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coding of 64450
The physician performed 64450 on bilateral knees different nerves, charged x6 the MUE for this is 10 units maximum Does the 64450 code mean you can bill per nerve treated or injected?
re: coding of 64450
we can bill it for per nerve injected as desription of the code says nerve block other peripheral nerve or branch so it is a blcok to nerves and does not describe any treatment done to the nerves so it is billed as nerve injected
re: coding of 64450
we can bill it for per nerve injected as desription of the code says nerve block other peripheral nerve or branch so it is a blcok to nerves and does not describe any treatment done to the nerves so it is billed as nerve injected
re: coding of 64450
It is true that this code has an MUE of 10, which means you can only bill this to Medicare with a maximum of 10 units (10 different nerves/branches). After that, Medicare will not pay.