Forum - Questions & Answers
Code G8730 rejection
We suddenly have several claims rejected for using G8730.
Is there a replacement code? What has been your experience?
re: Code G8730 rejection
I am not seeing a replacement code, just that it has been deleted as of 12/31/20 (It can still be used if you are reporting for 2020).
Which MIPS measure are you looking at? This code was being used in 2019 MIPS Measure #131: Pain Assessment and Follow-Up. Are you still trying to report for 2019? I would suggest looking at the Quality measure you are reporting and see which codes should be reported for the current year you are working on and the current Numerator and Denominator you should be reporting. Visit for more information. I hope this helps; any other feedback is welcome.
Here is a copy of the QPP for #131