Forum - Questions & Answers

Jun 2nd, 2015 - evandemark

Pt has surgery (50590) with 90 day global but returns to hospital and surgeon sees pt to remove cath. Can I bill a 99232?

Jun 4th, 2015 - LBAROGIANIS 250 

re: Pt has surgery (50590) with 90 day global but returns to hospital and surgeon sees pt to remove cath. Can I bill a 99232?

That code has a 90 day global,so no e/m visits for 90 days. The cath appears to be included in the procedure. What goes in must come out.

Jun 4th, 2015 - petunia 195 

re: Pt has surgery (50590) with 90 day global but returns to hospital and surgeon sees pt to remove cath. Can I bill a 99232?

What type of catheter are you removing?

Jun 4th, 2015 -

re: Pt has surgery (50590) with 90 day global but returns to hospital and surgeon sees pt to remove cath. Can I bill a 99232?

was the patient admitted or was this done as an outpatient procedure?

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