Forum - Questions & Answers

Nov 2nd, 2015 - amoore7661

Pulmonary & Sleep Study Reimbursements

Hi, I don't have access to the Medicare Fee Schedule, and if anyone could help me, I would appreciate it. I am assisting an associate who has respiratory therapy degrees and is a respiratory equipment vendor and has an independent sleep study facility. He is interested in codes 94774, 94775 billing in a hospital setting and if there are any other E/M codes, home services etc. that can be attached with those codes. or if intrapulmonary percussive ventilation is billable and at what rate.

If there is no reimbursement specifically for intrapulmonary percusive ventilation, is there an alternate reimbursement code. I think this code is 94610.

Is there any reimbursement for lab for titration studies.

Is there reimbursement for split night and titration studies.

We are located in the West Palm Beach, FL. area.

I am a Codapedia member and thank you for any guidance in the billing process you can lend.

Please email me at

Thank you


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