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Feb 12th, 2016 - bsrinivasarao777     3 

Can we bill 99233 twice on same day

Hi all, Here I am new to denial management and I need your support on below scenario.

As per my documentation there provider A had rendered 99233 service on 030615 & 030715 with the dx sequence 434.91,250.00,585.9 & 780.09 and for the same date of services provider B also rendered 99233 service with the dx sequence 431,780.09 & 348.5.
I went through the specialty of the above mentioned providers, both are different specialties
In this case the provider B charges got denied as a duplicate and I tried with an appeal again it got denied as non-covered charges.

Please I need your suggestion on above mentioned scenario,


Feb 12th, 2016 - LBAROGIANIS 250 

re: Can we bill 99233 twice on same day

You can't have both specialities seeing patient for the same thing. Services provided should match up to the speciality. Ex: Cardiologist See patients for heart. Neurosurgery sees patient for SDH. Another thing to consider, are you billing under the same tax id for both specialities? If so, is the tax id considered a multi-speciality group or does that payer have you listed as a multi-speciality group? The best bet is to call the insurance carrier and ask the exact nature of the denial.

Feb 12th, 2016 - Codapedia Editor 1,399 

re: Can we bill 99233 twice on same day

If the notes show that both visits were medically necessary, both should be paid. I'd appeal with notes. Assuming the notes are good.

Feb 16th, 2016 - ewilliams224 19 

re: Can we bill 99233 twice on same day

Not if it is the same provider and the same patient. The visits are to be combined and billed as one.

Feb 13th, 2016 - bsrinivasarao777     3 

re: Can we bill 99233 twice on same day

Thanks for your support on this scenario....

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