Forum - Questions & Answers

Jan 29th, 2016 - cmc2012 14 

Help, please! E&M coding question

Orthopaedic Physician saw the patient in office for a follow for LT 2nd toe amputation (patient is already off global period). Patient was found to have a non-pressure ulcer on LT foot. Physician decided patient needed to be admitted that day and the admission was done under PCP care. 99213 was billed for this office visit. Ortho saw the patient next day at the hospital, wants to charge a 99222 and use office visit note from previous day as consultation note for the 99222. I do not think this is correct, but in doubt. Please someone that could let me know whether or not this is the correct way to bill it.

Thank You, all!

Jan 30th, 2016 - LBAROGIANIS 250 

re: Help, please! E&M coding question

Yes that is correct.
See this article:

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