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Coding multiple joint injections
Our patient came into the office for joint injections of right shoulder and of the right and left hip. Provider notes injection to right shoulder 40 mg Kenalog for Dx right shoulder capsulitis, also second injection to right shoulder 40 mg Kenalog for Dx right shoulder subdeltoid bursitis. Patient had 20 mg Kenalog injected into right hip and 20 mg Kenalog injected into left hip for Dx trochanteric bursitis.
Is this the correct coding? 20610-RT, 20610-RT (shoulder injections)
20610-RT 59, 20610-LT 59 (hip injections) J3301-12 units.
Biller states the modifier 59 is not correct. Any suggestions?
re: Coding multiple joint injections
If the procedure was done after the 1st of the year they may be referring to the X modifiers that replace the 59?
XE – Separate Encounter. Used to describe services that are separate because they take place during separate encounters
XS – Separate Structure. Used to describe services that are separate because they are performed on different anatomic organs, structures or sites
XP – Separate Practitioner. Used to describe services that are distinct because they are performed by different practitioners.
XU – Unusual Non-overlapping Service. Used to describe services that are distinct because they do not overlap the usual components of the main service.