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May 8th, 2015 - cassywelzen

Coding fracture care in office and then doing surgery later

So my doctor saw a new patient in office DOS 04/29/15 and billed a 27786 closed treatment and put a splint on patient. The patient later under went surgery on 05/01/15 and was billed 27792. Can we not bill for the surgery code because the patient is in a global from the fracture care given on 04/29/15? I'm confused as to how it works if you see the patient in office and treat for closed fracture treatment and then the patient later has surgery that same week. Any help would be much appreciated. :)

May 8th, 2015 - petunia 195 

re: Coding fracture care in office and then doing surgery later

You can bill in the global period a surgical procedure, you would need to add either a 78 or 79 modifier. Office visits in the global are what you would want to watch billing, but surgical is okay.

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