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fasciocutaneous flaps
Would anyone bill this as CPT® code 15734 for fasciocutaneous flap?
At this point, we turned our attention to repairing the ventral hernia defect. We first excised any unhealthy skin and the fascial edge and then elevated the flap off the anterior fascia bilaterally, gaining at least 10 cm on each side. We then placed a piece of stratus mesh 20 x 25 cm, turned it diagonal and trimmed off the 2 corners on the 2 sides and we then placed interrupted transfascial PDS sutures all the way around the mesh and then closed his native midline fascia over the mesh underaly with interrupted figure-of-eight Nurolon sutures. After we were satisfied with this, we brought the subcutaneous flap together with interrupted Vicryl sutures. After having placed two 19-French round drains under each flap, the drains were secured in place. The subcutaneous tissue was loosly closed and managed by negative pressure wound dressing. At the end of the case, hemostasis was secure and abdomen and each layer of the tissue had been irrigated copiously with warm saline.