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Oct 23rd, 2015 - Loni10 2 

Using ICD10CM follow up codes Z08 and Z09

Is anyone clear on when and how to use these codes? We are seeing denials with these codes used with office visits and other procedures in Dermatology. If we use any code from category Z85, we are using Z08 in front of it per the category instructions under Z85.

Thank you.

Oct 27th, 2015 - Codapedia Editor 1,399 

re: Using ICD10CM follow up codes Z08 and Z09

This is a problem occurring everywhere.

Following ICD-10 sequencing rules brings a denial. In ICD-9, we used "personal history of malignant neoplasm" as the first and only code for cancer surveillance visits and they were paid.

Your specialty society is aware of this problem, but that doesn't help today.


Nov 2nd, 2015 - Loni10 2 

re: Using ICD10CM follow up codes Z08 and Z09

Yes, it is becoming an inconvenient problem. Thank you for your response. I will keep trying to see exactly how they want these coded and what works.


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