Forum - Questions & Answers

Apr 8th, 2015 - RJULA 6 

Plastic surgery question on suction assisted removal of lipoma

If suction assistance is used to remove a lipoma is it correct to assign 15877-doctor insists that suction assistance is only the technique he used to remove the lipoma and that it should be coded as 21555?

Excision of aforementioned lipomas using the suction assisted lipectomy technique

The patient was marked preoperatively, brought to the operating room, placed in supine position, brought
under by general anesthesia, prepped, padded, and draped in appropriate sterile fashion. Sterile
injectable saline 1000 mL with 1 mL of adrenaline and 50 mL of 0.25 percent Marcaine with 1:100,000
epinephrine was used for the tumescent solution. A 1000 mL on the right lateral chest and 1000 mL on
the left lateral chest and approximately 900 mL was removed from each side to excise the lipomas on the
right side.

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