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fetal demise
have a 20wk 6 day fetus, dr is saying fetal demise. Coding books state it has to be over 22 weeks gestation to be fetal demise. How should i code this. Diagnosis code.
re: fetal demise
what about the delivery? 59410 or the 59409? which would be the correct procedure code?
re: fetal demise
[have a 20wk 6 day fetus, dr is saying fetal demise. Coding books state it has to be over 22 weeks gestation to be fetal demise. How should i code this. Diagnosis code. ]
i would look further into that other suggested diagnosis code, i do believe that would be the code for the pregnant women, and look at code 632 "early fetal death before 22 weeks gestation..."
Procedure codes are hard to suggest without reading a report.
re: fetal demise
Oh wow, sorry for the incorrect code. I know better than that :/ The procedure coding would need to be by report, I agree with lyndaw.
re: fetal demise
the code 632, is being denied by several insurance company's . All the documentation said she was 20 weeks. So she is rite on that line. To be charged the delivery code or not. That is my problem. Im not sure what to do.
re: fetal demise
After 20 weeks of gestation, you can bill for a delivery, according to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. But you should use 632 (Missed abortion) as the diagnosis code.
If the ob-gyn sees the patient for more than three antepartum visits, you should report 59400 (Routine obstetric care including antepartum care, vaginal delivery [with or without episiotomy, and/or forceps] and postpartum care) with modifier -52 (Reduced services). If the physician sees the patient for only three or fewer antepartum visits, bill each as an E/M service (99201-99215) and report the delivery separately with 59409 (Vaginal delivery only [with or without episiotomy and/or forceps]) or 59410 ( including postpartum care), whichever applies to your case.
re: fetal demise
632 Missed abortion
Early fetal death before completion of 22 weeks' gestation with retention of dead fetus
Retained products of conception, not following spontaneous or induced abortion or delivery.
From the above description of Missed abortion , I am not convinced of putting 632 as ICD - 9-CM code.( Diagnosis Code ) Please correct me , if I am wrong.
Thank you .