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? Nail bed repair
Would this be considered a nail be repair?
I performed a digital block of the left fourth finger with a total amount of 4ml of 0.5% bupivicaine without epinephrine. Using mosquito forceps, the proximal nail edge was relocated within the nail fold. I was unable to clip the patient's acrylic nail using iris scissors. The nail was steristripped down into place.
re: ? Nail bed repair
11760 states the damaged nail is removed from the nailbed, and then the nail is sutured. Since you didn't remove any nail, or suture it, but used steri-strips, I wonder if you could report it as 11760-52. Since you don't state you removed any portion of the nail that was damaged, I am on the fence with this one. Another CPT® code, 11730 requires provider to dissect the nail plate from the nail bed, but you didn't say you did that either. The only other CPT® code that comes to mind is 17999 which is unlisted procedure, which we all shy away from for obvious reasons. Could you just report the digital block instead of a repair? I am thinking maybe 64415?
re: ? Nail bed repair
Thanks for the help.