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Vcodes & office levels
I have been getting alot of denials lately from Regence Blue Shield and Uniform Medical mainly for coding say a V25.09 with 99213. They are saying it is incorrect billing. When I called they just insist that I can't use an office level with a "preventive" diagnosis which is what they consider any Vcode. I told them we have billed this way for years and never had an issue. I asked them what they expected us to use if someone comes in to discuss getting birth control or changing their current birth control; or to discuss a tublaigation etc...We cannot bill an annual exam as patient is not having a physical and we cannot use the consult CPT's anymore as since CMS won't pay them most other insurances have been following their lead. They wouldn't tell me what CPT® they considered correct. I called our provider rep and just got referred to person after person with no answers or no response at all. What CPT® can I use when patients come in for this type of office visit? Anyone know why the sudden change?