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Sep 28th, 2015 - sjones392 1 

CPT® code 45388 and 45385

Having problems getting these codes paid together.Are they bundled

Sep 28th, 2015 -

re: CPT® CODE 45388 AND 45385

45385 is for removing polpys, tumors or lesions by snare
45388 is for removing polpys, tumors or lesions by ablation by laser

I would think that if you removed the polyps by ablation, you could not bill for removing them by snare, you cannot remove the same polpys twice, so you have to pick which way the provider its removing them by, not both.

Sep 28th, 2015 - sjones392 1 

re: CPT® CODE 45388 AND 45385

Even if doctor states he removed polyps form sigmoid colon with snare 45385 and polyps in transverse colon with cold forceps 45388.

Sep 28th, 2015 -

re: CPT® CODE 45388 AND 45385

in that case, then yes he can bill for two seperate procedures as the polyps were remove in two different areas. you will need to apply the modifier XU, but alot of insurance companies are still not identifying the new modifier that replaces modifier 59, if you know that the insurance you are billing does not, then new modifier 59.

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