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right colectomy with end ileostomy
Surgery for a right colectomy (terminal ileum to transverse colon) without anastomosis but an end ileostomy instead. How do we code this?
Thank you.
re: right colectomy with end ileostomy
Check CPT® 44160 and 44310
re: right colectomy with end ileostomy
Thank you. Am getting multiple denials on 44310 when using it with 44160 or 44147 and not finding other discussion about this.
re: right colectomy with end ileostomy
The other 2 codes that you selected already have a colostomy or ileostomy as part of its definition so adding another colostomy will cause an edit
re: right colectomy with end ileostomy
There is no bundling with 44310 and 44160 per encoder pro. 44160 does not include a colostomy nor ileostomy. It has a ileocolostomy which is a connection between the ileum and colon.
Provided description of 44160 below.
The physician makes an abdominal incision and removes a segment of the colon and terminal ileum and performs an anastomosis between the remaining ileum and colon. The physician makes an abdominal incision. Next, the selected segment of colon and terminal ileum are isolated and divided proximal and distal to the remaining bowel and removed. An anastomosis is created between the distal ileum and remaining colon with staples or sutures. The incision is closed.