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Aug 13th, 2015 - sportystar101

Denials for ordering XRays

I work in an orthopedic office. Recently a practice manager said that the PA's and NP's are getting denials on X-Rays that we order. Why can't PA's order X-Rays and why would that be denied by the insurance companies?

Aug 13th, 2015 - LBAROGIANIS 250 

re: Denials for ordering XRays

I belive it depends on your state. We have 3 PA's in our practice and in the state of Florida, PA's are just like the physicians and they can only do what the physician would do in the scope of our pracice. Here is a website for Florida. I would look up your states statues.

Aug 13th, 2015 -

re: Denials for ordering XRays

Are you billing the claim with a supervising provider, PA's and NP's need supervising providers on their claims unless you have had them credentialed through the insurance co. not sure if you can credential a PA, but I know NP can be.

Aug 13th, 2015 - mdavis9 1 

re: Denials for ordering XRays

It also depends on the state you are working in. In Virginia, they are reimbursed.

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