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Jan 20th, 2016 - sschwartz 4 

CPT® G0434 ua tox

I found out today that the G0434 ua tox CPT® has been deleted as of 010116 but I can't find out what CPT® code replaced it. Can anyone tell me what CPT® code I would now use in place of G0434?

Jan 20th, 2016 - codinqueen 57 

re: CPT® G0434 ua tox

try 80300. Look at that area of CPT® codes in the book. I don't code or bill for urine drug screen tests, but this is listed in my 2016 CPT® book. G codes (HCPCS codes) are often replaced by CPT® codes as the technology evolves.

Jan 21st, 2016 - ewilliams224 19 

re: CPT® G0434 ua tox

HCPCS code G0477 has replaced the G0434 for 2016.

Jan 21st, 2016 - taradalyn1 16 

re: CPT® G0434 ua tox

I billed G0478 with modifier QW in place of G0434 with mod QW but Medicare denied it saying the modifier is wrong. Any help would be greatly appreciated! Also, is G0477 or G0478 the correct replacement?

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