 - ssheley
loop procedure 1Sep 4th, 2013 - coder64
Vascular surgery help 1Sep 4th, 2013 - emmasmom60
infusion 0Sep 4th, 2013 -
ICD9 codes for teeth extractions prior to radiation treatment for squamous cell carcinoma of tongue 0Sep 4th, 2013 - tmangham
Otolaryngology 2Sep 3rd, 2013 - jenniferg
Prevetative Visit versus E/M 1Sep 3rd, 2013 - pams10
Using modifiers correctly 2Sep 3rd, 2013 -
CPT® codes 1Sep 1st, 2013 - tripita01
For someone who is totally new to Coding how hard is it to learn to find the correct codes? 1Sep 1st, 2013 - myheartisinohio16
lap banding 0Sep 1st, 2013 - RNyolanda
ICD10-PCS takes the place of CPT® in Inpatient Settings? 1Sep 1st, 2013 - myheartisinohio16
2013 August
ICD-9-CM Codes Please 3Aug 31st, 2013 - carlafennell
bunionectomy 1Aug 30th, 2013 - coder64
Well womens physical and yearly physical  0Aug 30th, 2013 - driggs
2003 codes 0Aug 29th, 2013 - salome0215
Tcm 1Aug 29th, 2013 - mpisaniello
coding 1Aug 29th, 2013 - geterdone
NDC for J1050 0Aug 29th, 2013 - billinglady
Medicare well woman exam 3Aug 29th, 2013 -
Level 4 office visit. Is there an easy list available  2Aug 29th, 2013 - STEPHFANIE
Renal doppler with color flow 0Aug 28th, 2013 - TerryC
90460-90461 1Aug 28th, 2013 -
Pediatrician Visit 1Aug 28th, 2013 -
Chief complaint 1Aug 28th, 2013 - rphelps
Asthma Education Codes 0Aug 28th, 2013 - loreebar
Case Management Services-Paid by commercial payers? 0Aug 28th, 2013 -
icd 10 2Aug 28th, 2013 - asupercoder
Add-on code for setup on 837 0Aug 27th, 2013 - paulhoang
ICD9 coding for lip laceration 3Aug 27th, 2013 - cwohardy
pulse OX/ medical decision making 0Aug 27th, 2013 - kwolters
How to CPT® code ligation of artery of vulva? 0Aug 27th, 2013 - nlaaron
Well check with admin 90460 3Aug 27th, 2013 -
CPT® Coding for T-Dap (Adacel) 4Aug 27th, 2013 - sccampbell
Billing Procedure codes with Modifiers 1Aug 26th, 2013 - BONE
Modifier 51 0Aug 26th, 2013 - tmangham
Can you please tell me which CPT® code would be used for a transvaginal ultrasound to only check cervical length. Thank you. 2Aug 26th, 2013 - mfilocamo
chemo coding 4Aug 26th, 2013 -
Welcome to Medicare 1Aug 26th, 2013 - Sha12
Central Venous Access Catheter 0Aug 26th, 2013 - LAR
denial code 0Aug 26th, 2013 - pgmedicine
Billing for injection 2Aug 26th, 2013 - dortiz2120
help coding a MCP joint contracture release 0Aug 25th, 2013 - rbickford
Co-45 1Aug 25th, 2013 - Vish
Outside Audits 3Aug 24th, 2013 -
Vasovagal reaction to contrast 2Aug 24th, 2013 -
Can I code 52353 twice? 1Aug 23rd, 2013 - talleyv
Is there a G code for 81000? 1Aug 23rd, 2013 -
CPT® 87999 0Aug 23rd, 2013 - BergquistC
CPT® code for Td immunization  1Aug 23rd, 2013 -
POS Indicators 1Aug 22nd, 2013 -
reply 0Aug 22nd, 2013 - thomasngr
ICD-9 code Urine Drug Test 1Aug 22nd, 2013 - billinglady
Dr. NOT on Premises 1Aug 22nd, 2013 -
discussion areas 1Aug 22nd, 2013 - draer1119
Pulmonary codins 1Aug 22nd, 2013 -
Modifier 5Aug 22nd, 2013 -
Medicare annual wellness visit 0Aug 21st, 2013 -
stress echo done in hospital setting 1Aug 21st, 2013 - mavang2
Shave Bone Spur 1Aug 21st, 2013 - asacoder
BC3020 Week 3 Coding Application 1Aug 21st, 2013 - Dani
Refund Question 1Aug 21st, 2013 -
Patient seen by two physicians 4Aug 21st, 2013 - rphelps
tendon sheath 1Aug 21st, 2013 - Sha12
Drug Wastage for TMHP 2Aug 21st, 2013 -
location of IV line 0Aug 21st, 2013 - emcginley
Coding Surgical Procedure 4Aug 21st, 2013 - Elia
vaccinations 1Aug 21st, 2013 -
Office visit and suture removel 1