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AAA Endovascular repair with IVUS
I believe we may be having a misunderstanding related to the procedure guidelines for Endovascular AAA repair (34802-34805) where it states: "Other interventional procedure performed at the time of endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repair should be additionally reported (eg renal transluminal angioplasty, aterial embolization, intravascular ultrasound, balloon angioplasty or stenting of native artery(s) outside the endoprothesis zone, when done before or after deployment of graft" It was explained to me that when IVUS is performed on the endoprosthesis zone, during AAA stent placement, the IVUS is not billable. However, I feel the only thing not billable when performed in the endoprosthesis zone, per the guidelines is the angioplasty or stenting of the native arteries within the endoprosthesis zone. Can anyone please help to clarify this, as I feel we are missing billing for a billable service for the IVUS.
Thank you!