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CPT 93925
Is there such thing as screening for PAD with 93925? If so, what is a payable screening DX?
Thank you
re: CPT 93925
Without knowing exactly what is being done, I would refer you to the guidelines and LCD's, I dont know tests were done and why.
Per the AMA” The Ankle-Brachial Index (or ABI) is reportable with 93922 or 93923 as long as simultaneous Doppler recording and analysis of bidirectional blood flow, volume plethysmography, or transcutaneous oxygen tension measurements are also performed”.
93922 or 93923 Peripheral artery studies may be considered medically necessary if the following signs and symptoms are present:
• Claudication of such severity that it interferes significantly with the patient’s occupation or lifestyle, or claudication with the inability to stress the patient;
• Rest pain (typically including the forefoot), usually associated with absent pulses, which becomes increasingly severe with elevation and diminishes with placement of the leg in a dependent position;
• Tissue loss defined as gangrene or pre-gangrenous changes of the extremity, or ischemic ulceration of the extremity occurring in the absence of pulses;
• Aneurysmal disease;
• Evidence of thromboembolic events;
• Blunt or penetrating trauma (including complications of diagnostic and/or therapeutic procedures); and/or
• Follow-up of grafts or other vascular intervention
There are no NCCI edits with 93925 and 93922,