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Jun 25th, 2015 - ValerieCamp 4 

Office visit leads to direct admit to hospital

Patient was scheduled, spent 15 min with physician, phone calls and faxing done for direct admit order. We can't bill E/M , what procedure code if any would be acceptable

Jun 30th, 2015 -

re: Office visit leads to direct admit to hospital

Why would you bill for a procedure, was there one done in the office before the provider admitted the patient, if not you would bill for the admitt code in the ranges of 99221-99223. Per the CPT® book 2015, when the patient is admitted to the hospital as an inpatient in the course of an encounter in another site of service all evaluation and management services provided by that physician in conjuction with that admission are considered part of the initial hospital care when perfomed on the same dat as the admission.

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