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Dec 1st, 2016 - jhoppe15

73552 x-ray code

I am having issues on finding any clarification on what views are included when billing the 73552 - femur 2+ view code. We have been billing a fracture femur series the included views of the femur and of the hip, basically billing out 73552 and 73502 together. The question came up by one of our physicians on why we bill for (and he has to dictate) the hip x-rays when he is needing to see the femur and we have to take the hip to see the top of the femur.

Does anyone have any guidance on billing these codes?

Mar 1st, 2018 - ChrisW   256  1 

re: 73552 x-ray code

If you need a different view with an X-ray to reveal the diagnosis and it is clinically appropriate, there is no reason you should not provide the service and bill it. Communicate with the provider so he is documenting the necessity. I don’t see a problem with it, if it is medically necessary and documented, there are no NCCI edits and there are no rules stating otherwise.

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