Forum - Questions & Answers

Sep 11th, 2015 - Spunch36  

Takedown of GJ tube and replacement with 2 separate tubes such as Gastrostomy tube and feeding Jejunostomy

So this patient is having their GJ tube replaced due to mechanical failure/obstruction and having replaced with 2 separate G tube and J tube. (seperate sites) The procedures are as follows:

1. Takedown of GJ with partial resection of stomach and small bowel (44625)
2. Placement of Stamm Gastrostomy tube (43830)
3. Placement of feeding Jejunostomy tube (44300)
4. Biopsy of small bowel mesentery infiltrative tube (44020-59)

I know you cant code J tube and G tube placement per CCI edits so I'm not sure on how to code this or if this qualifies for and open unlisted procedure?

Any thoughts?

Thanks in advanced

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