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Jun 12th, 2015 - R1CPC 1 

Laparascopic colectomy with anastamosis with coloproctostomy

provider removes the descending colon via laparascopic approach, once he gets to the proximal resection he mentions " I came down to the rectosigmoid juction and then the purple Endo-Gia was then fired accross this area a 4cm incision was made in left lower quadrant and the the specimen was brought out and proximally, I was able to make a pursestring and come across it and the 25 EEA anvil was introduced and tied down. then an end to end anastomosis was created. After the anastamosis was created, there was air insufflation test which was negative or leak. If the physicians mention resecting at the rectosigmoid junction and anastamosis the remainding colon to this point is this considered a coloproctostomy? 44207?

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