Forum - Questions & Answers

Dec 11th, 2016 - bhavani1977

doubt in elements of hpi

what will be the context in hpi when the chief complaint is emesis

Nov 8th, 2017 - ChrisW   256  1 

Elements of an HPI

The HPI (history of present illness is a description of the development of the patient's illness or complaint. Based on 1997 Medicare Guidelines, there are 8 elements that must be covered describing the first sign or symptom to the present encounter.

1. Location. What is the site of the problem?
2. Quality. What is the nature of the pain?
3. Severity
4. Duration
5. Timing
6. Context.
7. Modifying factors
8. Associated signs and symptoms

Brief and extended HPIs are distinguished by the amount of detail needed to accurately characterize the clinical problem(s).

A brief HPI consists of one to three elements of the HPI.
DG: The medical record should describe one to three elements of the present illness (HPI).

An extended HPI consists of at least four elements of the HPI or the status of at least three chronic or inactive conditions.
DG: The medical record should describe at least four elements of the present illness (HPI), or the status of at least three chronic or inactive conditions.

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