Forum - Questions & Answers

Feb 8th, 2016 - ewilliams224 19 


Having a debate. When a minor under age 18 is seen, who is registered as the guarantor?

The custodial parent or whomever brings the minor in for that visit?

We are in Virginia.

Thank you.

Feb 8th, 2016 - afgbilling 59 

re: Guarantor

Whomever brings the child in is the person responsible for the bill. You do not want to get involved in a divorce situation, for example, that would be between the parents. Also, you need to let the person bringing the child in know that they are responsible, that way they can't say "bill the father" and the father says, "no, bill the mother!" (or whatever the case may be) Otherwise, the next thing you know, you're in the middle of a big mess!

Feb 8th, 2016 - ewilliams224 19 

re: Guarantor

So for example, if a grandmother, who is bringing the child in due to a parent not available, the grandmother would be the guarantor?

And at the next visit, if the parent brings same child, that parent would be the guarantor?

So you change your "guarantor" information on your patients account everytime?


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