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99291 Doctor A, 99292 Doctor B. How does your practice handle?
Denial Central over there when Doc A does 99291 then gets off shift and then Doctor B submits 99292. Obviously, you can't put two docs on one claim, so the 99292 gets denied for qualifying procedure. Has anyone come up with a solution to this?
re: 99291 Doctor A, 99292 Doctor B. How does your practice handle?
If the Crit Care was done in the same 24 hr period. Our trauma docs add the times together and bill under one physician. I am curious why you would bill 2 diff docs on the same claim????
re: 99291 Doctor A, 99292 Doctor B. How does your practice handle?
We can't put two docs on the same claim, so it splits; this denial central! Thanks for letting me know how your practice handles this. that was my suggestion to my docs as well.