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Nov 17th, 2016 - SIVAPRIYA 2 

NU Modifier

Can you please explain what is the purpose of modifier "NU".

Nov 17th, 2016 - petunia 195 

re: NU Modifier

NU -- NEW DURABLE MEDICAL EQUIPMENT PURCHASE.This modifier is used for new DME items that are purchased. When using the NU modifier, you are indicating you have furnished the beneficiary with a new (never used) piece of equipment.

The following modifiers indicate that an item has been purchased:

** NU New Equipment (use the NR modifier when DME which was new at the time of rental is subsequently purchased)
** UE Used Equipment
** NR New when rented
** KM Replacement of facial prosthesis including new impression/moulage
** KN Replacement of facial prosthesis using previous master model

NU, RR Modifiers

NU and RR are only considered valid modifiers for procedure codes (items) that can be either rented or purchased.

Modifiers NU and RR are used to clarify which method of use is being billed on a claim when the item is eligible for both rental and/or purchase (e.g. walker, crutches, standard wheelchairs, hospital bed). These are the only codes that will be allowed in combination with either NU or RR.

Do not use modifier NU for an item that cannot be rented.

If the item is always purchased, clarification with modifier NU is not needed. It is unnecessary and redundant to use modifier NU for items that are always purchased. The code should be reported without the unnecessary modifier.

Examples of items that are always purchased are: anything custommolded, any supplies, any one-patientonly items such as wrist/leg braces, etc. Procedure codes for these items should be reported without modifier NU.

Nov 18th, 2016 - crysmarye 1 

re: NU Modifier

NU New Equipment (use the NR modifier when DME which was new at the time of rental is subsequently purchased) ** UE Used Equipment ** NR New when rented ** KM Replacement of facial prosthesis including new impression/moulage ** KN Replacement of facial prosthesis using previous master model
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