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Exam Under Anesthesia during post op
Procedure Code 67040 was billed on 10/12/14 with an LT modifier and dx code 361.81, POS out patient hospital.
Patient was back in on 11/07/14, we billed procedure code 92018 with a modifier 24, and dx code 361.81, POS out patient hospital
An EUA is an exam not a surgical procedure. We billed this exam in the midst of the patients Post Op period using the same diagnosis as the surgical procedure done on 10/12/14. Should we adjust the EUA off as being part the global fee for surgery?
re: Exam Under Anesthesia during post op
We have noticed denials in the global if the original surgical dx is used at all in the global period even if the 24 is present. If there was no other reason for the visit I would adjust the charge. If there is a dx that is outside of the surgical dx you could try that.