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Oct 12th, 2015 - KathyLyman4659 2 

complete cutaneous exam

I am wondering the proper coding for a complete cutaneous exam.
We are currently using D23.9 for Other benign neoplasm of skin unspecified.

Would it be more appropriate to use a "Z" code, one of the Encounter
Codes? Or even just to use the D23.9 and also use the Z code?

Oct 12th, 2015 - Codapedia Editor 1,399 

re: complete cutaneous exam

I would think V76.43 for a screening. Does the patient have a benign neoplasm? It may or may not be paid.

Oct 12th, 2015 - KathyLyman4659 2 

re: complete cutaneous exam

This is a screening check recommended by the American Academy of Dermatology.
It is a look at all of their skin. Usually something is found, especially in older
patients, that needs to be shaved off and sent for pathology. We have been
charging this code forever in ICD-9 and it has been paid. It is considered a
well-check up. Sometimes nothing is found that needs treatment and it is
still paid. The old code we used was 216.8 in ICD-9. Thanks for your suggestion.

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