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Genital Warts
Just need to verify how others are coding and billing for of removal of Genital Warts?
re: Genital Warts
First look at the method used to remove the warts;
Destruction, Laser, Paring or cutting, sharp removal, electrosurgical, topical chemotherapy or shaving.
For example; if you are looking at destruction of warts, destruction means the ablation of tissues by any method.
You will look for destruction of a lesion which would include warts, (per AMA guidelines under Destruction procedures on the Integumentary system).
Next you need to determine the body part, for example vulva, Use code 56501 for simple destruction of lesions, vulva or 56515 for extensive destruction. Or for Destruction of vaginal lesion(s) see 57061 for simple and 57065 for extensive.