Forum - Questions & Answers

May 27th, 2015 - CHERYL.HICKS 1 

CPT® 15260 multiple sites

Hi - Can we bill multiple sites for code 15260? Our provider is an ophthalmic plastic/reconstructive surgeon, she took skin from behind both ears and used those grafts in both eyelids. I tried to use modifier 50 but was told by Medicare I could not use 50 with this CPT® code. Can I bill it on two lines or how do I bill it? Thanks for any advice you can provide.

May 27th, 2015 - petunia 195 

re: CPT® 15260 multiple sites

This code is billed in sq cm's so if your graft was larger than 20sq cm's than you can bill 15261 for each additional 20 sq cm, but it would be inapprorpiate to bill 15260 more than 1 time or with a 50 modifier. The documentation should indicate size of the graft.

May 28th, 2015 - CHERYL.HICKS 1 

re: CPT® 15260 multiple sites

Thank you!!! Makes perfect sense!

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