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Mar 26th, 2015 - petunia 195 

Preperitoneal packing for pelvic fracture

How would this be coded?

A Phannensteil incision was made sharply and dissection was carried down to the fascia with electrocautery. The fascia was opened along the midline and dissection was carried through the abdominal raphe to separate the rectus muscles. The preperitoneal space was entered and dissected buntly, there was extensive clot within this space, the overflow blood was aspirated. Seven laparotomy pads were packed within the preperitoneal space and the fascia was closed with a running #1 PDS suture. The skin was closed with staples. A dry sterile dressing was applied.

Apr 10th, 2015 - petunia 195 

re: Preperitoneal packing for pelvic fracture

Just in case anyone would come across this and need help I was told by another coding expert that the code to bill would be 49000.

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