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Oct 30th, 2015 - mm2394 18 

Coding Rehab inpatient for E&M at physician's office

Need some help with coding for a patient who is an inpatient in a rehab facility (61) who was seen for an E&M visit in a physician's office. Would POS be 11 for office or 61 for where patient is inpatient. Also, would there be any modifiers? Took place in New Jersey and MAC is not being helpful with guidance.


Oct 30th, 2015 -

re: Coding Rehab inpatient for E&M at physician's office

if the patient was seen in your provders office then the POS would be 11. you would only use the POS 61 if the provider went to the Rehab center and examined the patient there as thats where he is performing the services. No need to use a modifier for just an office visit unles other services were performed, such as a surgical procedure

Oct 30th, 2015 - youngblood 278 

re: Coding Rehab inpatient for E&M at physician's office

If the patient was on the Part A ward at the Rehab, you will need to pursue payment from the SNF out of their reimbursement.

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