Forum - Questions & Answers

Oct 1st, 2015 - silvd20 2 


If a physician (A), provides pulmonary function tests in his office and another physician (B) who is treating the patient, orders a PFT, does the performing provider (A) that provides this service have to see the patient for an E/M prior to performing the tests? My understanding is that it would not be medically necessary for physician (A) to perform an E/M when the treating physician (B) has already decided and ordered the PFT.
Or does physician (A) have to see the patient first?

I would really appreciate any CMS references to validate responses.

thank you

Oct 1st, 2015 - Michael1948 4 

re: PFT's

the physician doing the PFT does not need to have an EM service. Pulm docs do this all the time.

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