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Jun 21st, 2013 - Karik80 13 

Why is this being denied?

Its only this one insurance-BCBSMN.

96372 when being billed with an e/m level. We have the 25 modifier appended to the e/m. They are saying that this is incidental to another procedure? Confused.


Jun 21st, 2013 - Cat1 41 

re: Why is this being denied?

What else is being billed? I am guessing there is another E/M code.

Jun 21st, 2013 - Karik80 13 

re: Why is this being denied?


dx 784.0

Jun 21st, 2013 - blanche22 20 

re: Why is this being denied?

Try adding the modifier 59 to 96372. I started this and it is getting paid.

Jul 1st, 2013 - Karik80 13 

re: Why is this being denied?

thank you~

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