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Well check with admin 90460
BCBS of NC is denying our E&M well check office visit when with the administration codes 90460 and 90461. We bill the office visit with a 25 modifier, and their denial is "the amount billed exceeds the global allowance for this service." Keep in mind these are well checks and we are providing face to face counseling by the provider at the time the vaccines are given. Is their another modifier we should use, or no modifier at all. We at the beginning of the year when the NCCI edits were updated we did bill our well checks with no 25 modifier and our administration and vaccines were getting denied. Is this a national problem or just with BCBS of NC? Help
re: Well check with admin 90460
Are you also using -76 on the 90460's if there is more than one on the same day?
re: Well check with admin 90460
[Are you also using -76 on the 90460's if there is more than one on the same day?]
no. i use modifier 25 on my exam. and still get denied . so i have to use modifer 76 instead
re: Well check with admin 90460
What service is being done to support the E/M? The counseling is included in the 90460