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Dec 27th, 2016 - adamsmith0123  

How to track metrics for medical practice?

Hi Guys,

i need to track my medical practice, give some suggestions

Dec 27th, 2016 - cogger1990 2 

re: How to track metrics for medical practice?

Tracking metrics for medical practice is one of the biggest challenge practices face. But it can be made easier by first knowing what metrics are important to you. Where can you get the metrics from? Is there any EMR biller to help you with? Do you maintain a template or a work sheet to track down the ones you want? Or is there an App that can integrate with your EMR and make it all simple.

Before you proceed with finding out the metrics, I would suggest you give a read to this article on 6 revenue cycle metrics you must be tracking now -

Aug 23rd, 2017 - vincymol 1 

How to track metrics for medical practice?

It depends on the process you want to track and the key indicators of success for that process. Some guiding questions below:

Where does your process start, where does it end, and what are the 4–6 major steps in the process?

What benchmarks or goals exist and which of these steps if done well can mean success?

How does everything show up finally and where can these be measured? Do you have leading indicators too?

Focus on the easy to measure and critical steps first and then dive deeper or wider as you move along.

Good luck!


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