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ICD10 for post ablation syndrome
I am looking for a code for post endometrial ablation syndrome. I am coming up with Z98.891 although I hate to use Z codes for the primary DX as some of our payers deny the z codes as a primary DX.
re: ICD10 for post ablation syndrome
According to the CDC 09/13/2016 proposed changes, the code N94.82, isn't in print, in other words NOT YET published in either of my recently purchased (two different publishers) of 2017 ICD-10-CM, manuals.
See page 88:
ACOG proposes the following tabular modification.
N94 Pain and other conditions associated with female genital organs and
menstrual cycle
N94.8 Other specified conditions associated with female genital organs
and menstrual cycle
New code N94.82 Post endometrial ablation syndrome
Hope this helps a bit.