Forum - Questions & Answers

Mar 23rd, 2016 - TerryC 39 


Does anyone know how to code for a duoneb. We used to use J7645 but it comes back denied. Thanks

Mar 23rd, 2016 - codinqueen 57 

re: Duoneb

I don't code these since the charge-master puts them on the claim for my hospital, but I am getting CPT® code 94799 from my encoder. Don't know if that helps you because you didn't say what kind of code you are looking for, PCS or CPT® or HCPCS? I do NOT have a HCPCS book to be able to help with a HCPCS code and my encoder doesn't have a choice for HCPCS to my knowledge since we don't code HCPCS often. If I find one I will post it later, but there are probably members on this forum who have access to HCPCS books and maybe one will post the answer for you.

Mar 23rd, 2016 - codinqueen 57 

re: Duoneb

CPT® 94640 can be used if it is used as therapy for acute airway obstruction. See CPT® book. There are various other CPT® codes to be used for longer periods of time or reasons. 94664 is for demonstrating it or evaluating the pts' use of a nebulizer but can only be reported once per day. That code is to teach the pt how to do it or check to see that they are doing it correctly. You will need a modifier -76 if you report 94640 more than once per date.

Mar 24th, 2016 - TerryC 39 

re: Duoneb

Sorry, For the meds we use the J7645 but this comes back denied. I don't know if there is a different code for "Duoneb" meds.

Mar 24th, 2016 - codinqueen 57 

re: Duoneb

If you could post the meds and dosages you are using in these duonebs, maybe someone with a new HCPCS book or a Red Book for drugs could help you. I don't code for the supplies.

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