Forum - Questions & Answers

Oct 12th, 2016 - cmgmr 4 

AAA Screening

Is CPT® 76705 the correct code to use for screening for abdominal aortic aneurysm? This was ordered as part of annual wellness visit in a 66 year old male who is a former smoker. Unfortunately the provider used Z00.00 as the Dx code, which I am sure is incorrect. My thinking is that he should have used Z87.891 or Z13.6 for the Dx. The patient does have an insurance which allows for this screening with no copay/deductible/coinsurance from the patient. I am just starting to look into this matter for this patient, although I feel the "problem" is the Dx code used, I would appreciate some input as far as the CPT® code being used. Thanks in advance for any input!

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