Forum - Questions & Answers

Jul 23rd, 2015 - pigaPLLC1   4 

denials and bundle

I have been billing 81002 but seems to get bundle with E/M code. What modifier should I use? the clia waive or 59? please advise


Jul 23rd, 2015 - catclayton 6 

re: denials and bundle

What E/M code are you using and what dx code. In my experience MED usually doesn't pay for 81002 either way, but I have seen rare instances where they do, but even then not much.

Jul 24th, 2015 - lkclayton75 2 

re: denials and bundle

In the past I had BCBS Texas and Arkanasas require I ass a modifier 25 t the E/M. I didn't agree with this but it was a Payor Specific request.

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