Forum - Questions & Answers

Jul 9th, 2015 - petunia 195 

47120 Liver resections

If a provider does liver resections on 2 lobes is it appropriate to bill 47120 x's 2. Partial liver resections of segment 1 and segment 5.

Jul 10th, 2015 - petunia 195 

re: 47120 Liver resections

This is the response I received on another site in case the question comes up again.

Earlier this code can be billed with only 1 unit. But CMS has released new Medically Unlikely Edits (MUE) as 2. So you can bill this CPT® code with 2 units. Billing example:
Line 1: 47120 X 2 units.
Line 1: 47120 X1 unit
Line 2: 47120 -51 modifier X1 unit.

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