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Mar 20th, 2015 - abbyakinleye 10 

Can 99291 be billed same day at different places of service (21 & 31)

Please help!
I have a physician who saw a patient earlier in the day at the hospital and submitted charges for 99291 & 99292. Then the patient was transferred to Skilled Nursing Facilty later in the day and the physician submitted same charges 99291 & 99292. I know critical care can be given at any time but can I bill these charges as is?
Thank you!

Mar 20th, 2015 -

re: Can 99291 be billed same day at different places of service (21 & 31)

Per CPT®, critical care codes is usually, but not always given in a critical care area, such as the coronary care unit, intensive care unit, pediatric intensive care unit and the respiratory care unit or the emergency care unit. Maybe you should be looking at the Nursing Facility Care codes 99304-99306 for new or esstablished patients and 99307-99310 for subsequent nursing facility care. Read the guidelines in the CPT® book in regards to each sub catergory as to how to correctly apply these codes:)

Mar 20th, 2015 - abbyakinleye 10 

re: Can 99291 be billed same day at different places of service (21 & 31)

Thank you very much! That is exactly my thought because there is another physician (same group) that bills those codes in another Nursing Facility.
I will explore that. Thanks again:)

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