Forum - Questions & Answers

Oct 20th, 2016 - LJJohnson 1 

Diagnosis code to support cautery of non-bleeding ulcer

I have a chart where the patient came in with anemia and melena and underwent an EGD. The physician found several ulcers, none of which were bleeding but one of which had a dark pigmented spot, which he cauterized.

When I try to code with K25.9 (gastric ulcer - no hemorrhage or perf) and 43250 for the EGD & cautery 3M gives me a message stating to "review dx & procedure coded. Procedure code 43250 may not be appropriate w/ the dx coded." If I try 43255 for control of bleeding (there was no active bleeding so I'm reluctant to use that one - but he thought it had been bleeding" I get the same message.

Any insight?


Laurie Johnson, CCS, COC

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