Forum - Questions & Answers

Aug 28th, 2015 - mormile47 1 

Medical vs. Dental

Patient books appointment for a lesion on the lip.
We accept their dental insurance but not their medical insurance but has out of network benefits. They need to meet their deductable before seeing any reembursement.

As an Oral Surgery Group the issue is, we are asked to accept the patient's dental insurance for the medical Dx. office visit. Then if the patient is in need of a biopsy then we send it to the medical. The theory there is get the patient in the office.
I feel that this theory is wrong and it's deceiving to the patient.

Can anyone give me their thoughts about this problem?
Thank you!

Aug 28th, 2015 -

re: Medical vs. Dental

I would thing that if your licensed as physicians, MD's and not as Dentist, you cannot bill the office visit as a dentist. Just my thought, would be interesting to hear what anyone else has to say!!

Aug 28th, 2015 - mormile47 1 

re: Medical vs. Dental

oral surgeons are dentist but can bill their specialty to medical.

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