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Jan 8th, 2016 - TerryC 39 

screening labs help please!

Our patients are getting bills for labs done as part of their physicals. Mostly for Vitamin D. How are you suppose to code for labs other than the Z00.00. Especially if the patient doesn't end up having any of the problems you are testing for. These tests are expensive, how do you know if someone has something unless you test them for it.
PS. we are also having a BIG problem with dexascans 77080. It looks like unless the patient has Osteoporosis, Cushing's syndrome, Osteopenia you can't do a screening Dexa. It looks those are the only codes they cover. What happened to being able to bill for , menopause, screening for osteorosis? Help please. Thank you

Jan 8th, 2016 - Charlene   50 

re: screening labs help please!

Depends on health plan (i.e. Medicare or Commercial) and their billing policies. It also depends on which services you are referring. As far as labs, you only mentioned Vitamin D. For commercial plans, you can use Z00.00; however, not all Commercial plans cover Screening Vitamin D levels.
Medicare never covers a screening Vitamin D.

If the patient is taking a Vitamin D supplement for Vitamin D deficiency, you can code ICD-10 "E55.9 for Vitamin D deficiency, unspecified". In addition, check your Medicare Local Coverage Determination (LCD) for other codes that support Vitamin D level.

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