Forum - Questions & Answers
look it up!
I have been on this discussion forum for about 2 wks now. I am truly suprised by how many questions are asked where the answer is in the CPT® book under guidelines or within the code descriptor itself. At the very least - google it! I'm a little concerned now about the quality of education some coders have received thus limiting their "how to look it up" skills. Or is it just that some folks are too lazy and seeking a quick answer? I do not mean to offend, seriously. But I am concerned. Take the time to look it up. This will strengthen your skills as a coder and increase your value to the medical community. Google really is your friend
re: look it up!
I absolutley agree, it amazes me how most of the answers that are being asked are right there in your CPT® book, or as you say they can googled. I never had answered a question on here without first looking in my CPT® book and I will reference where the answer was found or in the ICD-9 books. Wisdom comes from reading and research and it expands your knowledge on coding, you never know what you may find just doing reasearch!! Good Luck:)
re: look it up!
Indeed. My particular favorite times of year are when the new coding students paste their assignments for someone else to answer for them (without even bothering to try to answer themselves). Kudos to all who do not respond for your integrity.
re: look it up!
As a teacher, it is easy to recognize students that are wanting answers without researching. I do not respond to them. Has it never crossed their mind that this almost guarantees they will score poorly on a pre-employment test?
When I was screening applicants my pre-employment test was designed to identify these learning shortfalls. Those applicants did not get consideration.