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Apr 28th, 2016 - taradalyn1 16 

Medicare Secondary Payment Insurance Type

Medicare has started rejecting secondary payments because the "do not include the correct MSP (Medicare Secondary Payer) type code. Their website gives a list of MSP Insurance Types to choose from e.g. Working Aged, Disability, ESRD, automobile/no-fault, Workers' Comp, Liability (product liability, malpractice, homowner's). None of these fit my current patients. My patients are under age 65, working, and simply have Medicare as secondary insurance. Is there a more complete list of type codes to reference? I don't understand what MSP insurance type code they are wanting. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Apr 28th, 2016 - codinqueen 57 

re: Medicare Secondary Payment Insurance Type

I don't have an answer to your problem because I only code for hospitals, but am wondering how one gets Medicare as a secondary insurance when one is under the age of 65 and still working? As far as I know, Medicare is not available to people under the age of 65 unless they are disabled, therefore they wouldn't be working. My husband is under age 65 and took early retirement, and he is covered under my health insurance through my employer because I am still working. Neither of us have a secondary insurance but it would sure be nice! If there is some way to get Medicare as a secondary insurance when we are still working and/or under the age of 65, I would love to read about how to qualify and where we need to go to sign up. If there TRULY is such a program, no wonder Medicare is running out of money! Thanks!

Apr 29th, 2016 - LBAROGIANIS 250 

re: Medicare Secondary Payment Insurance Type

See below: How we set up our Medicare secondary payer. See the number 47 and the MB.
This is how are MAC wants it. Not sure what state you are in, but I am in Florida.
Hope this helps.

Apr 29th, 2016 - LBAROGIANIS 250 

re: Medicare Secondary Payment Insurance Type

sorry forgot to add this:

Well it won't let me paste the picture... When you set up your insurance for Medicare Secondary Payer it must say Medicare secondary payer to the correct address, then under source of payment you use "MB" and then under insurance type you use "47". I wish I could paste the pic but I can email it to you.

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